S.No. | Subject | डाउनलोड |
41 | Photo of 'Gandhi with Textile Workers at Darwen, Lancashire, September, 1931' | डाउनलोड |
42 | Photo of 'After a Visit to a Textile Mill in Lancashire, September, 1931' | डाउनलोड |
43 | 1913 Satyagraha Campaign Resumes | डाउनलोड |
44 | 'Subsidiary Observances' from the Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi, Vol. 13 | डाउनलोड |
45 | 'Send Your Yarn, Necessity of Bodily Labour and Humiliation or Honour', from the Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi, Vol. 28 | डाउनलोड |
46 | 'Letter to Harsukhrai' from the Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi, Vol. 30 | डाउनलोड |
47 | 'Speech by Mahatma Gandhi on Birth Centenary of Tolstoy' from the Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi, Vol. 37 | डाउनलोड |
48 | 'Varnadharma and Duty of Labour - I, II and III' from the Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi, Vol. 42 | डाउनलोड |
49 | 'Bread Labour' from the Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi, Vol. 50 | डाउनलोड |
50 | 'Duty of Bread Labour' from the Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi, Vol. 61 | डाउनलोड |