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मुख्य पृष्ठ >> Node >> Domestic Training Programmes

Domestic Training Programmes

S. No. Course Title Duration Course Director
651 Training Programme on Gender Responsive Budgeting for Government Officials Researchers, PG Students and Representatives of Central Trade Unions from July 22-26, 2019 at VVGNLI Campus, NOIDA
22/07/2019 to 26/07/2019
Dr. Shashi Bala
652 Training Programme on Promoting Entrepreneurship through Skill Development for Government Officials, Representatives of Central Trade Unions and NGOs from North Eastern States during July 15-19,2019 at VVGNLI Campus, NOIDA.
15/07/2019 to 19/07/2019
Dr. Otojit Kshetrimayum
653 Training Programme on Social Protection and Livelihood for Government Officials, Trade Union Leaders from Central Trade Unions and NGOs from North Eastern States during July 15-19, 2019 at VVGNLI Campus, NOIDA.
15/07/2019 to 19/07/2019
Dr. Dhanya M B
654 Training Programme on “Developing Positive Attitude for Excellence at Work” for Management personnel and representatives of trade unions/associations/federations from government, public and private sector organizations from July 8-11,2019 at VVGNLI Campu
08/07/2019 to 11/07/2019
Dr. Shashi Bala
655 Training Programme on Skill, Technology and Future of Work for for Managers from Industries/Corporates, Entrepreneurs, Development Specialists and Government Functionaries from July 08-12, 2019 at VVGNLI Campus, NOIDA.
08/07/2019 to 12/07/2019
Mr. Priyadarsan Amitav Khuntia
656 Training Programme on Conducting Child Labour Survey for for the Office Bearers of the Civil Society Organisations that are implementing the National Child Labour Project of the Ministry of Labour and Employment from July 02-04, 2019 at VVGNLI Campus, NOI
02/07/2019 to 04/07/2019
657 Training Programme on Empowering Trade Union Leaders for Plant level representatives of Trade Unions/Associations/Federations, Members of Works Committees from government establishments, public sector and private sector undertakings from July 01-05, 2019
01/07/2019 to 05/07/2019
658 National Training Workshop on Disaster Management from June 24-28, 2019 at VVGNLI Campus, NOIDA.
24/06/2019 to 28/06/2019
Mr. Priyadarsan Amitav Khuntia
659 Training Programme on Managing Work Effectively: A Behavioural Approach for Management personnel and Representatives of Trade Unions/Associations/Federations from Government Establishments, Private and Public Sector Undertakings from June 24-27, 2019 at
24/06/2019 to 27/06/2019
Dr. Shashi Bala
660 Leadership Development Programme for Women management personnel/staff from all functional areas and women representatives of trade unions/associations/federations from government, public and private sector organizations from June 24-26, 2019 at VVGNLI Cam
24/06/2019 to 26/06/2019
Dr. Dhanya M B
