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August 2016

Strengthening awareness on Labour Issues and Laws Pertaining to Women Workers

Course Details:
Course Title Strengthening awareness on Labour Issues and Laws Pertaining to Women Workers
Course Aim To address and strengthen the understanding of Gender Issues in the labour Market and to enhance the understanding of related Laws.
Course Objective
  • To  familiarize  women  workers  about  various  legal  provisions  regarding  women workers.
  • To discuss the Gender Issues in the Labour Market.
  • To provide information on the various developmental schemes .
  • To discuss the prohibition Sexual harassment of women at workplace Act 2013.
Course Profile Gender Issues in Labour; Labour Market discrimination; Gender analysis; Sexual harassment at workplace: case studies; Sexual harassment at workplace: preventive measure and complaints mechanism; Laws related to women at workplace
Methodology Class room lectures, group discussions, simulation technique and role play
Participation Level Leaders/Organisers of Central Trade Unions and NGOs from North Eastern Region. We will highly appreciate participation of women. Because of limited number of seats, the Institute will be constrained to admit only 03 participants from one union on first-come-first serve basis and regret acceptance thereafter.
Faculty Besides the VVGNLI faculty, eminent resource persons working on gender issues will be invited to take sessions
Date From 12-12-2016 to 16-12-2016
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V.V. Giri National Labour Institute, NOIDA
Course Director

Social Security for Unorganised Workers from North Eastern States

Course Details:
Course Title Social Security for Unorganised Workers from North Eastern States
Course Aim The programme aims to develop an understanding of the need for social security for workers in the unorganized sector.
Course Objective
  • Acquaint participants with the concept of social security and the need for social security for informal sector workers
  • Develop understanding of the various social security and welfare programmes
  • Familiarize participants with different micro level social security experiments
Course Profile Overview of social security and welfare programmes, sharing community experiments, strategies for initiating community level programmes
Methodology Lectures, interactive sessions, individual and group presentations, sharing case studies
Participation Level Government Officials and Representatives of Central Trade Unions and NGOs. We will appreciate if participants from reserved categories (SC/ST/OBC) are also nominated.
Faculty VVGNLI Faculty, resource persons from academic institutions and trade unions
Date From 28-11-2016 to 02-12-2016
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V.V. Giri National Labour Institute, NOIDA
Course Director

Skill Development & Employment Generation for North-Eastern States

Course Details:
Course Title Skill Development & Employment Generation for North-Eastern States
Course Aim Generating more and better quality of employment is a common challenge faced by the countries world over. The challenge is more pronounced in case of developing countries with large informal sector and with problems of unemployment and underemployment. To face these challenges, governments are putting increasing emphasis on enhancing the skills of its people in general and that of workers in particular to increase their employability and to facilitate them to get decent employment.
Course Objective
  • Understand the linkage between vocational education and skill training with growth and employment;
  • Acquire knowledge about the vocational educational and training systems and about its various components
  • Understand the challenge of employment generation and designing appropriate skill development policies to meet those challenges.
Course Profile Linkage between vocational education and skill training with employment generation and economic growth, overview of Vocational education and skill training system and its components, governance and management of vocational education and training, role of public-private partnership in skill development, labour market information system and skill development, skill gap analysis and identifying skill demand of emerging sector and informal sector, financing vocational education and training and labour market and skill development policies.
Methodology Lectures, Interactive Sessions, Discussions and Case Studies
Participation Level Tripartite partners, officials involved with implementation of vocational education and skill training programmes, trainers and instructors, research institutes, organizations/institutions involved in imparting vocational education and training and NGOs.
Faculty Apart from internal faculty, other eminent experts working in the field.
Date From 24-10-2016 to 28-10-2016
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V.V. Giri National Labour Institute, NOIDA
Course Director

