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August 2016

Enhancing Leadership Skills: Fishery Workers

Course Details:
Course Title Enhancing Leadership Skills: Fishery Workers
Course Aim To enhance organisation building capacity of activists of fishery workers’ unions
Course Objective
  • To impart knowledge and information about  fishery industry in general and status of workers in particular
  • To enhance inter-personal communication
  • To discuss the legal protections in various labour legislations
  • To familiarise on the various aspects of welfare funds 
Course Profile Overview of the fishery Industry, Problems of fishery Industry, Leadership Styles, Communication Skills, Effective Trade Union Building
Methodology Lectures, case studies and group discussion
Participation Level Trade Union Leaders sponsored by Central Trade Unions from fishery Sector
Faculty Besides the internal faculty of the VVGNLI, eminent resource persons from various fields will be invited for this training.
Date From 29-08-2016 to 02-09-2016
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V.V. Giri National Labour Institute, NOIDA
Course Director

Enhancing Leadership Skills: Transport Workers

Course Details:
Course Title Enhancing Leadership Skills: Transport Workers
Course Aim To enhance organisation building capacity of activists of transport workers’ unions
Course Objective
  • To  impart  knowledge  and  information  about  transport  industry  in  general  and status of workers in particular
  • To enhance inter-personal communication
  • To discuss the legal protections in various labour legislations
  • To familiarise on the various aspects of welfare funds 
Course Profile Overview of the transport Industry, Problems of transport Industry, Leadership Styles, Communication Skills, Effective Trade Union Building
Methodology Lectures, case studies and group discussion
Participation Level Trade Union Leaders sponsored by Central Trade Unions from Transport Sector (Exclusively for South Region)
Faculty Besides the internal faculty of the VVGNLI, eminent resource persons from various fields will be invited for this training.
Date From 22-08-2016 to 26-08-2016
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V.V. Giri National Labour Institute, NOIDA
Course Director

Enhancing Leadership Skills: Transport Workers

Course Details:
Course Title Enhancing Leadership Skills: Transport Workers
Course Aim To enhance organisation building capacity of activists of transport workers’ unions
Course Objective
  • To  impart  knowledge  and  information  about  transport  industry  in  general  and status of workers in particular
  • To enhance inter-personal communication
  • To discuss the legal protections in various labour legislations
  • To familiarise on the various aspects of welfare funds 
Course Profile Overview of the transport Industry, Problems of transport Industry, Leadership Styles, Communication Skills, Effective Trade Union Building
Methodology Lectures, case studies and group discussion
Participation Level Trade Union Leaders sponsored by Central Trade Unions from Transport Sector (Exclusively for North Region)
Faculty Besides the internal faculty of the VVGNLI, eminent resource persons from various fields will be invited for this training.
Date From 25-04-2016 to 29-04-2016
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V.V. Giri National Labour Institute, NOIDA
Course Director

Enhancing Competence of Youth of Employability Skills

Course Details:
Course Title Enhancing Competence of Youth of Employability Skills
Course Aim The course aims to facilitate youth to work
Course Objective
  • Develop employability skills
  • Enhance personality, leadership and communication skills
  • Understand the world of work 
Course Profile Overview of employability skills including personality and communication skills, Role of leadership in personal development and communication process. Competence of youth in the globalised labour market scenario.
Methodology Lectures, Discussions, Interactive Sessions
Participation Level Students from universities, colleges/Research Institutions
Faculty VVGNLI Faculty, resource persons from academic institution and trade unions
Date From 07-11-2016 to 11-11-2016
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V.V. Giri National Labour Institute, NOIDA
Course Director

Developing Leadership Skills

Course Details:
Course Title Developing Leadership Skills
Course Aim The aim of the programme is to enhance leadership skills of women trade union Leaders.
Course Objective
  • To develop skills and techniques of effective organisation building
  • To foster skills of effective leadership.
  • To  acquaint  the  participants  with  the  socio-economic  and  political  changes  in globalised economy.
  • To   impart   knowledge   about   labour   laws,   development   programmes   and schemes.
Course Profile Basic understanding of leadership skills and impact on self and others, communication skills, decision making process, globalisation and its impact on labour
Methodology Class room lectures, group discussions, simulation technique and role play.
Participation Level Women Trade Union Leaders sponsored by CTUs
Faculty Besides the VVGNLI faculty, expert resource persons from trade unions will be invited to take sessions
Date From 03-10-2016 to 07-10-2016
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V.V. Giri National Labour Institute, NOIDA
Course Director

