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May 2020

Online Training Programme on Ensuring Safety, Health and Welfare at Workplace

Course Details:
Course Title Online Training Programme on Ensuring Safety, Health and Welfare at Workplace
Course Objective It is against this background that the V.V. Giri National Labour Institute is organising an online training programme on the ‘Ensuring Safety, Health and Welfare at Workplace’ with the following specific objectives:  Understand the transformations in the world of work and its impacts on Occupational Safety and Health.  Understand the legal instruments and policies on Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) in the Indian context.  Analyse the safety and health challenges for workers in informal employment and implications of COVID-19 on the health and safety of Workers.  Examine the OSH Reforms and address how the reforms (The Occupational Health, Safety and Working Conditions Code, 2019) will impact the workers and employers.
Methodology This training will be delivered in an online mode. The training will primarily make use of lectures, case studies and experience sharing. It will also include group discussions and thus be participative in nature.
Participation Level This online programme is open to Labour Department officers, research scholars representatives of trade unions, and civil society organisations concerned with safety, health and welfare at workplace. Participants should have working knowledge of English.Participants should have access to internet and computer with audio-visual facilities.
Faculty Dr. Ruma Ghosh, Fellow, VVGNLI Email: rumaghosh[dot]vvgnli[at]gov[dot]in
Date From 15-06-2020 to 17-06-2020
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue Online Training Programme
Course Director
Download Course Info Download Course Info (Online Training Programme on Ensuring Safety, Health and Welfare at Workplace.pdf)

Online Training Programme on Leadership Development For North Eastern States

Course Details:
Course Title Online Training Programme on Leadership Development For North Eastern States
Course Objective The aims of the programme to enhance leadership skills are with the following major objectives: • To develop skills and techniques for effective leadership skills. • To deliberate issues pertaining to the protection of financial Consumers. • To acquaint the participants with managing self during COVID-19. • To address online work culture and issues of Cyber Crime • To strengthen emotional skills on managing stress in pragmatic manner.
Course Profile Basic understanding of leadership skills, protection of financial consumers, managing self-care during COVID-19, online work culture and issues of Cyber Crime, managing stress for enhancing, emotional IQ e.t.c,
Methodology This training will be delivered in online mode. The training will primarily be interactive in nature with the provision of case studies; dissemination of documentaries; group work; Lectures.
Participation Level Students, trade union leaders, NGOs representative, social activists, NSS volunteers engaged in north east states should apply for this training. For the welfare of vulnerable and marginalized section of the society, we will appreciate if participants from reserved categories (SC/ST/OBC) are also nominated.
Faculty Dr. Shashi Bala, Course Director, Fellow, Email: shashibala2002[at]gmail[dot]com/balashashi[dot]vvgnli[at]gov[dot]in
Date From 18-05-2020 to 23-05-2020
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue Online Training Programme
Course Director
Download Course Info Download Course Info (Brouchre for online training programme on North east, May 18-23 ,2020 North east.pdf)

Online ‘Capacity building Programme on emerging labour market issues and strategic responses’.

Course Details:
Course Title Online ‘Capacity building Programme on emerging labour market issues and strategic responses’.
Course Objective This training programme aims to enhance the capacities of the concerned stakeholders in designing and operationalizing effective labour market and employment policies and thereby undertaking various policy initiatives. Specific Objectives include: Provide an overview of emerging trends in employment scenario at the national and global level. Acquire knowledge about Labour Market dynamics in India especially during crisis. Understand the pattern and complex phenomenon of employment, in its various dimensions including gender. Capacity building to undertake labour market analysis and strategies in employment generation.
Methodology This training will be delivered in an online mode .The training will primarily make use of lectures, case studies and experience sharing. It will also include discussions and thus be participative in nature.
Participation Level Officers and key functionaries of the government, representatives from trade union, employers and civil society organizations dealing with labour market. Researchers and PhD scholars specializing in labour market studies. Participants should have working knowledge of English. As this is an online training, those enrolling in the programme should have access to internet and laptop/desktop with audio-visual facilities.
Date From 08-06-2020 to 10-06-2020
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue Online Training Programme
Course Director
Download Course Info Download Course Info (Brochure of VVGNLI Online Training Prog on Emerging Labour Market Issues and Strategic responses June 08-10, 20.pdf)

Online Training Programme on “Addressing Issues relating to Child Labour"

Course Details:
Course Title Online Training Programme on “Addressing Issues relating to Child Labour"
Course Objective The specific objectives of this Programme are: Develop understanding on the implications and consequences of the ongoing pandemic for children of the poor, Sector-specific Roles and Responsibilities of Stakeholders in reducing vulnerability to Child Labour and shaping well-being of children, Understand the gender Dimensions of child labour, Locating Identifying linkages of climate change and Child
Methodology This training will be delivered in an online mode. The training will primarily make use of lectures and discussions, followed by questions and answers. The Training sessions will be substantiated with Power Point Presentations, Audio visuals, etc. Some re
Participation Level Civil Society Partners, Project Society, Project Directors, Voluntary Educational and vocational Instructors, and Programme Managers of NCLP, Officials of Line Departments of the Central and State Governments dealing with the issues of Child Protection and Child Labour such as Labour, Police (Anti -Human Trafficking Units, Traffic Police, Railway Police, Missing Children Unit, Special Juvenile Police Unit (SJPU)), Women and Child Development (CWC, Child Line, District Child Protection Unit (DCPU) Child Protection Committees (CPCs), Department of Social Welfare, Tribal Development, Rural Development, Social Welfare, Health Department, Social Justice and Empowerment, Education (Basic Shiksha Adhikari(BSA)/District Education Officers, SSA, Primary Education, Secondary Education, School Management Committees (SMCs)) Self Help Groups (SHGs), Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) Participants should have working knowledge of English/Hindi Language. Further, as this is an online training, those enrolling in the programme should have access to internet and laptop/desktop with audio-visual facilities.
Faculty Dr. Helen R. Sekar, Course Director, Senior Fellow, VVGNLI
Date From 02-06-2020 to 03-06-2020
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue Online Training Programme
Course Director
Download Course Info Download Course Info (Brochure of VVGNLI Online Training Prog on Child Labour June 02-03, 2020.pdf)

