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मुख्य पृष्ठ >> Node >> Centre for Agrarian Relations, Rural and Behavioural Studies

Centre for Agrarian Relations, Rural and Behavioural Studies

Worldwide Labor markets play a key role in shaping employment and income levels in rural areas. Even though the agriculture sector alone cannot be predicted to absorb all of the rural labor force substantially, still, its association in generating employment, and contribution towards the variegation of the economy, are significant. Access to labor markets is predominantly necessary for rural populations, as this may be their only resource for sustaining their livelihood. Often, the only talent possessed by these workers is their labor. Therefore, it is all the more important to strengthen the functioning of rural labor markets, as this is the only effectual way of humanizing the efficiency of their foremost talent, and occupation. Meaningful adoption of sustainable agriculture practices for employment generation and labor markets is a key concern. For this detailed research is needed, as there is only very limited evidence of the rural economy.

With growing complexities in agrarian relations and rural labor markets, it was felt that there is a need to analyze these complexities more scientifically and systematically through an integrated approach so that appropriate policies and programs could be formulated to suit the needs of rural labor.

Importance of Behavior Studies

Today we stare at a technological revolution that could fundamentally alter the way we live, work, and relate to one another. In their scale and scope, these transformations that are happening would not have been imagined by humankind.

To cope with the social, economic, technological, and other environmental challenges posed, especially at the workplace, it is not only important that the hard skills be sharpened and skilled but the soft skills need to be developed as aligned to the work culture. The soft skills, behavioral, and attitudinal interventions imparted through training and development would go a long way in enhancing the productivity of the individuals and in turn organization they work for, but also in improving the culture at the workplace. Soft skills include a combination of people skills, social skills, characteristic & personality traits, attitudes, career attributes, and social and emotional intelligence quotients, among others, that enable people to navigate through various challenges encountered in day-to-day professional and personal life.

The center aims to address the behavioral and attitudinal skill requirements of various stakeholders and social partners i.e. trade Union leaders and workers; members of the employers’ organizations; managers and staff of the public sector undertakings; central and state government officials of various departments, researchers, trainers, members of civil society organizations, Panchayati raj institutions, members of grass-root level organizations of both rural and urban areas, etc. The center has been enhancing the capacities of managers and staff of various organizations like all Nationalised Banks, Reserve Bank of India, Oil India Limited, National Fertilizers Limited, NALCO, NTPC, BHEL, etc.

The methodology adopted by this institute involves a varied set of tools and techniques viz. case studies, role plays, management games, exercises, experiential sharing, etc.

Major Research Projects completed/initiated

§  Agrarian Reforms and its Impact on Agricultural Development in West Bengal

§  Organising Rural Labour for Effective Participation in Development: An Action Research, Khurja, U.P.

§  Organising Rural Labour for Effective Participation in Development: An Action Research-Chittorgarh, Rajasthan.

§  Organising Rural Labour for Effective Participation in Development: An Action Research-Kancheepuram, Tamil Nadu.

§  Organising Rural Labour for Effective Participation in Development: An Action Research Niwari&Prithvipur, Madhya Pradesh.

§  Assessment of the Impact of Anti-Tobacco Legislation on the livelihood of Beedi Rollers, Tendu Leaf Collectors, and Tobacco Cultivators.

§  Assessment of Employment Potential - A Case Study (West Bengal)

§  Evaluation of Welfare Fund for Beedi Workers in Madhya Pradesh Region

§  Evaluation of Operation of Welfare Fund for Limestone and Dolomite Workers of Madhya Pradesh

§  Evaluation of Iron Ore Mine Workers of M.P. & Chhattisgarh. 

§  Study of JanshreeBimaYojana

§  Agrarian Structure, Social Relations, and Agricultural Development: A Case Study of Ganganar and Jodhpur Districts of Rajasthan.

§  Informal Sector in Arunachal Pradesh

§  Assessing Social Security Measures and Promoting Effective Participation of Beneficiaries: An Action Research Project, Murshidabad

§  Assessing Social Security Measures and Promoting Effective Participation of Beneficiaries: An Action Research Project, Tikamgarh, M.P.

§  Assessing Social Security Measures and Promoting Effective Participation of Beneficiaries: An Action Research Project, Khurja, U.P.

§  Rural Industrialization and Options for Self Employment in Rural Areas.

§  Changing Pattern of Rural Non-Farm Employment

§  Rural Industrialization and Options for Self-Employment in Rural Areas

§  Module on Leadership Development

§  The module on Organizational structure, Culture & Productivity

§  Decoding Agrarian Crisis: A Gender Perspective

§  कृषि संकट को समझना: एक लिंग परिप्रेक्ष्य

§  Decoding Agrarian Crisis: Emerging Challenge

§  कृषि संकट को समझना: उभरती चुनौतियों का अध्ययन

§  Decoding Agrarian Crisis- A Study of Production, Employment and Emerging Challenges in Rural Agriculture

§  डिकोडिंग कृषि संकट- ग्रामीण कृषि में उत्पादन, रोजगार और उभरती चुनौतियों का एक अध्ययन

§  Monitoring the Contribution of Production, Employment and Emerging Challenges in Urban Agriculture

§  शहरी कृषि में उत्पादन, रोजगार और उभरती चुनौतियों के योगदान की निगरानी

§  E-rural Camp: Empowering Women in the Rural Economy through Labour Codes, 17-19 August 2021

§  ई ग्रामीण शिविर श्रम संहिता के माध्यम से ग्रामीण अर्थ व्यवस्था में महिलाओं का सशक्तिकरण, 17-19 अगस्त, 2021

§  E-rural Camp :Strengthening Leadership Skills of the Advocates of Women Labour on Labour Codes, September 1-3, 2021

§   ई ग्रामीण शिविर श्रम संहिताओं पर महिला श्रम के पैरोकारों के नेतृत्व कौशल को सुदृढ़ बनाना September 1-3, 2021;

§  Green Job Scenario in India- Present and Future Prospects.

§  Case Studies on Contract Labour Workers.

§  Case Study on Gig Workers.

§  Green energy initiatives to promote green jobs: A case of Rajasthan

§  Social Security through Green Jobs: A Case Study of Government Policies and Programmes

§  Sugarcane Farming in Uttar Pradesh with special reference to conditions of workers and pattern of Employment


Research Advisory Group

The Centre is having the following distinguished persons as its RAG members for seeking guidance, orientation and direction for carrying out its various activities:

§  Mr. K.B. Saxena, Professor, Council for Social Development

§  Dr. M.M. Rehman, Former Senior Fellow, VVGNLI

§  Prof. Praveen Jha, Jawaharlal Nehru University

§  Mr. Nagendra Nath Ojha, President, Bhartiya Khet Mazdoor Union

§  Mr. V.S. Nirmal, General Secretary, Bhartiya Khet Mazdoor Union


Centre Coordinator

Dr. ShashiBala

Senior Fellow

Ph.: 0120-2411533/34 Extn.225

