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February 2022

Leadership Development Programme For Rural Trade Union Leaders

Course Details:
Course Title Leadership Development Programme For Rural Trade Union Leaders
Course Aim The Programme aims at empowering the emerging trade union leaders from rural unorganized sector.
Course Objective The programme is specifically being organised by the Institute in order to achieve following main objectives:- 1-To provide an overview about the rural unorganised sector in India. 2- To develop the skills of rural trade union leaders to understand and analyse rural society. 3- To discuss issues related to effective organisation building. 4- To develop the capacity of the participants through various behavioural approaches. 5- To sensitize the participants on the legal rights and provisions for workers. 6- To understand and analyse various social security provisions for the workers.
Course Profile Understanding Rural Society and Empowering Rural Workers, Leadership Skills for Organisation Building, Communication Skills for effective leadership, Overview of Labour Laws and challenges in labour administration, Social security and social protection.
Methodology Lectures, Group Work, Simulation games, Role playing etc
Participation Level State and District Level Rural Trade Union Representatives from Central Trade Unions working in the Rural Unorganised Sector. For the welfare of vulnerable and marginalized groups of the society, we will appreciate if participants from reserved categories (SC/ST) are also nominated.
Faculty Dr. Shashi Bala, Fellow and Dr. M. M. Rehman, Consultant (Programme)
Date From 28-02-2022 to 03-03-2022
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V. V. Giri National Labour Institute Sector –24, NOIDA –201301
Course Director
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Capacity Building Programme on Leadership Development

Course Details:
Course Title Capacity Building Programme on Leadership Development
Course Aim The Programme aims at empowering the emerging trade union leaders from rural unorganized sector.
Course Objective The programme is specifically being organised by the Institute in order to achieve following main objectives:- 1-To provide an overview about the rural unorganised sector in India. 2- To develop the skills of rural trade union leaders to understand and analyse rural society. 3- To discuss issues related to effective organisation building. 4- To develop the capacity of the participants through various behavioural approaches. 5- To sensitize the participants on the legal rights and provisions for workers. 6- To understand and analyse various social security provisions for the workers.
Course Profile Understanding Rural Society and Empowering Rural Workers, Leadership Skills for Organisation Building, Communication Skills for effective leadership, Overview of Labour Laws and challenges in labour administration, Social security and social protection.
Methodology Lectures, Group Work, Simulation games, Role playing etc
Participation Level State and District Level Rural Trade Union Representatives from Central Trade Unions working in the Rural Unorganised Sector. For the welfare of vulnerable and marginalized groups of the society, we will appreciate if participants from reserved categories (SC/ST) are also nominated.
Faculty Dr. Shashi Bala
Date From 28-02-2022 to 03-03-2022
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V. V. Giri National Labour Institute Sector –24, NOIDA –201301
Course Director
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Online Training Programme on New Labour Codes

Course Details:
Course Title Online Training Programme on New Labour Codes
Course Aim The programme aims at enhancing the understanding of the participants on the process of labour reforms in India. It would orient the participants to have an understanding on the key features of various labour codes.
Course Objective To discuss the overall framework of labour legislation in India and the context of labour law reforms. To provide an overview of the constitutional framework for formulation of labour legislation. To discuss the key features of four labour codes and rules. To understand the implication of these codes on the labour market.
Course Profile Framework of Labour Legislation, Constitutional Provisions, the Code on Wages, Code on Industrial Relations, Occupational Safety, Health and Working Conditions Code and Social Security Code and Draft Central Rules.
Methodology This training will be delivered in an online mode. The training will primarily make use of lectures and discussions, followed by questions and answers. Each session will be based on a structured Power Point Presentation.
Participation Level Government Officials, Labour Officials, Researchers and Trade Union Leaders. Further, as this is an online training, those enrolling in the programme should have access to internet and laptop/desktop with audio-visual facilities.
Faculty Dr. Anoop K. Satpathy
Date From 09-03-2022 to 10-03-2022
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue Online Training Programme
Course Director
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National Workshop on “Labour Development: Role of Panchyati Raj Institutions