Online Capacity Building Programme on Enhancing Work Proficiency

Course Details:
Course Title Online Capacity Building Programme on Enhancing Work Proficiency
Course Aim The aim of the programme is to make leaders aware about importance of work proficiency to achieve personal and organizational goals via enhancing work culture.
Course Objective V. V. Giri National Labour Institute (VVGNLI) is organizing an online training programme on ‘Online Capacity Building Programme on Enhancing Work Proficiency’ with the following objectives – To have familiarity with the changes and trends in Industrial relations.-To sharpen skills of time management.- To manage Anger, Time & Stress.
Course Profile Principles and techniques of time management, enhancing leadership skills for stress and its management, controlling anger, Trends in Industrial Relations
Methodology This training will be delivered in an online mode. The training will primarily be interactive in nature with the provision Case studies; Mangerial Games; Group Work; Lecture. Comprehensive literature will also be provided to the participants.
Participation Level Management Personnel and Plant level trade union leaders from Government Establishments, Public and Private Sector Undertakings. Participants should have working knowledge of English/Hindi Language. Further, as this is an online training, those enrolling in the programme should have access to internet and laptop/desktop with audiovisual facilities.
Faculty Dr. Shashi Bala, Course Director, Fellow, Email: shashibala2002[at]gmail[dot]com/balashashi[dot]vvgnli[at]gov[dot]in
Date From 11-05-2020 to 15-05-2020
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue Online Training Programme
Course Director
Download Course Info Download Course Info (Brochure VVGNLI Online Training Programme on Enhancing Work Proficiency May 11- 15,2020.pdf)

Online Training Programme on Recent Initiatives towards Codification of Labour Laws in India.

Course Details:
Course Title Online Training Programme on Recent Initiatives towards Codification of Labour Laws in India.
Course Objective V. V. Giri National Labour Institute (VVGNLI) is organizing an online training programme on ‘Recent Initiatives towards Codification of Labour Laws in India’ with the following objectives – • To provide an understanding of the need and the context of codification of the labour laws in India, • To discuss critically, the broad scheme and key features of various labour codes, • To discuss the implications of labour codes on labour market in India and • To discuss the perspectives of various stakeholders on the provisions of these labour codes.
Methodology This training will be delivered in an online mode. The training will primarily make use of lectures and discussions, followed by questions and answers. Each session will be based on a structured Power Point Presentation.
Participation Level Officials from the Central and State Labour Departments; representatives of Central Trade Unions; employers’ organizations; civil society organizations, teachers and researchers working in the domain of labour. Participants should have working knowledge of English Language. Further, as this is an online training, those enrolling in the programme should have access to internet and laptop/desktop with audio-visual facilities.
Faculty Dr. Sanjay Upadhyaya, Course Director, Senior Fellow, VVGNLI Email: sanjay[dot]vvgnli[at]gov[dot]in and Dr. Manoj Jatav, Co-course Director, Associate Fellow, VVGNLI Email: jatav[dot]manoj[at]gov[dot]in
Date From 27-05-2020 to 29-05-2020
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue Online Training Programme
Course Director
Download Course Info Download Course Info (Brochure VVGNLI Online Training Prog on Codification of Labour Laws May 27- 29,2020.pdf.pdf)

Online Training Programme on The Future of Work

Course Details:
Course Title Online Training Programme on The Future of Work
Course Objective The specific objectives of this Programme are: Analyse the major contours of the future of work. Trace technological changes and their impacts on and implications for work and work relations. Examine the major labour market implications of COVID-19 and assess the responses of various stakeholders. Delineate the components of the major pathways to ensure a brighter and equitable future of work. These include striking a balance between qualitative and quantitative dimensions of employment ensuring gender equality at the workplace, developing a robust social protection system, particularly to cover those in the informal economy, use of digital tools to improve labour market outcomes and promoting social dialogue.
Methodology This training will be delivered in an online mode. The training will primarily make use of lectures, case studies and experience sharing. It will also include group discussions and thus be participate in nature.
Participation Level This online programme is open to senior- and middle-level functionaries of the government, representatives of trade unions and employers’ associations, faculty members of institutions/universities, and research scholars and civil society organisations concerned with transformations in the world of work and future of work. Participants should have working knowledge of English. As this is an online training, those enrolling in the programme should have access to internet and laptop/desktop with audio-visual facilities.
Date From 20-05-2020 to 22-05-2020
Training Details
Venue Online Training Programme
Course Director
Download Course Info Download Course Info (Brochure VVGNLI Online Training Prog on Future of Work May 20-22,2020.pdf)
