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मुख्य पृष्ठ >> Node >> International Training Programme on Research Methods in Labour Studies

International Training Programme on Research Methods in Labour Studies

Nomination Form Details:
Course Applied International Training Programme on Research Methods in Labour Studies
Course Duration To
Applied Date 20-12-2017
Organisation Name Shyam Lal College University of Delhi
Designation Assistant Professor
Organisation Phone Number 01122324086
Organisation Email shyamlalcollegeday[at]yahoo[dot]co[dot]in
Organisation Address G.T. Road, Shahdara, East Delhi,
Passport No
Aadhar No 959066460757
How the training is likely to benefit the nominee as well as the organisation This training programme will help to resercher in he following ways... A researcher can gain all tools by which he/she use further in his/her research. This training programme will provide following benefits to a researcher. • Provide opportunity for young Social scientists, academicians and post-graduate students, to learn best practises in Research Methodology for Labour studies, Technical Writing, Language and Soft Skills that could contribute in better research output. • Equipping the researchers with knowledge about opportunities in applying for Research grants, preparation of proposals for funding agencies, etc. • Development of soft skills required for researchers and social scientists. • To provide a platform for interaction with eminent social scientists and researchers. Further, I want to understand all concepts of research in labour, this will be helpful for my further research/study. This course will provide me all such opportunities, where a researcher can improve his skill and design of this course is more suitable for new researchers
Previous courses attended at VVGNLI NO
Whether Hostel Accommodation is required no