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Home >> Nominationform >> International Training Programme on Labour and Employment Relations in the Globalised Economy

International Training Programme on Labour and Employment Relations in the Globalised Economy

Nomination Form Details:
Course Applied International Training Programme on Labour and Employment Relations in the Globalised Economy
Course Duration 04-11-2019 To 22-11-2019
Applied By Ashok Shelke
Applied Date 15-09-2019
Organisation Name Mamasheb Mohol College Paud Road Pune
Designation Asst.Professor
Organisation Phone Number 02025431034
Organisation Email moholcollege[at]gmail[dot]com
Organisation Address Mamsaheb Mohol Collge,
Passport No
Aadhar No 709662001238
How the training is likely to benefit the nominee as well as the organisation If you wish to plan for a year, sow seeds, If you wish to plan for ten years, plant trees, If you wish to plan for a life-time, develop man. (Kuan Chung Tzu, d. 645 B.C) Developing Trust between Labour and Management. Existence of Sound and Democratic Trade Unions. Continuous Feedback and Monitoring The modern day employer attaches great importance to maintaining good industrial relations as a cornerstone of business growth and success. Industrial relations, for the employer, is about negotiations between workers and business owners/managers that lead to increased productivity and improved product quality in exchange for better pay and conditions of employment for workers. These negotiations between business owners/managers and their workers is often referred to as enterprise bargaining. The reduction of conflict between workers and business management is also a highly desirable objective in Industrial Relations.
Previous courses attended at VVGNLI Course on Research Methods in Labour Studies 14-05-2018 To 25-05-2018
Whether Hostel Accommodation is required yes