Effective Enforcement of Labour Laws in unorganised Sector

Course Details:
Course Title Effective Enforcement of Labour Laws in unorganised Sector
Course Aim The programme aims at equipping Labour Officers with skills of dealing with enforcement of labour laws in unorganised sector.
Course Objective
  • To understand fundamentals of labour laws and contemporary industrial relation issues.
  • To  have  knowledge  of  substantive  as  well  as  procedural  contents  of  different labour laws.
  • To   appreciate   quasi-judicial   and   conciliation   functions   in   a   comprehensive manner.
  • To  acquire  sharper  understanding  of  the  enforcement  process  in  unorganised sector.
Course Profile Fundamentals of the labour laws, recent judicial trends, analysis of quasi-judicial functions and important case studies, enforcement of labour laws in unorganized sector.
Methodology Lectures, groups discussions and experience sharing and field visits
Participation Level Labour Officials from North East States.
Faculty Eminent Law experts, senior officers from Central and State Labour Services and the Institute’s own faculty having insight and understanding in the field of labour laws.
Date From 26-09-2016 to 30-09-2016
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V.V. Giri National Labour Institute, NOIDA
Course Director
Download Course Info Download Course Info (training-programme-on-effective-enforcement-of-labour-laws-in-unorganised-sector-for-labour-officials-from-north-eastern-states.pdf)

Effective Labour Law Enforcement for Labour Enforcement Officers

Course Details:
Course Title Effective Labour Law Enforcement for Labour Enforcement Officers
Course Aim The programme aims at enhancing enforcement competence and skills of Enforcement Officers.
Course Objective
  • To have an understanding of the context of labour legislations in North-East
  • To  have  knowledge  of  substantive  as  well  as  procedural  contents  of  different  labour laws
  • To  develop  understanding  with  regard  to  new  directions  in  labour  laws  and  judicial interpretations
  • To explore ways for optimum utilization of existing resources
  • To identify difficulties in the way of effective enforcement of labour laws and exploring remedial measures.
Course Profile An overview of North-Eastern society, Constitution and labour, Substantive and procedural aspects of select labour laws, Recent labour jurisprudence and Techniques of enforcement.
Methodology Lectures, groups discussions and experience sharing and panel discussion.
Participation Level Labour Enforcement Officers and Labour Inspectors from State Govts. From North Eastern States with less than 5 years of experience.
Faculty Experienced and eminent persons from Labour Administration, Trade Unions and Academics.
Date From 02-01-2017 to 06-01-2017
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V.V. Giri National Labour Institute, NOIDA
Course Director

Gender, Work and Social Protection

Course Details:
Course Title Gender, Work and Social Protection
Course Aim The programme endeavors to enlighten the participants about the inequalities prevalent in the world of work and the challenges faced by women in the labour market. It would enable the participants in developing an understanding about the linkages between gender, work and social protection. The programme also aims at addressing larger questions of women’s empowerment and agency by effective designing of the social protection mechanisms in order to prevent gender based deprivation and ensure social protection through a rights based approach.
Course Objective
  • To develop a conceptual understanding about gender, work and social protection.
  • To sensitize the participants about the development issues related to differential access of men and women to employment, education, skill training, health provisions etc and to enhance their capacity to understand and analyze gender dimensions in policy and planning.
  • To understand the gendered life cycle risks and nature of vulnerabilities among women across social groups.
  • To  address  the  issues  of  women’s  unpaid  work  care  work  and  other  domestic responsibilities in informing polices on social protection.
  • To understand the different social protection programmes/schemes and good practices that promote employment both at national and international levels
  • To  enable  the  participants  to  develop  an  understanding  about  the  role  of  social protection in ensuring gender equality and agency building of women through a rights-based approach.
Course Profile Gender, work, social protection, rights based strategies on social protection
Methodology Lectures, class room discussions, experience sharing
Participation Level Government Officials, Union Leaders from Central Trade Unions and civil society representatives from North Eastern Region
Faculty Besides the VVGNLI faculty, experts in the field will be invited to deliver sessions.
Date From 08-08-2016 to 12-08-2016
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V.V. Giri National Labour Institute, NOIDA
Course Director