Course Details:
Course Title National Workshop on “Labour Development: Role of Panchyati Raj Institutions
Course Objective In this context, the workshop seeks to discuss the 1- Evolution of PRIs 2- Role of PRIs in strengthening economic development and implementation of Central and State Government Schemes including those 29 subjects listed in the Eleventh Schedule of the Constitutional 73rd and 74th Amendment Act 1993 3- Prospects of PRIs as effective mechanism for Development of Labour
Methodology This workshop will be delivered in an online mode. The workshop will primarily make use of lectures, case studies and experience sharing. It will also include activity, self-assessment inventory, group discussions and thus be participative in nature.
Participation Level The workshop will bring together experts, Elected Representatives of PRIsand Tribal Councils, Practitioners working in PRIs and labour issues, including scholars from academia, government (Ministries concerned), Government Departments/organizations, international organizations, Civil Society Organization and others dealing with PRIs
Faculty Dr. Helen R. Sekar, Senior Fellow, VVGNLI
Date From 09-03-2022 to 09-03-2022
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue Online Workshop
Course Director
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Two-Day Online Sensitization Training Workshop on Understanding New Labour Codes in the Context of Women Workers Organised on the Occasion of International Women’s Day March 08-09, 2022 V.V. Giri National Labour Institute Noida– 201301

Course Details:
Course Title Two-Day Online Sensitization Training Workshop on Understanding New Labour Codes in the Context of Women Workers Organised on the Occasion of International Women’s Day March 08-09, 2022 V.V. Giri National Labour Institute Noida– 201301
Course Aim The Two Day On-line Sensitization Workshop aims at enhancing the understanding of the participants on gender and labour issues, inequalities and the challenges faced by women in the labour market including the emerging challenges. It would also enable the participants in developing an understanding about the existing legal instruments for ensuring equality at the workplace. Further, the participants will be oriented to the process of labour reforms and the key features of the new labour codes with special focus on provisions related to women workers.
Course Objective To provide an overview of gender and the labour market and analyse the existing inequalities with regard to wages, working conditions, employment security etc.,To discuss the overall framework of labour legislation in India and the context of labour law reforms. To discuss the key features of four labour codes in India and the provision for women workers. To understand the implication of these codes on the labour market.
Course Profile Gender , labour laws and International Labour Standards, Framework of Labour Legislation, the Code on Wages,Code on Industrial Relations, Occupational Safety, Health and Working Conditions Code and Social Security Code.
Methodology This workshop will be delivered in online mode. The workshop will primarily make use of lectures, case studies and experience sharing. It will also include Question & Answer session and thus be participative in nature.
Participation Level Labour Officials, Officials from Inspectorate of Factories, Researchers, Employers' Organizations and Workers’ Organizations.Further, as this is an online training, those enrolling in the programme should have access to internet and laptop/desktop with audio-visual facilities.
Faculty Dr. Ellina Samantroy Email :ellinasroy[dot]vvgnli[at]gov[dot]in
Date From 08-03-2022 to 09-03-2022
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue Online Training Programme
Course Director
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Online Sensitization Programme on Prevention and Elimination of Bonded Labour and Child Labour

Course Details:
Course Title Online Sensitization Programme on Prevention and Elimination of Bonded Labour and Child Labour
Course Aim The programme aims to strengthen the understanding and knowledge of the magnitude, incidence, causes, and consequences of child labour and bonded labour in India. The aim is to enhance the understanding on how distress migration caused by various factors leads to child labour, bonded labour and human trafficking. The purpose is also to equip participants with knowledge of legislation and procedures towards prevention and elimination of child labour and bonded labour.
Course Objective The programme is specifically being organized by the Institute in order to achieve following main objectives:- 1-Discuss the legal provisions of the Bonded Labour System (Abolition) Act and the Child and Adolescent Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act 2- To develop understanding on the roles and responsibilities of law enforcement agencies, statutory bodies and other social partners and stakeholders in addressing the labour exploitation of the vulnerable 3- To understand the linkages between bonded labour, child labour, human trafficking, and distress migration 4- To discuss methods of hot-spot mapping, and transit points identification
Course Profile Overview of Legislation relating to child labour, bonded labourand human trafficking;Judicial Interventions; Cases Studies; Best Practices and Success Stories; Linkages of bonded labour, child labour, distress migrationand human trafficking;Role specification of key Line Departments and other social partners and stakeholders in the SoPs.
Methodology This training will be delivered in an online mode. Participants should have access to good internet connection and computer/laptops with audio-visual facilities.The mode of training will primarily beInteractive lectures.
Participation Level Para Legal Volunteers ofState Legal Service Authorities(SLSA) and District Legal Service Authorities (DLSA);Officials dealing with matters relating to child labour, bonded labour and human trafficking in the Departments of State Governments such as Police, Women and Child Development, Labour, Social Welfare, AdiDravida Welfare, Rural Development and other Line Departments; Elected representatives of Panchayati Raj Institutions, representatives of NGOs, Trade Unions, Academia, and Employers Organizations/Associations.
Faculty Dr. Helen R. Sekar Senior Fellow, V. V. Giri National Labour Institute Email: helenrsekar[dot]vvgnli[at]gov[dot]in
Date From 29-03-2022 to 31-03-2022
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue Online Training Programme
Course Director
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Online Capacity Development Programme on Code on Wages, 2019