Gender responsive budgeting in India

Course Details:
Course Title Gender responsive budgeting in India
Course Aim The programme aims to orient the participants about gender budget initiatives which have the potential of contributing to the promotion of gender equality.
Course Objective
  • To discuss gender issues in Labour
  • To identify gender budgeting initiatives of government of India
  • To discuss concepts, tools and methods of gender budgeting
  • To discuss the Importance of Gender Budgeting and women empowerment
Course Profile Gender concept, Gender Issues, Case Studies & Gender–Natural Policies , Gender Budgeting
Methodology Training methods will include presentations, individual and group learning activities with participatory environment &thematic group work
Participation Level Officials. from Government, Civil Society, Employers, NGOs and CTUOs
Faculty Besides the VVGNLI faculty, experts in the area invited to deliver sessions
Date From 26-12-2016 to 30-12-2016
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V.V. Giri National Labour Institute, NOIDA
Course Director

Training of Trainers Programme on Preventing Sexual harassment at Workplace

Course Details:
Course Title Training of Trainers Programme on Preventing Sexual harassment at Workplace
Course Aim The programme aims at training the Officials Handling Sexual Harassment Internal Complain Committees (ICC).
Course Objective
  • Discuss sexual harassment at the workplace and it’s Inter-linkages with productive employment/productive contribution to economy.
  • Discuss  the  legal  framework  towards  addressing  sexual  harassment  at  the workplace.
  • Discuss the strategies needed to combat sexual harassment at workplace.
Course Profile Concept of Sexual Harassment, Myths and facts related to Sexual Harassment, Consequences and impact of Sexual Harassment, Supreme Court Guidelines: Legislative Initiatives
Methodology Lectures, individual and group exercise, case- studies and experience sharing.
Participation Level Officials. from Government, Civil Society, Employers, NGOs and Central Trade Union Leaders
Faculty Besides the VVGNLI faculty, experts in the field will be invited to deliver sessions
Date From 24-10-2016 to 28-10-2016
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V.V. Giri National Labour Institute, NOIDA
Course Director

Gender and Social Security

Course Details:
Course Title Gender and Social Security
Course Aim To strengthen the understanding of gender issues in labour and raising awareness & effective implementation of social security measures.
Course Objective
  • Provide a clear understanding of Social Security .
  • Provide information on the Recent Trends, National and International Experiences, Good Practices.
  • Offer a comprehensive resource repository in order to assist key stakeholders to design  effective  enforcement  policy  and  raise  awareness  for  implementation  of various Social Security provisions.
  • To create awareness about gender and development issues related to work; education, health, violence, developmental policies and programmes, legislative measures etc.
Course Profile Rural Society, Behavioral skill for enhancing leadership potentials, Labour laws related to women: Maternity Benefit, Equal remuneration, Sexual Harassment at Workplace, concept of social security and need for social security for workers.
Methodology Lectures, individual and group exercises, case studies and experience sharing
Participation Level Government/Labour Officials, officials of Employers’ Organizations, Representatives of Central Trade Unions and NGOs
Date From 03-10-2016 to 07-10-2016
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V.V. Giri National Labour Institute, NOIDA
Course Director

Women Welfare Issues at Workplace

Course Details:
Course Title Women Welfare Issues at Workplace
Course Aim The programme aims at sensitizing participants towards Women welfare issues at workplace.
Course Objective
  • To address the issue of gender bias with holistic perspective 
  • To orient participants on issues related to  women workers welfare
  • To  acquaint  with  labour  laws  pertaining  to    women  workers    e.g.  Equal  Remuneration Act,  Maternity Benefit Act, Workmen Compensation Act etc. 
  • To  discuss  the  legal  framework  towards  addressing  sexual  harassment  at  the workplace.
Course Profile Gender Issues in Labour, Laws related to women at workplace i.e. Equal Remuneration Act, Maternity Benefit Act, Workmen Compensation Act etc, Sexual Harassment at Workplace
Methodology Lectures, individual and group exercises, case-studies and experience sharing.
Participation Level HR Officials and women Employees
Faculty Besides the VVGNLI faculty, experts in the field will be invited to deliver sessions
Date From 05-09-2016 to 09-09-2016
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V.V. Giri National Labour Institute, NOIDA
Course Director
Download Course Info Download Course Info (training-programme-on-women-welfare-issues-at-workplace.pdf)

Leadership Development Programme for Domestic Workers

Course Details:
Course Title Leadership Development Programme for Domestic Workers
Course Aim The programme aims at equipping the participants Growing urbanization, migration of poor families from rural to urban areas is resulting in increasing labour force participation of unskilled women workers.
Course Objective
  • To enhance leadership skills among the Domestic workers
  • To provide awareness on national policy on Domestic workers
  • To address issues pertaining to Domestic workers
  • To increase communication skills among Domestic workers
Course Profile Basic understanding of leadership skills, communication skills and awareness on national policies on Domestic Workers.
Methodology Group work, simple Lecture, behavioral games etc
Participation Level Domestic Workers
Faculty V.V.G.N.L.I. faculty, Experts from the field
Date From 18-07-2016 to 22-07-2016
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V.V. Giri National Labour Institute, NOIDA
Course Director
