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मुख्य पृष्ठ >> Node >> Domestic Training Programmes

Domestic Training Programmes

S. No. Course Title Duration Course Director
631 Training Programme on Strengthening Awareness on Labour Issues and Labour Laws Pertaining to Women Workers for Representatives of Central Trade Unions and NGOs from North-Eastern States from October 7-11, 2019 at VVGNLI Campus, NOIDA.
07/10/2019 to 11/10/2019
Dr. Dhanya M B
632 Training Programme on Labour Laws and International Standards on Social Security and Protection for Government officials and Unorganised Sector Trade Union Leaders from Central Trade Unions from September 30 - October 04, 2019 at VVGNLI.
30/09/2019 to 04/10/2019
Dr. Ruma Ghosh
633 Training Programme on Fundamentals of Labour Laws for Management Personnel and Representatives of Trade Unions/Associations/Federations of Government Establishments, Public Sector and Private Sector undertakings from September 30- October 04, 2019 at VVG
30/09/2019 to 04/10/2019
Dr. Otojit Kshetrimayum
634 Training Programme on Leadership Development for Management Personnel from all functional areas and Plant level representatives of Trade Unions/Associations/Federations, Members of Works Committees from government establishments, public sector and privat
23/09/2019 to 27/09/2019
Dr. Shashi Bala
635 Training Programme on Migration and Development: Issues and Perspectives for Policy makers, researchers and social partners dealing with internal and international migration issues to be held from September 23-26, 2019 at VVGNLI Campus, NOIDA.
23/09/2019 to 26/09/2019
636 Training Programme on Pre-Rescue, Rescue and Post Rescue Aspect of Child Labour for Police – (from the Special Juvenile Police Units (SJPUs); Anti-Human Trafficking Units (AHTUs), Women Police Cell; Railway Police and Traffic Police ); District Nodal Of
17/09/2019 to 19/09/2019
637 Training Programme on Labour Market and Employment Policies for Middle and Senior Level Officials and functionaries dealing with labour market and employment issues, researchers specialising on labour market and employment studies from September 16-19, 20
16/09/2019 to 19/09/2019
638 Training Programme on “Enhancing Capacity in Preventing Sexual Harassment at the Workplace” for Officials Handling Preventing Sexual Harassment Internal Complain committees (ICC), Officials from HR/Administration/Personnel and Women Employees to be hel
11/09/2019 to 13/09/2019
Dr. Shashi Bala
639 Training Programme on Making Conciliation Effective for Conciliation Officers from Central and State Labour Departments from September 09-13, 2019 at VVGNLI Campus, NOIDA.
09/09/2019 to 13/09/2019
640 Course on Methods in Historical Research on Labour for Researchers Scholars; Young Teachers of Universities/Colleges/Research Institutions and Practitioners interested in history of labour and labour relations from September 02-06, 2019 at VVGNLI Campus
02/09/2019 to 06/09/2019