Course Details:
Course Title Online Capacity Development Programme on Code on Wages, 2019
Course Aim The programme aims at developing capacity of all the stake-holders to understand the changes in the wage code and its implications on workers and businesses.
Course Objective The major objectives of the course will be to: 1-Provide an overview and key reform measures undertaken in the Code on Wages, 2019, contrasting them with provisions of the existing four wage related regulations; 2- Provide an overview and key reform measures undertaken in the Code on Wages (Central) Rule 2020; 3- Triangulate reform measures in Wage Code and Wage Rules with international standards and best practices; 4- Share possible Implications of the Wage Code and Wage Rules on workers and businesses; and 5- Stimulate exchange of views and experiences among participants.
Course Profile Overview and key reform measures undertaken in the code, Wage code and Wage rules with International Standards and best practices, Implication of wage code and wage rules on workers and industry.
Methodology This training will be delivered in an online mode. The training will primarily make use of lectures, case studies and experience sharing. It will also include group discussions and thus be participative in nature.
Participation Level Officials of State/UTs Labour Departments and O/o CLC(C), Representatives of Trade Unions and Employer’s Associations.
Faculty Dr. Anoop Satpathy anoopsatpathy[dot]vvgnli[at]gov[dot]in
Date From 21-03-2022 to 24-03-2022
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue Online Training Programme
Course Director
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Online Training Programme on Labour Market Analysis and National Career Service Project

Course Details:
Course Title Online Training Programme on Labour Market Analysis and National Career Service Project
Course Aim To make the Employment Officers of North Eastern States and Government Officials who are working in the area of Employment and skill development of North Eastern States, aware of the Labour Market trends, Employment opportunities and important role being played by National Career Service project in this area.
Course Objective To update the knowledge and skills of employment officers on fast changing Labour market dynamics due to Liberalisation, Globalisation and Privatisation of economy. To understand the nature of Labour market trends at various levels. To give an idea of different Research Methodologies based on which analysis of Labour market could be done. To understand the role of NCS in Employment Market/Labour Market related areas.
Course Profile ILO convention/recommendation relating to Labour/employment market, NCO, NIC, Survey and Research Methodologies, Employment Exchange, CNV Act/Rules, Collection, compilation, interpretation of Labour / employment market information data, Preparation of Labour / Employment Market Information Reports, Updation of Employers register, NCS Portal management, Role of NCS in extending employment opportunities to the Job Seekers through he studies of employment market/labour market analysis, Role of MCCs in extending employment opportunities to the Job Seekers through the studies of employment market/labour market analysis Employment schemes of various Ministries with a special focus on North Eastern States.
Methodology This training will be delivered in an online mode. The training will primarily make use of lectures, case studies and experience sharing. It will also include group discussions and thus be participative in nature.
Participation Level Government Officials, Employment Officials, Labour Officials, Trade Union Leaders & Representatives Civil Societies from North- Eastern States.
Faculty Dr. Otojit Kshetrimayum, Fellow, VVGNLI Otojit[dot]vvgnli[at]gov[dot]in
Date From 21-03-2022 to 25-03-2022
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue Online Training Programme
Course Director
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