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December 2017

International Training Programme on Health Security and Protection of Workers

Nomination Form Details:
Course Applied International Training Programme on Health Security and Protection of Workers
Course Duration To
Applied By Abhishek Sehrawat
Applied Date 31-12-2017
Organisation Name VIVO Healthcare institute
Designation Trainer
Organisation Phone Number
Organisation Email
Organisation Address H.No. 418/29, C.R. Nagar,,
Passport No
Aadhar No
How the training is likely to benefit the nominee as well as the organisation
Previous courses attended at VVGNLI No
Whether Hostel Accommodation is required yes

Course on Research Methods on Gender, Poverty and the Informal Economy during February 19-March 01, 2018 at VVGNLI, Campus, NOIDA.

Course Details:
Course Title Course on Research Methods on Gender, Poverty and the Informal Economy during February 19-March 01, 2018 at VVGNLI, Campus, NOIDA.
Course Aim The course aims to provide a structural analysis of the complex relationships between informality, gendered relations of power and poverty. It also provides researchers with an enhanced understanding of qualitative and quantitative methods on gender, poverty and the informal economy. This course will be an opportunity to discuss and debate on the ongoing issues in conceptualizing and measuring poverty, women empowerment and gender.
Course Objective · Develop sufficient understanding of research methods particularly, compares and contrasts analytical and methodological frameworks used in various studies related to gender, poverty and the informal economy. · Understand various concepts and theories related to gender, poverty and the informal economy research. · To learn an overview of qualitative and quantitative research methods. · Identify research gaps and propose directions for future work
Course Profile Theoretical perspectives, methods of qualitative and quantitative research techniques, analysis and interpretation of Data
Methodology Through lectures, discussions and interactive sessions.
Participation Level Young teachers and researchers from universities, colleges/ research institutions and professionals from various institutions. For the welfare of vulnerable and marginalized groups of the society, we will appreciate if participants from reserved categories (SC/ST/) are also nominated
Date From 19-02-2018 to 01-03-2018
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V.V. Giri National Labour Institute Sector –24, NOIDA –201301, Uttar Pradesh The campus of Institute is situated near Prakash Hospital and NTPC Office. The distance of the campus from New Delhi Railway Station is 20 Kms. Noida City Centre Metro Station is
Course Overview Course on Research Methods on Gender, Poverty and the Informal Economy during February 19-March 01, 2018 at VVGNLI, Campus, NOIDA.
Course Director
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Training Programme on Development Schemes as an Instrument for Social Protection for North Eastern States during February 12-16, 2018 at VVGNLI Campus, NOIDA

Course Details:
Course Title Training Programme on Development Schemes as an Instrument for Social Protection for North Eastern States during February 12-16, 2018 at VVGNLI Campus, NOIDA
Course Aim To develop an understanding of social protection and livelihood security for informal sector workers
Course Objective The Programme is based on the following broad objectives:- · Understand livelihood risk and vulnerability of the rural poor. · Understand the different social protection programmes that transfers assets and skills people for self-employment and public works programmes that enable people to cope with poverty. · Explore the alternative coping strategies/good practices for poverty reduction.
Course Profile Overview of social security and antipoverty programmes; sharing community experiments; understanding alternative strategies poverty reduction
Methodology Lectures, individual and group presentations, sharing case studies.
Participation Level Government Officials, Representatives of Central Trade Unions and NGOs, we will appreciate if participants from reserved categories (SC/ST) are also nominated.
Date From 12-02-2018 to 16-02-2018
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V.V.Giri National Labour Institute Sector –24, NOIDA –201301, The campus of Institute is situated near Prakash Hospital and NTPC Office. The distance of the campus from New Delhi Railway Station is 20 Kms. Noida City Centre Metro Station is about 1.5 kms
Course Overview Training Programme on Development Schemes as an Instrument for Social Protection for North Eastern States during February 12-16, 2018 at VVGNLI Campus, NOIDA
Course Director
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Orientation Programme on Child Labour to be held from February 07-09, 2018 at VVGNLI Campus, NOIDA.

