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मुख्य पृष्ठ >> Node >> Organising the unorganised Towards Effective Leadership

Organising the unorganised Towards Effective Leadership

Course Details:
Course Title Organising the unorganised Towards Effective Leadership
Course Aim To enhance organsiation building capacity and empowering the trade union leaders from unorganised sector
Course Objective
  • To provide an overview of the issues in the urban unorganised sector;
  • To  appraise  the  Industrial  relations  framework  in  the  urban  unorganised  sector and the challenges before trade unions;
  • To create awareness on relevant labour legislations;
  • To  understand  the  role  of  trade  unions  in  establishing  labour  standards  and promoting labour rights; and
  • To build up capabilities for organising labour in the urban unorganised sector
Course Profile Issues and dimensions of urban unorganised sector; Industrial relations framework of India; Value of positive attitude, Labour laws; Structure and functions of trade unions and emerging challenges.
Methodology Lecture, Structured Group Exercise and Simulation Games
Participation Level State and district level trade union representatives working in the urban unorganised sector from Central Trade Union Organisations.
Faculty External resource persons from Central Trade Unions and in-house faculty
Date From 02-01-2017 to 06-01-2017
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V.V. Giri National Labour Institute, NOIDA
Course Director