Priyadarsan Amitav Khuntia is working as Associate Fellow(Faculty) at the V.V. Giri National Labour Institute. He is a first class post graduate in Economics and Public Administration with M.Phil degree in Public Administration. He was selected and participated in the “Young Researcher Fellowship, 2005-06, Progremme” of V.V. Giri National Labour Institute. He was a participant in the “Course on Research Methods in Labour Economics” of VVGNLI in 2004.
His research interests include Skill Development for Employability ,Self-Employment & Entrepreneurship, Social protection and welfare issues, Construction Labour, His major published works are; Skill Development of Youth in North East India: Way Forward (NLI Research Studies Series No. 124/2017), Employment Generation and Enhancing Employability in North East through Skill Development: Emerging Issues and Prospects (December 2013 Labour and Development Special Issue on Labour, Employment and Social Protection in North East India, VVGNLI), Opportunities and challenges before the construction workers in the globalised era: The Indian case in the NLI Research Studies Series.
He coordinates training programmes on themes like Skill Development for Youth Employability and Entrepreneurship, Good Governance for Effective Implementation of Development Programmes, Research Methods in Labour Studies, Promoting Decent Work in Construction Industry , Leadership Development Programme for Rural Trade Union Leaders, Managing livelihood and Social protection in the Hill Regions, Managing Livelihood and Social Protection in Coastal Regions, Promoting Skill development for Women Workers in North-Eastern States, Orientation Programme on Labour and Development Issues, Leadership Development Programme for Media Sector as Course Director. He also coordinates an International Training Programme on Skill Development and Employment Generation. He has undertaken collaborative programmes with NCDS (ICSSR Institute), Bhubaneswar, HNB Garhwal University, Srinagar, Uttarakhand, Karala Institute of Labour and Employment, Thiruvananthapuram, Skkim University. He undertakes field visits with participants of various training programmes including collaborative programmes. He has conducted training workshop “Promoting Skill Development for Construction Workers”. He has evaluated MPhil dissertation of Delhi School of Social Work, University of Delhi.
He takes sessions on Labour and Development, Decent Work, Skill for Employment, Employability, Self-Employment, Entrepreneurship ,Start-ups, & Human Development, Gender Issues, Social Security (Health Security), Construction Labour, Research Methods, Labour Laws, Positive Attitude, Good Governance & Development Programmes, Hill Region and Coastal Region Issues, Media Sector in different training programmes of the Institute.
Mr Khuntia has attended/presented papers in National/International workshops, conferences and seminars such as: National Seminar on Youth & Skill Development in North-East India organised by VVGNLI & ICSSR North Eastern Regional Centre at Shillong in March 2014), National level self-development workshop, Dandely of ERC, New Delhi and Ford Foundation (2003), The annual conference of Indian Society of Labour Economics, Jaipur (2004), The National Seminar on Regional Development U.G.C- DSA Dept. Of Analytical and Applied Economics, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar (2005)), Ministry of Labour and Employment, VVGNLI &ILO Roundtable on the National Rural Employment Guarantee Programme in India, Noida (2005), National conference on social security, Bhubaneswar (2007), International Conference on Child Rights, New Delhi (2008). Participated in the fourth National ‘Youth Parliament’ competition of Ministry of Parliamentary affairs, GOI for Universities students held in the year (2000-2001) and got second prize for meritorious performance at the national level. He has participated in a number of seminars organised by India Institute of Public administration, Odisha Region and Department of Public Administration, Utkal University.