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N. R. De Resource Centre on Labour Information (NRDRCLI) is one of the most reputed library cum documentation Centre in the area of labour studies in the country. The Centre was renamed in memory of late (Shri) Nitish R. De, the founder Dean of the Institute on July 01, 1999 to commemorate the Silver Jubilee Celebration of the Institute. The Centre is fully computerized and offers the following services and products to it users.

Physical Achievements
Books – The library has 65530 books / reports / bound volume of journals / slides / CDs / photographs / posters / banners / audio visual,  etc till March 2020.
Journals – The library regularly subscribed to 148 professional journals, magazines and newspapers in printed and electronic forms.

The library is constitutionally maintaining the following services to users populations

  • Article Alert Service
  • Lending Service
  • Inter-Library Loan service
  • Selective Dissemination of Information (SDI)
  • Current Awareness Service
  • Bibliographical Service
  • On-line Search
  • Newspaper Article clippings
  • Micro-fiche search and printing
  • Reprographic Service
  • CD-ROM Search
  • Audio/Visual Service
  • Current Content Service
  • JSTOR Search

The library provides following products in printed forms to users populations:

  • Article Alert Service– Weekly publication providing bibliographical information of important articles appeared in the subscribed journals / magazines and also hosted on the Institute’s web site for public access.
  • e-Newspaper Clipping Service – Weekly service of scan copy of all major news pertaining to labour & related subjects with index .
  • Guide to Periodical Literature – Quarterly in-house publication providing bibliographical information of articles from over 175 selected journals / magazine
  • Current Awareness Bulletin – Quarterly in-house publication providing bibliographical information on acquisition in NRDRCLI,
  • Current Content Service - Monthly publications. It is the compilation of content pages of subscribed journals.

Maintenance of specialize resource centres
The following three specialized resource centre have been created and maintained for reference purpose;

  • National Resource Centre on Child Labour
  • National Resource Centre on Gender Studies
  • National Knowledge Centre on Child Labour