Strengthening awareness on Labour Issues

Course Details:
Course Title Strengthening awareness on Labour Issues
Course Aim To enhance organizational building capacity and empowering women leaders
Course Objective
  • To provide an overview of labour and employment issues with specific focus on north Eastern States.
  • To develop effective skills for leadership and organization building.
  • To  enlighten  the  participants  about  the  inequalities, discriminatory  practices prevalent in the world of work and also enable them to develop an understanding about the various challenges existing in the labour market.
  • To  create  awareness  about  various  development  issues  related  to  workers  with regard to education, health, social protection, legislative measures, developmental policies  programmes,  role  of  civil  society  etc  with  a  special  emphasis  on  north eastern States.
Course Profile Labour and employment issues with special focus on North Eastern States, Gender and Labour issues, Leadership Development, Policies
Methodology Class room lectures, group discussions and experience sharing
Participation Level Women Workers of NGOs from North Eastern Region
Faculty Besides the VVGNLI faculty, eminent resource persons working on gender issues will be invited to take sessions
Date From 23-05-2016 to 27-05-2016
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V.V. Giri National Labour Institute, NOIDA
Course Director

Gender Issues in Labour for Trade Union Leaders and NGOs from North Eastern States

Course Details:
Course Title Gender Issues in Labour for Trade Union Leaders and NGOs from North Eastern States
Course Aim To address and strengthen the understanding of Gender Issues in Labour market.
Course Objective
  • To address the issue of gender bias with holistic perspective.
  • To enhance the capacity of the participants so that they could tackle the gender based injustice.
  • To orient the participants on labour laws pertaining to workers.
  • To sensitize the participants about sexual harassment at workplace.
  • To discuss about the gender discrimination in the world of work.
Course Profile Gender Issues in Labour; Labour Market discrimination; Gender analysis; Sexual harassment at workplace: case studies; Sexual harassment at workplace: preventive measure and complaints mechanism; Laws related to women at workplace;
Methodology Class room lectures, group discussions, simulation technique and role play.
Participation Level Trade Unions leaders from CTUOs and NGOs representatives from North Eastern States. For the welfare of vulnerable and marginalized groups of the society, we will appreciate if participants from reserved categories (SC/ST) are also nominated.
Faculty Besides the VVGNLI faculty eminent resource persons will be invited to take sessions
Date From 28-11-2016 to 02-12-2016
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V.V. Giri National Labour Institute, NOIDA
Course Director

Fundamentals of Labour Laws

Course Details:
Course Title Fundamentals of Labour Laws
Course Aim The programme aims at equipping the participants with the context of labour legislation and recent Labour jurisprudence.
Course Objective
  • To acquire the knowledge of substantive as well as procedural content of Industrial Relations Law. 
  • To have an understanding of Social Security legislations.
  • To develop an insight into the Wage Law. 
  • To gather an understanding of the law relating to contract labour.
Course Profile Salient features of Industrial Relations Law including Trade Unions Act, IE(S.O) Act and Industrial Disputes Act, Objectives and salient features of social security laws including Workmen’s Compensation Act, Employees Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, Payment of Gratuity Act, Salient features of the law relating to wages.
Methodology Lectures, group discussions, experience sharing and panel Discussion
Participation Level Representatives of trade unions and NGOs from North Eastern States.
Faculty Experienced and eminent persons from Labour Administration, Academics & Trade Unions.
Date From 17-10-2016 to 21-10-2016
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V.V. Giri National Labour Institute, NOIDA
Course Director

Leadership Development Programme

Course Details:
Course Title Leadership Development Programme
Course Aim The aim of the programme is to enhance leadership skills of trade union activists from North-Eastern States.
Course Objective
  • To develop skills and techniques of effective organisation building
  • To foster skills of effective leadership.
  • To acquaint the participants with the socio-economic and political changes  in globalised economy.
  • To  impart  knowledge  about  labour  laws,  development  programmes  and schemes.
Course Profile Basic understanding of leadership skills and impact on self and others, communication skills, decision making process, globalisation and its impact on labour
Methodology Lectures, group discussions, simulation technique and role play.
Participation Level Trade Union Leaders/Activists engaged in North-East States
Faculty Besides the VVGNLI faculty, expert resource persons from trade unions and north- eastern states will be invited to take sessions
Date From 18-06-2016 to 22-06-2016
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V.V. Giri National Labour Institute, NOIDA
Course Director
