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मुख्य पृष्ठ >> Node >> Preventing and responding to Child Labour

Preventing and responding to Child Labour

Course Details:
Course Title Preventing and responding to Child Labour
Course Aim To prevent and respond to Child Labour
Course Objective
  • Orientation  and    Sensitization  of  Government  officials    and  Social  Partners  for preventing  and responding to Child Labour
  • Enhancing awareness on the situation of child labour in Districts with high magnitude and incidence
Course Profile Concept, Definitions, Situational Analysis of child labour, Role and Responsibilities, Governmental and Non-Governmental Strategies and Interventions, Legislation and Conventions, Mobilisation of Efforts, Resources and benefits of Development Schemes, Community Awareness Generation and Motivational Skills
Methodology Lecture, Group Discussion, Plenary Session and Panel Discussion, Documentaries
Participation Level State-level Government Officials of line Departments and Social Partners
Faculty Child Labour and Child Protection Specialists
Date From 05-08-2016 to 05-08-2016
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue States of Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, J&K, Jharkhand, Odisha, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh as a part of UNICEF Child Labour Project
Course Director