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August 2016

Fundamentals of Labour Laws

Course Details:
Course Title Fundamentals of Labour Laws
Course Aim The programme aims at equipping the participants with the context of labour legislation and recent Labour jurisprudence.
Course Objective
  • To acquire the knowledge of substantive as well as procedural content of Industrial Relations Law. 
  • To have an understanding of Social Security legislations.
  • To develop an insight into the Wage Law. 
  • To gather an understanding of the law relating to contract labour.
Course Profile Salient features of Industrial Relations Law including Trade Unions Act, IE(S.O) Act and Industrial Disputes Act, Objectives and salient features of social security laws including Workmen’s Compensation Act, Employees Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, Payment of Gratuity Act, Salient features of the law relating to wages.
Methodology Lectures, group discussions, experience sharing and panel Discussion
Participation Level Representatives of trade unions and NGOs from North Eastern States.
Faculty Experienced and eminent persons from Labour Administration, Academics & Trade Unions.
Date From 20-06-2016 to 24-06-2016
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V.V. Giri National Labour Institute, NOIDA
Course Director

Promotion of Occupational Safety, health and Welfare in Construction Industry

Course Details:
Course Title Promotion of Occupational Safety, health and Welfare in Construction Industry
Course Aim To develop an understanding of the need for safety, health and welfare for construction workers.
Course Objective
  • Develop  a  conceptual  understanding  of  occupational  safety,  health  and environmental hazards of the construction workers. 
  • Provide  an  overview  of  the  Building  and  other  Construction  Workers  (RE&CS) Act, 1996
  • Provide an overview of the Building and other Construction Workers’ Welfare Cess Act, 1996
  • Develop  an  understanding  with  regard  to  the    formalities  for  availing  various benefits under BOCW (RE&CS) Act.
Course Profile Discuss problems with regard to safety, health and welfare of construction workers, understand various occupational safety and health hazards of workers in the Building and Construction Industry, overview of the Building and other Construction Workers (RE&CS) Act, 1996; overview of the Building and other Construction Workers’ Welfare Cess Act, 1996, overview of various schemes being run by the Building and Construction Workers Welfare Board.
Methodology Lectures, group exercises and sharing case studies.
Participation Level Labour Enforcement Officials, Central Trade Union Leaders and Representatives from Employer’s Association/Construction Industry.
Faculty VVGNLI Faculty, external resource persons from Labour Department, Central Trade Unions and Construcotion Industry.
Date From 13-06-2016 to 17-06-2016
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V.V. Giri National Labour Institute, NOIDA
Course Director

Gender, Work and health in a Globalising Economy

Course Details:
Course Title Gender, Work and health in a Globalising Economy
Course Aim This programme aims at enhancing the understanding of challenges relating to work in informal employment in a globalising economy and the occupational safety and health hazards of women workers.
Course Objective
  • Understand  and  analyze  the  major  components  of  globalization  that  affect safety and health of workers.
  • Examine  the  emerging  issues  and  challenges  in  industrial  relations  and  trade unionism in a globalizing economy and its effect on workers.
  • Discuss  the  specific  risks  and  health  problems  facing  workers  in  the  informal economy. 
  • Understand the need for occupational safety and health policies and programmes for workers, especially in informal employment.
Course Profile Concept of Globalization, Industrial Relations, Occupational Safety and health of workers.
Methodology Lectures, interactive sessions, individual and group presentations, sharing case studies.
Participation Level Government officials & Representatives of Central Trade Unions
Faculty VVGNLI Faculty, resource persons from academic institutions and trade unions.
Date From 09-05-2016 to 13-05-2016
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V.V. Giri National Labour Institute, NOIDA
Course Director

