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March 2021

Online Training of Trainers Programme for Rural Educators

Course Details:
Course Title Online Training of Trainers Programme for Rural Educators
Course Aim

The programme aims at empowering Rural Organizers from Central Trade Unions.

Course Objective

The programme is specifically being organized by the Institute in order to achieve following main objectives:-

  • Develop understanding of empowerment;
  • Discuss the issue of empowerment;
  • Acquaint with labour laws for unorganized Sector;
  • To sharpen the skills for communications, personal effectiveness and strengthening their trade unions.
Course Profile

Rural Society, Behavioral skill for enhancing leadership potentials, Labour laws, Equal remuneration, Developing Training Skills.

Methodology This training will be delivered in an online mode. The training will primarily make use of lectures, case studies and experience sharing. It will also include group discussions and thus be participative in nature.
Participation Level Rural Society, Behavioral skill for enhancing leadership potentials, Labour laws, Equal remuneration, Developing Training Skills.
Faculty Dr. Ramya Ranjan Patel, Associate Fellow, VVGNLI Email: rrpatel[dot]vvgnli[at]nic[dot]in
Date From 12-04-2021 to 16-04-2021
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue Online Training Programme
Course Director
Download Course Info Download Course Info (Online Training of Trainers Programme for Rural Educators from April 12-16, 2021.pdf)

Online Orientation Programme on Labour and Globalisation

Course Details:
Course Title Online Orientation Programme on Labour and Globalisation
Course Aim
To familiarize young students with various Labour Issues and their capacities to contribute in their academic and professional pursuits.
Course Objective
  • To understand world of work and decent employment To make the participants acquainted with various Labour Issues
  • To discuss important issues related to labour and employment
  • To enable participants to contribute in their academic and professional work.
Course Profile
Understanding Labour and Labour Market, Overview of Issues, Skill Development of Employment, Employability (Youth Employability), Productivity, Inclusive Growth, Social Protection, Migration, Labour Administration, Child Labour, Gender Issues, Introduction to Labour Research, Leadership/communication Skill, Labour Research etc.
Methodology Lectures, discussions, audio-visual presentations, case studies and experience sharing.
Participation Level Students currently pursuing MA in Social Sciences. We will appreciate if participants from reserved categories (SC/ST) are also nominated.
Faculty VVGNLI Faculty, External Resource Persons, Social Scientists
Date From 19-04-2021 to 23-04-2021
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V.V. Giri National Labour Institute Sector–24, NOIDA–201301, Uttar Pradesh
Course Director
Download Course Info Download Course Info (Online Orientation Programme on Labour and Globalisation, April 19-23, 2021 (2).pdf)

Online Training Programme on Making Conciliation Effective

Course Details:
Course Title Online Training Programme on Making Conciliation Effective
Course Aim
The course aims at equipping conciliation officers to appreciate the contemporary industrial relations scenario and nature of issues for conciliation along with developing behavioural skills required for effective conciliation.
Course Objective
At the end to the Course, the participants would be able to:
  • Understand the contemporary industrial relations scenario
  • Facilitate a better appreciation of the nature of issues for conciliation
  • Critically analyse the provisions and the relevant case laws of industrial relations legislation pertaining to the conciliation process
  • Develop behavioral skills necessary for effective conciliation
Course Profile
Fundamentals of labour laws with specific emphasis on provisions of the Code on Industrial Relations, 2020; Problems of delay in conciliation proceedings; Inputs from behavioral sciences to deal with the process of conciliation effectively; Recent trends of law in the field of conciliation; Attitude of employers/unions towards conciliation
Methodology This training will be delivered in an online mode. The training will primarily make use of lectures, case studies and experience sharing. It will also include group discussions and thus be participative in nature.
Participation Level The Conciliation Officers appointed as per provisions of Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 from Central Government and State Governments.
Faculty Dr. Manoj Jatav, Associate Fellow, VVGNLI Email: Jatav[dot]manoj[at]gov[dot]in
Date From 12-04-2021 to 16-04-2021
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue Online Training Programme
Course Director
Download Course Info Download Course Info (Online Training Programme on Making Conciliation Effective, April 12-16, 2021.pdf)

Online Training Programme on Gender and Labour Issues

Course Details:
Course Title Online Training Programme on Gender and Labour Issues
Course Aim
The programme aims at strengthening the understanding of participants on gender and labour issues.The programme would acquaint the participants with the various inequalities prevalent in
the labour market and also enable them to develop an understanding about the challenges existing in the labour market.
Course Objective
The programme is based on these following broad objectives:
  • To develop a conceptual overview of gender and work;
  • To address the various inequalities and discriminatory practices prevalent in the work of work;
  • To discuss the impact of COVID 19 on women workers.
  • To discuss various gender sensitive responses to COVID 19 and international best practices.
  • To provide an insight into the legislative provisions for women workers
  • To discuss about various social security and developmental programmes for women workers.
Course Profile Gender Dimensions of Employment, labour market discrimination and inequality, COVID 19 and women workers, gender and labour laws, Social security for women workers.
Methodology This training will be delivered in an online mode. The training will primarily make use of lectures, case studies and experience sharing. It will also include group discussions and thus be participative in nature.
Participation Level Government Officials, Union Leaders from Central Trade Unions, and Researchers. We will appreciate, if participants from reserved categories (SC/ST) are also nominated.
Faculty Dr. Ellina Samantroy Fellow, VVGNLI Email: ellinasroy[dot]vvgnli[at]gov[dot]in
Date From 12-04-2021 to 16-04-2021
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue Online Training Programme
Course Director
Download Course Info Download Course Info (Online Training Programme on Gender and Labour Issues, April 12-16, 2021.pdf)

