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Centre for Employment Relations and Regulations


Develop understanding of the changing employment relations in order to help in the formulation of appropriate legal regulation framework and evolving appropriate social protection measures.

Core Areas

The research activities of the centre focus on the following core areas:

  • Trade unions and their role in the emerging socio-economic scenario.
  • Emerging employment relations in the informal and the unorganized sector.
  • Limitations of the existing legal framework in the regulation of employment relations in the unorganized and informal sector.
  • Changes in judicial trend.
  • Social protection to labour.
  • Regulation of minimum wage.
  • Regulation of contract labour and fixed - term employment.
  • International Labour Standards and Labour Regulation.
  • Labour Law reforms.

Recently Completed Research Projects

Some of the important research projects initiated and completed by the centre in the recent past include:

  • Analysis of State Rules viz-a-viz Central Rules under various Labour Codes.
  • Select Policies & Practices on Industrial Relations in India.
  • Regulation of Fixed-Term Employment: An Inter-Country Perspective.
  • Amendments in Labour Laws and other Labour Reform Initiatives undertaken by State Governments of Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh, Haryana and U.P. : An Analytical Impact Assessment.
  • Conditions of Employment, Work and Service of Faculty in Private Engineering Colleges in India.
  • Minimum Wage Policy and Regulatory Framework : An Inter Country Perspective.
  • ILO Convention 181:Issues and Challenges in the context of Private Placement Agencies in India
  • Contract Labour and Judicial intervention.

Most of the above mentioned research studies have been published in the form of NLI Research Studies Series.

Research Advisory Group Members

The Centre is having the following distinguished persons as its RAG members for seeking guidance, orientation and direction for carrying out its various activities:

  1. Shri Surendra Nath, Former Secretary, Deptt. of Justice, Govt. of India.
  2. Mr. Michael Dias, Secretary, Delhi Employers’ Association
  3. Ms. Amarjeet Kaur, General Secretary, All India Trade Union Congress.
  4. Professor B.T. Kaul, Former Chairperson, Delhi Judicial Academy.

Centre Co-ordinator

  • Dr. Sanjay Upadhyaya, Senior Fellow

Associate Co-ordinator

  • Dr. Manoj Jatav, Fellow