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August 2016

Research Methods in Labour Studies (MILS, Mumbai)

Course Details:
Course Title Research Methods in Labour Studies (MILS, Mumbai)
Course Aim The Course provides an opportunity to go through a rigorous and interactive exercise on understanding various research methods and tools with special focus on labour research.
Course Objective
  • Provide an overview of  the labour and employment scenario in India 
  • Equip participants with the understanding and  applicability of various quantitative and qualitative research methods and techniques
  • Understand analysis and interpretation of data
  • Familiarise participants with major statistical packages for data analysis. 
  • Developing capacities to undertake labour research by using quantitative and qualitative research methods and techniques
Course Profile Overview of Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods; Analysis and interpretation of Data.
Methodology Lecture, Discussions, Interactive Sessions.
Participation Level Young teachers and researchers from Universities/Colleges/ Research Institutions and professionals in government organizations who intend to pursue their interest in labour research and policy.
Faculty VVGNLI Faculty and external faculty members from leading universities/research institutions.
Date From 05-12-2016 to 09-12-2016
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue Maharashtra Institute of Labour Studies (MILS) Mumbai
Course Director

Social Security for unorganised Workers (MILS, Mumbai)

Course Details:
Course Title Social Security for unorganised Workers (MILS, Mumbai)
Course Aim To develop an understanding of the need for social security for informal sector workers.
Course Objective
  • Acquaint participants with the concept of social security and the need for social security for informal sector workers
  • Develop understanding of the various social security and welfare programmes
  • Familiarize participants with different micro level social security experiments
Course Profile Overview of social security and welfare programmes, sharing community experiments, strategies for initiating community level programmes
Methodology Lectures, interactive sessions, individual and group presentations, sharing case studies
Participation Level Government Officials and Representatives of Trade Unions.
Faculty VVGNLI Faculty, resource persons from academic institutions and trade unions
Date From 13-02-2017 to 17-02-2017
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue MILS, Mumbai
Course Director

Good Governance for Effective Implementation of Development Programme (KILE, Kerala)

Course Details:
Course Title Good Governance for Effective Implementation of Development Programme (KILE, Kerala)
Course Aim This programme aims at strengthening the knowledge of the participants with good governance and the various development programmes and discuss the issues and mechanism for the effective delivery to working mass.
Course Objective
  • To understand the concept, features and importance of good governance
  • To   discuss the various development programmes in operation
  • To discuss the issues arise in the effective implementations
  • To find out ways and means of effective delivery mechanism
Course Profile Concept, Characteristics of Good Governance, Development Programmes like MGNREGA, Skill Development Initiatives (PMKVY, DDU-GKY, RSETI) RSBY, JSY, NCLP, ICDS, behavioural skills for better work performance, Mechanism for effective delivery.
Methodology Lectures, Group Discussions and General Discussion, Interactive sessions with Higher Officials from Ministries and policy making bodies.
Participation Level Government Officials (Block and District level, State Level) entrusted with the Implementations of development programmes and Development Professionals
Faculty VVGNLI Faculty, Officials from Ministries, Policymakers and Development Experts
Date From 09-01-2017 to 13-01-2017
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue KILE, Kerala
Course Director

Empowering rural Women Organisers (KILE, Kerala)

Course Details:
Course Title Empowering rural Women Organisers (KILE, Kerala)
Course Aim The programme aims at empowering Rural women organizers from Central Trade Unions
Course Objective
  • Develop understanding of rural society & economic relations.
  • Discuss the issue of empowerment.
  • Develop skills for enhancing leadership potential.
  • Acquaint with labour laws pertaining  to women workers.
Course Profile Rural Society, Behavioral skill for enhancing leadership potentials, Labour laws related to women: Maternity Benefit, Equal remuneration , Sexual Harassment at Workplace
Methodology Lectures, individual and group exercises, case studies and experience sharing.
Participation Level Rural women labour leaders sponsored by Central Trade Unions.
Faculty Central T.U. Leaders and V.V.G.N.L.I. faculty.
Date From 12-09-2016 to 16-09-2016
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue KILE, Kerala
Course Director

Emerging Perspectives on Gender, Labour Laws and International Labour Standards (SLI, Orissa)

Course Details:
Course Title Emerging Perspectives on Gender, Labour Laws and International Labour Standards (SLI, Orissa)
Course Aim The programme endeavours to sensitize the participants about the inequalities prevalent in the world of work and the challenges faced by women in the labour market. It would also enable the participants in developing an understanding about the existing legal instruments and international labour standards for ensuring equality at workplace and promoting workers’ rights based on a model of social justice. The programme also aims to address the larger questions on intersection of paid work and unpaid unpaid/care work and recognition of care as a right that need to be incorporated into the policy framework for facilitating women’s employment and sustenance in the labour market.
Course Objective
  • To provide an overview of gender and the labour market.
  • To analyse gender inequalities and discriminatory practices with regard to access to labour market, wages, working conditions, employment security, etc. 
  • To  understand  the  gendered  vulnerabilities  and  intersection  of  paid  work  and unpaid/care work, challenges in reconciling paid work and family responsibilities that  leads  women  to  precarious  forms  of employment  that  remain  outside  the purview of available legal and policy responses. 
  • To  sensitize  the  participants  about  the  existing  legal  instruments  and  national polices on promotion of gender equality at the workplace.
  • To understand the various international labour standards/international instruments and good practices on gender equality.
  • To discuss about strategies of promotion of rights to fair/decent work and care within the framework of employment law and policies that would address the larger question of equality of opportunity and women’s employment and sustenance in the labour market
Course Profile Gender and labour laws, gender inequalities in the labour market, national legislations and policies on promoting workplace equality, international instruments/international labour standards on gender equality
Methodology Lectures, discussions, audio-visual presentations, case studies and experience sharing.
Participation Level Government Officials, Union Leaders from Central Trade Unions and civil society representatives
Faculty Besides the VVGNLI faculty, experts in the field will be invited to deliver sessions.
Date From 24-10-2016 to 26-10-2016
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue SLI, Orissa
Course Director