Course Details:
Course Title Orientation Programme on Child Labour to be held from February 07-09, 2018 at VVGNLI Campus, NOIDA.
Course Aim To create public presence for monitoring and tacking child labour
Course Objective This training programme has the following objectives; · To equip with skills to operate at the local level and be linked at various levels with the government · To equip them with abilities to utilize existing administrative and governance structures for withdrawal, rehabilitation, and enforcement · To impart skills to promote local ownership and decision-making to end employment of children and to expand the community base against labour exploitation of children · To enable the participants to contribute to the State and Non-State interventions for rehabilitation of children withdrawn from work and economic rehabilitation of their families.
Course Profile Child-specific Rehabilitation Schemes and Measures; Aspects of Direct and Indirect Monitoring and Verification; Community-level Monitoring of Child Labour through Schooling; Governmental and Non-governmental Monitoring and Tracking Interventions;
Methodology Group Discussion, Plenary Sessions, Interactive-Lectures, Documentaries
Participation Level Members of Child Labour Monitoring Committee in States/Districts
Date From 07-02-2018 to 09-02-2018
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V. V. Giri National Labour Institute Sector –24, NOIDA –201301 The campus of Institute is situated near Prakash Hospital and NTPC Office. The distance of the campus from New Delhi Railway Station is 20 Kms. Noida City Centre Metro Station is about 1.5 kms
Course Overview Orientation Programme on Child Labour to be held from February 07-09, 2018 at VVGNLI Campus, NOIDA.
Course Director
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Training Programme on Empowering Rural Women Organisers from February 05-09, 2018 at VVGNLI Campus, NOIDA

Course Details:
Course Title Training Programme on Empowering Rural Women Organisers from February 05-09, 2018 at VVGNLI Campus, NOIDA
Course Aim The programme aims at empowering Rural women organizers from Central Trade Unions.
Course Objective At the end of the course, the participants would be able to:- · Develop understanding of rural society · Discuss the issue of empowerment. · Develop skills for enhancing leadership potential. · Acquaint with labour laws pertaining to women workers.
Course Profile Rural Society, Behavioral skill for enhancing leadership potentials, Labour laws related to women: Maternity Benefit, Equal remuneration , Sexual Harassment at Workplace.
Methodology Lectures, individual and group exercises, case studies and experience sharing.
Participation Level Rural women labour leaders sponsored by Central Trade Unions.
Date From 05-02-2018 to 09-02-2018
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V. V. Giri National Labour Institute Sector –24, NOIDA –201301 The campus of Institute is situated near Prakash Hospital and NTPC Office. The distance of the campus from New Delhi Railway Station is 20 Kms. Noida City Centre Metro Station is about 1.5 kms
Course Overview Training Programme on Empowering Rural Women Organisers from February 05-09, 2018 at VVGNLI Campus, NOIDA
Course Director
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Training Programme on Empowering Trade Union Leaders from February 05-09, 2018 at VVGNLI Campus, NOIDA.

Course Details:
Course Title Training Programme on Empowering Trade Union Leaders from February 05-09, 2018 at VVGNLI Campus, NOIDA.
Course Aim The programme aims at empowering of trade union leaders by enhancing their knowledge skill base.
Course Objective At the end of the course the participants would be able to:- · To have familiarity with the changes and trends in industrial relations · To sharpen skills of leadership. · To discuss the role of trade unions in emerging economic political scenario · To have knowledge about labour laws and recent changes in labour laws.
Course Profile Globalisation and industrial relations issues, Overview of select labour laws and recent labour jurisprudence and leadership styles.
Methodology (a) Class room Lectures (b) Group Work (c) Group Discussions, and (d) Behavioral Science Techniques. On the whole, the programme will be participative in nature.
Participation Level Plant level representatives of Trade Unions/Associations/Federations from government establishments, public sector and private sector undertakings.
Date From 05-02-2018 to 09-02-2018
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V.V.Giri National Labour Institute, Sector-24, NOIDA- 20l301, Distt. Gautam Budh Nagar Uttar Pradesh The Institute campus is situated near Prakash Hospital and NTPC Office. The distance of the campus from New Delhi Railway Station is 20 Kms and 1.5 Kms fr
Course Overview Training Programme on Empowering Trade Union Leaders from February 05-09, 2018 at VVGNLI Campus, NOIDA.
Course Type paid
Course Director
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International Training Programme on Research Methods in Labour Studies

Nomination Form Details:
Course Applied International Training Programme on Research Methods in Labour Studies
Course Duration To
Applied Date 26-12-2017
Organisation Phone Number
Organisation Email
Organisation Address GWALIOR MP,
Passport No
Aadhar No 208799415360
How the training is likely to benefit the nominee as well as the organisation SIR/MADAM, My topic is related to gender issues in workforce participation and industrial development and your Training Programme on Research Methods in Labour Studies will help me to carry out my research more effectively.
Previous courses attended at VVGNLI no
Whether Hostel Accommodation is required yes

International Training Programme on Health Security and Protection of Workers

Nomination Form Details:
Course Applied International Training Programme on Health Security and Protection of Workers
Course Duration To
Applied Date 21-12-2017
Organisation Phone Number 9443435171
Organisation Email drmanickam_au[at]yahoo[dot]com
Organisation Address 12A/16 MATHANAGAR 1ST STREET,
Passport No
Aadhar No 248851452277
How the training is likely to benefit the nominee as well as the organisation MORE HELPFUL WHILE DOING POST DOCTORAL STUDIES.
Previous courses attended at VVGNLI NIL
Whether Hostel Accommodation is required yes
