Labour & Development June 2011
Publisher: V.V. Giri National Labour Institute
Serial No: ISSN 0973-0419
Period: Jun 2011
Book Description
Interrogating Empirical ‘Support’ for Labour Market Flexibility
-Praveen Jha and Sakti Golder
Indian IT Industry and Work: A Study of Health Risk among BPO Workers in Bangalore
-Manoj Kumar Jena
AIDS Awareness and Vulnerability of Migrant Construction Workers in Faridabad, Haryana
-Jyoti Kakkar
Rethinking Cooperatives in Rural Development: A Case Study of Handloom Weavers’ Cooperatives in Manipur
-Otojit Kshetrimayum
Discourse on Corporate Social Responsibility: Rhetoric and Reality
-Roopinder Oberoi
Employment, Wages and Living Conditions of Migrant Workers: A Case Study of Migrant Construction Workers in Kerala
Book Specification
Title | Labour & Development June 2011 |
Patron | Shri Ved Prakash Yajurvedi |
Associate Editor | Dr. Ruma GhoshDr. Otojit Kshetrimayum |
Publisher | V.V. Giri National Labour Institute |
Period | Jun 2011 |
Serial Number | ISSN 0973-0419 |
Number of Pages | 128 |
Journal Volume | 18 |