Managing Livelihood and Social Protection in Coastal regions (SLI, Orissa)

Course Details:
Course Title Managing Livelihood and Social Protection in Coastal regions (SLI, Orissa)
Course Aim To enhance the competence of social partners and motivate them to work towards the promotion and holistic management of livelihood and Social Security measures in the Coastal Regions
Course Objective
  • To  discuss  various  issues/challenges  relating  to  livelihood  and  Social  Security  in Coastal Regions
  • To make the participants understand their roles in addressing the issues
  • To discuss about new avenues and innovative methods
  • To enable them to contribute effectively for the promotion and management of livelihood and social security in the regions
Course Profile Overview of socio economic conditions in the Coastal Regions and Emerging issues, Deterrent factors for Livelihoods and Social Security, Challenges of Climate Change, Confronting Disaster, Innovation in employment and integrating skill development initiatives with local conditions for better livelihood opportunities (Local Resource Management, Entrepreneurship Development). Effective Implementation of Social Security Programmes.
Methodology Lectures, Group Discussions, General Discussions and Interactive Sessions, Case studies
Participation Level Government Officials from District/ State Administration, NGOs, Skill Imparting Institutions and Trade Unions Activists from coastal Regions
Faculty VVGNLI Faculty, Officials from Ministries, Policymakers and Development Experts
Date From 29-08-2016 to 31-08-2016
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue SLI, Orissa
Course Director

Social Security for unorganised Workers (SLI, Orissa)

Course Details:
Course Title Social Security for unorganised Workers (SLI, Orissa)
Course Aim To develop an understanding of the need for social security for informal sector workers.
Course Objective
  • Acquaint  participants  with  the  concept  of  social  security  and  the  need  for  social security for informal sector workers
  • Develop understanding of the various social security and welfare programmes
  • Familiarize participants with different micro level social security experiments
Course Profile Overview of social security and welfare programmes, sharing community experiments, strategies for initiating community level programmes
Methodology Lectures, interactive sessions, individual and group presentations, sharing case studies
Participation Level Government Officials and Representatives of Trade Unions.
Faculty VVGNLI Faculty, resource persons from academic institutions and trade unions
Date From 27-06-2016 to 29-06-2016
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue SLI, Orissa
Course Director

Social Protection and Livelihood Security

Course Details:
Course Title Social Protection and Livelihood Security
Course Aim To develop an understanding of social protection and Livelihood security for Informal Sector Workers.
Course Objective
  • Understand livelihood risk and vulnerability of the rural poor.
  • Understand the different social protection programmes that transfers assets and skills people for self-employment and public works programmes that enable people to cope with poverty.
  • Explore the alternative coping strategies/good practices for poverty reduction.
Course Profile Overview of social security and antipoverty programmes; sharing community experiments; understanding alternative strategies poverty reduction
Methodology Lectures, individual and group presentations, sharing case studies.
Participation Level Trade Union Leaders, Academicians, Government Representatives from North Eastern States .
Faculty Representatives from North Eastern States .
Date From 10-03-2017 to 14-03-2017
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue VVGNLI Faculty, resource persons from academic institution and trade unions
Course Director

Promoting Skill Development for Women Workers for North Eastern States

Course Details:
Course Title Promoting Skill Development for Women Workers for North Eastern States
Course Aim The programme aims at putting increasing emphasis on enhancing the skills of workers in general and women workers in particular for enhancing employability and to facilitate for decent employment
Course Objective
  • Discuss the nature and characteristics of the informal economy and role of skill
  • Situate  the  importance  of  skill  development    in  the    functioning    of  informal economy
  • Share the experiences of various social partners in skill development and training
  • Discuss  appropriate  strategies  for  skill  development  in  the  informal  sector occupations.
Course Profile Informal Sector: Concept, Informal Sector Composition, Importance of Skill Development in present era, Skill Development Systems in India, Skill Gap, Policy Response and Skill Development Initiatives, Case- Studies on Skill Development
Methodology Lectures, individual and group exercises, case –studies and experience sharing
Participation Level Government Officials, Central Trade Unions and NGOs from North Eastern States
Faculty Faculties of the Institute, External Resource persons from Academics, Policymaking Bodies, Research Institutions.
Date From 27-02-2016 to 03-03-2016
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V.V. Giri National Labour Institute, NOIDA
Course Director

Social Protection and Livelihood Security

Course Details:
Course Title Social Protection and Livelihood Security
Course Aim To develop an understanding of social protection and Livelihood security for Informal Sector Workers.
Course Objective
  • Understand livelihood risk and vulnerability of the rural poor.
  • Understand the different social protection programmes that transfers assets and skills people for self-employment and public works programmes that enable people to cope with poverty.
  • Explore the alternative coping strategies/good practices for poverty reduction.
Course Profile Overview of social security and antipoverty programmes; sharing community experiments; understanding alternative strategies poverty reduction
Methodology Lectures, individual and group presentations, sharing case studies.
Participation Level Trade Union Leaders, Academicians, Government Representatives from North Eastern States .
Faculty Representatives from North Eastern States .
Date From 23-01-2017 to 27-01-2017
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue VVGNLI Faculty, resource persons from academic institution and trade unions
Course Director