Introduction to Labour Economics

Course Details:
Course Title Introduction to Labour Economics
Course Aim To enhance the understanding of the students, researchers, academicians working on Labour studies.
Course Objective
  • To discuss recent Labour Market trends.
  • To understand wage theories.
  • To understand Labour Market Segmentation Theories.
  • To  analyse  the  determinants  of  the  various  dimensions  of  labour  supply and demand, which interact to determine wages, employment &unemployment.
  • To discuss the role of collective bargaining in the labour market.
  • To analyse the importance of skill upgradation in the wake of decent work and globalization.
  • To develop the understanding of Social Security in the labour market.
Course Profile Labour Market Trends, Labour Market Segmentation Theory, Wage determination, Human Capital formulation, etc
Methodology Lecture, Discussions, Interactive Sessions and Practical.
Participation Level University/College Teachers, Research Scholars and Faculty of Research Institutions (Both from India and from Other Countries)
Faculty Faculty members from the Institute and external faculty from leading universities and major research institutions.
Date From 29-08-2016 to 02-09-2016
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V.V. Giri National Labour Institute, NOIDA
Course Director

Course on Quantitative Methods in Labour research

Course Details:
Course Title Course on Quantitative Methods in Labour research
Course Aim The Course provides an opportunity to the participants to go through a rigorous and interactive exercise on understanding various quantitative methods and tools in labour research. It aims at capacity building of young researchers in the area of quantitative research, giving special focus on labour studies.
Course Objective
  • To  equip  participants  with  various  quantitative  research  tools  used  in  labour research.
  • To appraise the major sources of data on labour.
  • To familiarise with major statistical packages used in labour research. 
Course Profile Overview of Quantitative Methods in Labour Research; Data Sources on Labour and using NSSO Data; Econometric and Quantitative Tools; and Basic Statistical Packages.
Methodology Lecture, Discussions, Interactive Sessions and Practical.
Participation Level University/College Teachers, Research Scholars and Faculty of Research Institutions (Both from India and from Other Countries)
Faculty Faculty members from the Institute and external faculty from leading universities and major research institutions.
Date From 13-02-2017 to 24-02-2017
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V.V. Giri National Labour Institute, NOIDA
Course Director

Research Methods on Gender, Poverty and the Informal Economy

Course Details:
Course Title Research Methods on Gender, Poverty and the Informal Economy
Course Aim The course aims to provide a structural analysis of the complex relationships between informality, gendered relations of power and poverty. It also provides researchers with an enhanced understanding of qualitative and quantitative methods on gender, poverty and the informal economy. This course will be an opportunity to discuss and debate on the ongoing issues in conceptualizing and measuring poverty, women empowerment and gender.
Course Objective
  • Develop  sufficient  understanding  of  research  methods  particularly,  compares  and contrasts analytical and methodological frameworks used in various studies related to gender, poverty and the informal economy.
  • Understand various concepts and theories related to gender, poverty and the informal economy research.
  • To learn an overview of qualitative and quantitative research methods. 
  • Identify research gaps and propose directions for future work
Course Profile Theoretical perspectives, methods of qualitative and quantitative research techniques, analysis and interpretation of Data
Methodology Lecture, Discussions, Interactive Sessions,
Participation Level Young teachers and researchers from universities, colleges/research institutions and professionals from various institutions
Faculty faculty members from the institute and external faculty from leading universities and major research institutions
Date From 09-01-2017 to 20-01-2017
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V.V. Giri National Labour Institute, NOIDA
Course Director

Course on research Methods in Labour Studies

Course Details:
Course Title Course on research Methods in Labour Studies
Course Aim The course aims at acquainting the participants with the emerging labour issues for research in an interdisciplinary framework, strengthening their knowledge with various methods used in labour research, thereby enabling them to contribute further in the field of labour research.
Course Objective
  • Understand concepts, theories in labour studies.
  • Understand  Emerging Labour Issues and Challenges
  • Strengthen knowledge of   various methods used for labour research and data sources on Labour.
  • Enable to apply these methods in their research work on the different aspects of labour.
Course Profile Concept and Theories of Labour from Inter disciplinary perspectives, Emerging Labour Issues, Labour Markets and Labour Market Information System, Research Methods: Quantitative, Qualitative and Ethnographic , Data Sources for Research in Labour, Statistics and Computer Application, Preparing Reports
Methodology Lecture, Discussions, Interactive Sessions, Group work and Presentations
Participation Level Research scholars, young teachers of Universities/Colleges/ Research Organisations and professionals engaged in the field of labour research.
Faculty Faculties of the Institute, External Resource persons from Academics, Policymaking Bodies, Research Institutions.
Date From 25-04-2016 to 06-05-2016
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V.V. Giri National Labour Institute, NOIDA
Course Director

