Dr. Sanjay Upadhyaya has been working as Senior Fellow(Faculty) at the V.V. Giri National Labour Institute for the last 23 years. He is the Co-ordinator of the Research Centre for Employment Relations and Regulations. Areas of his current key research interests include: Contract Labour and Legal Protection, Social Security Law, Employment Relations Law and Regulation of Minimum Wages. He has the experience of having co-ordinated more than 160 training programmes on various themes of labour (for different target groups) such as: Leadership Development; Fundamentals of Labour Laws; Effective Labour Law Enforcement; Roles and Functions of Quasi-Judicial Authorities; Effective Enforcement of Building and Other Construction Workers Act; Effective Labour Welfare Administration and Making Adjudication Effective etc. within and outside V.V. Giri National Labour Institute. The programmes coordinated by him have been attended by over 3200 participants including representatives of NGOs and Trade Unions, Labour Enforcement Officials, Labour Administrators, Judges of Labour Courts and Tribunals, Officers from Indian Statistical Service, Officers from Indian Ordinance Factory Service, Personnel Officers and Industrial Relations Practitioners from Private and Public Sector etc. He has addressed a large number of participants of various National and International Training Programmes on several themes of labour law such as: Constitution and Labour; Regulatory Framework for Wages; Contract Labour and Legal Protection; Contract Labour and Judicial Intervention; Managerial Excellence and Human Rights; Industrial Relations Law and Legislation pertaining to migrant workers, women workers, building and other construction workers and child labour etc.
The major research studies carried out by Dr. Sanjay Upadhyaya include: Conditions of Employment, Work and Service of Faculty in Private Engineering Colleges in India; Evolution of Minimum Wage Policy and Regulatory Framework: An Inter Country Perspective; Adaptation of ITC-ILO Curriculum on Building Modern and Effective Labour Inspection Systems; Labour, Employment and Social Security Issues of Security Guards Engaged by Private Security Agencies; Contract Labour and Judicial Interventions; Strengthening Labour Laws in order to Prevent Violations; Assessing the Social Security Measures and Promoting Effective Participation of Beneficiaries (An action research); Labour, Employment and Social Security Issues in Education Industry: A Case Study of Private Schools; Organizing Rural Labour: A Case of Chittorgarh, Rajasthan (An action research); Status of Labour Welfare Measures in he Factories of NOIDA: A Case Study of Garment & Hosiery Industry and Delay in Industrial Adjudication: A case study of C.G.I.T-cum-Labour Court, Delhi. Most of these studies have been published in the form of NLI Research Studies Series. He has recently initiated a new V.V.Giri NLI publication in the form of ‘Workers Education and Empowerment Series’ (in Hindi language) for wider dissemination of key research findings of research studies carried out by V.V. Giri National Labour Institute from time to time.
Dr. Sanjay Upadhyaya has recently brought out a book on contract labour titled, ‘Policy and Law on Contract Labour in India’ published by Thomson Reuters and also edited a book ‘Bharat ke Shramik Neta:Vyaktitva evam Krititva’ (in Hindi) containing the short biographies of eminent trade union leaders of India. In the past he has been the editor of ‘Shram Samachar’, inhouse Hindi news magazine of Ministry of Labour, Govt. of India. He is the editor of inhouse regular publications of the V.V.Giri National Labour Institute, ‘Awards Digest: Journal of Labour Legislation’ and ‘Shram Vidhan’ .He is also one of the active members of core team constituted by Ministry of Labour and Employment for drafting of the Small Factories (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Bill, the Labour Code on Wages and Labour Code on Industrial Relations.
He has made presentations in various National / International seminars and participated in a number of discussions and workshops. He has to his credit a large number of publications in the form of articles in various academic journals / edited volumes, magazines and newspapers etc. in English and Hindi on various themes of labour in general and labour law in particular.