Virtual Consultative Workshop on Strengthening Social Protection for Workers in New Forms of Employment –The Case of Gig and Platform Workers

Course Details:
Course Title Virtual Consultative Workshop on Strengthening Social Protection for Workers in New Forms of Employment –The Case of Gig and Platform Workers
Course Objective

The workshop will particularly focus on the following points:

  • Features of the Code on Social Security and its implication for social protection of the workers involved in new forms of employment such as the gig and the platform workers.
  • Ensuring universal coverage of social protection for unorganized, gig and platform workers.
  • Role of tripartite constituents and national stakeholders in extending social protection to the unorganized, gig and platform workers.
Methodology This training will be delivered in an online mode. The training will primarily make use of lectures, case studies and experience sharing. It will also include group discussions and thus be participative in nature.
Participation Level This interactive workshop would be for Government Officials, Representatives of Workers and Employers Organisations, Civil Society and Academicians. Participants should have access to internet and computer with audio-visual facilities
Faculty Dr. Ruma Ghosh, Fellow, VVGNLI Email: rumaghosh[dot]vvgnli[at]gov[dot]in
Date From 30-03-2021 to 30-03-2021
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue Online Training Programme
Course Director
Download Course Info Download Course Info (Virtual Consultative Workshop on Strengthening Social Protection for Workers in New Forms of Employment, March 30, 2021.pdf)

Online National Workshop on COVID-19 and Its Impact on India’s Labour Market

Course Details:
Course Title Online National Workshop on COVID-19 and Its Impact on India’s Labour Market
Methodology This interactive workshop would be for Government Officials, Researchers and Representatives from Employers and Workers Organisations.
Participation Level This interactive workshop would be for Government Officials, Researchers and Representatives from Employers and Workers Organisations.
Faculty Dr. Dhanya M.B., Associate Fellow, VVGNLI Email: dhanyamb[dot]vvgnli[at]gov[dot]in
Date From 26-03-2021 to 26-03-2021
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue Online Training Programme
Course Director
Download Course Info Download Course Info (Online National Workshop on COVID-19 and Its Impact on India’s Labour Market, March 26, 2021.pdf)

Online Workshop on Art of Leadership

Course Details:
Course Title Online Workshop on Art of Leadership
Methodology This training will be delivered in an online mode. The training will primarily make use of lectures, case studies and experience sharing. It will also include group discussions and thus be participative in nature.
Participation Level This interactive workshop would be for Government Officials, HR Professionals, Trade Union Leaders, Academicians and PG Students.
Faculty Dr. Shashi Bala, Course Director, Fellow Email: balashashi[dot]vvgnli[at]gov[dot]in/sbalatraining[at]gmail[dot]com
Date From 23-03-2021 to 23-03-2021
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue Online Training Programme
Course Director
Download Course Info Download Course Info (Online Workshop on Art of Leadership on March 23, 2021.pdf)

Online Workshop on Labour Codes through a Diversity, Inclusion & Equity

Course Details:
Course Title Online Workshop on Labour Codes through a Diversity, Inclusion & Equity
Methodology This training will be delivered in an online mode. The training will primarily make use of lectures, case studies and experience sharing. It will also include group discussions and thus be participative in nature.
Participation Level This interactive workshop would be for Government Officials, Trade Union Leaders, Academicians and Gender Specialists.
Faculty Dr. Shashi Bala, Course Director, Fellow Email: balashashi[dot]vvgnli[at]gov[dot]in/sbalatraining[at]gmail[dot]com
Date From 30-03-2021 to 30-03-2021
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue Online Training Programme
Course Director
Download Course Info Download Course Info (Online Workshop on Labour Codes through a Diversity, Inclusion & Equity Lens, March 30, 2021.pdf)

Online Workshop on Industrial Relations Code, 2020

Course Details:
Course Title Online Workshop on Industrial Relations Code, 2020
Course Objective
In this broad context, it is proposed to conduct a tripartite workshop focusing on the key features of
the Industrial Relations Code 2020, the perspective of various stakeholders on the code and its
implications. The key objectives of the workshop include:
  1. To promote a better understanding of the Industrial Relations Code and
  2. To facilitate a detailed discussion on various features of the Code among the various stakeholders in general and the representatives of trade unions, employers and the government.
Methodology This training will be delivered in an online mode. The training will primarily make use of lectures, case studies and experience sharing. It will also include group discussions and thus be participative in nature.
Participation Level Officials representing trade unions, employers’ organizations, central and state labour departments and academic community
Faculty Dr. Sanjay Upadhyaya, Senior Fellow, VVGNLI Email: sanjay[dot]vvgnli[at]gov[dot]in & Dr. Manoj Jatav, Associate Fellow, VVGNLI Email: Jatav[dot]manoj[at]gov[dot]in
Date From 17-03-2021 to 17-03-2021
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue Online Training Programme
Course Director
Download Course Info Download Course Info (Online Workshop on Industrial Relations Code, 2020 on March 17, 2021.pdf)