Course on Sociology of Labour and Globalisation

Course Details:
Course Title Course on Sociology of Labour and Globalisation
Course Aim To provide an understanding on globalisation and its impact on labour from an interdisciplinary perspective in general and sociological perspective in particular.
Course Objective
  • To give an overview of  the concepts of labour, employment relations and globalisation
  • To provide an outline of  the labour and employment scenario in India 
  • To examine the emerging issues in the context of labour and globalization
  • To familiarise with various methods and approaches of conducting labour research
  • To develop relevant areas of research for conducting in-depth studies
Course Profile While the course aims to introduce students primarily to sociological perspectives on globalisation and its impacts on labour in developing societies like India, it will also draw extensively from the social sciences including the disciplines of political science, law, history, anthropology and economics. Moreover, this course draws significantly from feminist theorizing and research of labor and globalization.
Methodology Lectures, Case Studies, Group Exercises, Project Work, Book/Article Reviews, Presentations
Participation Level Researchers in the field of Labour
Faculty Apart from internal faculty, other eminent experts working in the field.
Date From 01-11-2016 to 11-11-2016
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V.V. Giri National Labour Institute, NOIDA
Course Director

Methods and approaches in Labour research

Course Details:
Course Title Methods and approaches in Labour research
Course Aim This programme aims to situate emerging issues in labour research in an inter- disciplinary perspective. The programme would bring together a group of researchers and teachers from universities/colleges/research institutions specialising on different dimensions of labour and employment. The programme provides an opportunity for the participants to have intensive interface with renowned scholars and practitioners in the area of labour studies.
Course Objective
  • Understand various concepts and theories related to labour 
  • Familiarise various research methods relevant to labour studies 
  • Provide an overview of changing  labour and employment 
  • Acquire knowledge about different sources of data on labour and methods used for labour research
  • Developing  capacities  to  undertake  rigorous  studies  on  different  dimensions  of labour 
Course Profile Conceptualising Labour and Theoretical Perspectives on Labour in Different Disciplinary Frameworks, Emerging Nature and Characteristics of Labour Markets, Sources of Data on Labour, Introduction to Quantitative and Qualitative Methods used in Labour Research, Preparation of Research Reports.
Methodology Lecture, Discussions, Interactive Sessions and Case Studies.
Participation Level Researchers and teachers from universities/colleges/research institutions specialising on different dimensions of labour and employment studies.
Faculty Faculty members from the Institute and external faculty from concerned international and government organisations and leading universities and major research institutions.
Date From 19-12-2016 to 30-12-2016
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V.V. Giri National Labour Institute, NOIDA
Course Director

Methods and approaches in Labour research

Course Details:
Course Title Methods and approaches in Labour research
Course Aim This programme aims to situate emerging issues in labour research in an inter- disciplinary perspective. The programme would bring together a group of researchers and teachers from universities/colleges/research institutions specialising on different dimensions of labour and employment. The programme provides an opportunity for the participants to have intensive interface with renowned scholars and practitioners in the area of labour studies.
Course Objective
  • Understand various concepts and theories related to labour 
  • Familiarise various research methods relevant to labour studies 
  • Provide an overview of changing  labour and employment 
  • Acquire knowledge about different sources of data on labour and methods used for labour research
  • Developing  capacities  to  undertake  rigorous  studies  on  different  dimensions  of labour 
Course Profile Conceptualising Labour and Theoretical Perspectives on Labour in Different Disciplinary Frameworks, Emerging Nature and Characteristics of Labour Markets, Sources of Data on Labour, Introduction to Quantitative and Qualitative Methods used in Labour Research, Preparation of Research Reports.
Methodology Lecture, Discussions, Interactive Sessions and Case Studies.
Participation Level Researchers and teachers from universities/colleges/research institutions specialising on different dimensions of labour and employment studies.
Faculty Faculty members from the Institute and external faculty from concerned international and government organisations and leading universities and major research institutions.
Date From 20-06-2016 to 01-07-2016
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V.V. Giri National Labour Institute, NOIDA
Course Director
