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मुख्य पृष्ठ >> Node >> Promoting Decent Work in the Construction Industry

Promoting Decent Work in the Construction Industry

Course Details:
Course Title Promoting Decent Work in the Construction Industry
Course Aim Sensitizing the participants with the concept and need for decent work and discuss various issues and strategies for its promotion in the construction industry.
Course Objective
  • To familirise the participants with the concept and components of decent work and its relevance in construction 
  • To  identify  major  challenges  towards  attaining  decent  work  condition    in  the construction industry. 
  • To  discuss  ways  and  means  to  address  the  various  challenges  for  promotion  of decent work in construction 
Course Profile Concept of decent work, Problem areas in the construction industry that poses real challenges for decent work, initiatives for decent work in construction, thrust areas for the successful promotion of decent work. Experience of good practices in construction.
Methodology Lecture, Group Exercise and Case Study
Participation Level Labour Officials and Leaders of Construction Workers/Union Activists from CTUs, Representatives from Employer’s Association/ Construction Industry
Faculty External Resource persons from Central Trade Unions and in-house faculty
Date From 26-12-2016 to 30-12-2016
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V.V. Giri National Labour Institute, NOIDA
Course Director Mr. Priyadarsan Amitav Khuntia