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Home >> Nominationform >> International Training Programme on Research Methods in Labour Studies

International Training Programme on Research Methods in Labour Studies

Nomination Form Details:
Course Applied International Training Programme on Research Methods in Labour Studies
Course Duration To
Applied By ram shrestha
Applied Date 14-10-2017
Organisation Name Ram Narayan Shrestha
Designation PhD Candidate
Organisation Phone Number
Organisation Email ramnarayan[at]students[dot]sau[dot]ac[dot]in
Organisation Address Room No. 827, Akbar Bhawan, Chankyapuri,
New Delhi,
Passport No 025140116
Aadhar No
How the training is likely to benefit the nominee as well as the organisation I am working on the area of labor economics. I hope this course will add on to my research capabilities.
Previous courses attended at VVGNLI NONE
Whether Hostel Accommodation is required yes