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June 2020

Leadership Development Programme for Trade Union Leaders from Informal Sector

Course Details:
Course Title Leadership Development Programme for Trade Union Leaders from Informal Sector
Course Objective The programme aims for enhancing the understanding about various aspect of human resource development and impart knowledge and skills to develop leadership skills with the following major objectives: 1- To understand significance of time management in implementation of affirmative policies & labour laws pertaining to employment. 2- To develop communication strategies for addressing gender issues in the world of work. 3- To strengthen emotional skills for effective decision making via managing stress in pragmatic manner. 4- To develop skills and techniques for effective Leadership during COVID19.
Course Profile Basic understanding of leadership skills, managing stress for enhancing emotional IQ and decision-making skills, Leadership skills, time management, communication strategies and selective labour laws e.t.c,
Methodology This training will be delivered in online mode. The training will primarily be interactive in nature with the provision of case studies; dissemination of documentaries; group work; Lectures.
Participation Level Trade union leaders/organisers from central trade unions, State and District Level Trade Union Representatives working in the Rural Unorganized Sector etc., for the welfare of vulnerable and marginalized section of the society, we will appreciate if participants from reserved categories (SC/ST/OBC) are also nominated. Participants should have working knowledge of English/Hindi Language. Further, as this is an online training, those enrolling in the programme should have access to internet and laptop/desktop with audio-visual facilities.
Faculty Dr. Shashi Bala, Course Director, Fellow, E-mail: sbalatraining[at]gmail[dot]com balashashi[dot]vvgnli[at]gov[dot]in
Date From 27-07-2020 to 31-07-2020
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue Online Training Programme
Course Director
Download Course Info Download Course Info (LDP for Trade Union Leaders from Informal Sector, July 27-31, 2020.pdf)

Training Programme on Quasi-Judicial Authorities: Role & Functions

Course Details:
Course Title Training Programme on Quasi-Judicial Authorities: Role & Functions
Course Objective At the end of the course, the participants would be able: 1- To develop Conceptual framework for discharging Quasi-Judicial Functions in the context of present socio-economic scenario. 2- To discuss problems of Quasi-Judicial Authorities. 3- To appreciate emerging trends in labour laws and judicial interpretations. 4- To have the understanding of relevant areas of Constitutional Law and Administrative Law.
Course Profile Role and duties of quasi-judicial officers under various Labour enactments, problems in discharging quasi-judicial role and ways and means to solve them, principles of natural justice and recent labour jurisprudence.
Methodology This training will be delivered in an online mode. The training will primarily make use of lectures, case studies and experience sharing. It will also include group discussions and thus be participative in nature.
Participation Level Quasi- Judicial Officers from Central and State Governments and UTs, Participants should have working knowledge of English
Faculty Dr. Sanjay Upadhyaya, Senior Fellow, VVGNLI Email: sanjay[dot]vvgnli[at]gov[dot]in
Date From 15-07-2020 to 17-07-2020
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue Online Training Programme
Course Director
Download Course Info Download Course Info (Quasi Judicial Authorities Role and Functions.pdf)

Training Programme on Informality, New Forms of Work and Social Protection

Course Details:
Course Title Training Programme on Informality, New Forms of Work and Social Protection
Course Objective Provide an overview of the changing nature of employment, the existing inequalities in the labour market with regard to employment and the need for social security and protection. To sensitize the participants on the various international labour standards/instruments as well as good practices in the area of social security and protection. To develop insight on the existing national polices and legal instruments in the area of social security and protection of workers. To discuss strategies for the promotion of decent work and practices that fulfill the guidelines of the SDGs
Course Profile Existing labour market inequalities, international standards/instruments in the area of social security and protection, challenges with regard to the existing national policies and legislations on social security and protection, international best practices.
Methodology This training will be delivered in an online mode. The training will primarily make use of lectures, case studies and experience sharing. It will also include group discussions and thus be participative in nature.
Faculty Dr. Ruma Ghosh Fellow, VVGNLI Email- rumaghosh[dot]vvgnli[at]gov[dot]in
Date From 20-07-2020 to 22-07-2020
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue Online Training Programme
Course Director
Download Course Info Download Course Info (Online Training Programme on Informality, New Forms of Work and Social Protection, July 20-22, 2020.pdf)

Training Programme on Skill and Entrepreneurship Development

Course Details:
Course Title Training Programme on Skill and Entrepreneurship Development
Course Objective Understand the linkage between vocational education and skills training with growth and employment. Acquire knowledge about the vocational educational and training systems and about its various components. Understand the challenge of employment generation and designing appropriate skill and entrepreneurship development policies to meet those challenges.
Course Profile Linkage between vocational education and skill training with employment generation and economic growth, overview of vocational education and skill training system and its components, governance and management of vocational education and training, role of public-private partnership in skill development, labour market information system and skill development, skill gap analysis and identifying skill demand of emerging sector and informal sector, financing vocational education and training and understanding labour market outcomes of skills and entrepreneurship development programmes.
Methodology This training will be delivered in an online mode. The training will primarily make use of lectures, case studies and experience sharing. It will also include group discussions and thus be participative in nature.
Participation Level Tripartite partners, officials involved with implementation of vocational education and skill training programmes, trainers and instructors from public and private training providers, research institutes, organizations/institutions involved in imparting vocational education and training. Participants should have working knowledge of English.
Faculty Dr. Anoop K. Satpathy, Fellow, VVGNLI Email: anoopsatpathy[dot]vvgnli[at]gov[dot]in
Date From 13-07-2020 to 15-07-2020
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue Online Training Programme
Course Director
Download Course Info Download Course Info (Online Training Programme on Skill and Entrepreneurship Development, July 13-15, 2020.pdf)

Training Programme on Transitioning from Informality to Formality

Course Details:
Course Title Training Programme on Transitioning from Informality to Formality
Course Objective The programme is specifically being organised by the Institute in order to achieve following main objectives:- 1- To provide an overview of the issues in the rural unorganised sector; 2- To create awareness on relevant labour legislations; 3- To understand the role of trade unions in establishing labour standards and promoting labour rights; and 4- To build up capabilities for organising labour in the rural unorganised sector
Course Profile Issues and dimensions of unorganised sector; industrial relations framework of India; value of positive attitude, labour Laws; structure and functions of trade unions and emerging challenges.
Methodology This training will be delivered in an online mode. The training will primarily make use of lectures, case studies and experience sharing. It will also include group discussions and thus be participative in nature.
Participation Level State and District Level Trade Union Representatives working in the Unorganised Sector from Central Trade Union Organisations. For the welfare of vulnerable and marginalized groups of the society, we will appreciate if participants from reserved categories (SC/ST) are also nominated.
Faculty Dr. Anoop K. Satpathy, Fellow, VVGNLI Email: anoopsatpathy[dot]vvgnli[at]gov[dot]in
Date From 08-07-2020 to 10-07-2020
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue Online Training Programme
Course Director
Download Course Info Download Course Info (Transitioning from Informality to Formality.pdf)

Training of Trainers Programme for Rural Educators

Course Details:
Course Title Training of Trainers Programme for Rural Educators
Course Objective The programme is specifically being organized by the Institute in order to achieve following main objectives:- 1- To develop understanding of rural society & changing role of labour. 2- To understand the changing role of labour and informal sector. 3- To Develop skills for enhancing leadership, Communication and team building 4- To Acquaint with labour laws, social security and welfare funds for unorganized sector.
Course Profile Rural Society, Behavioral Skill for enhancing leadership potentials, Labour Laws, Equal remuneration, Developing Training Skills
Methodology • This training will be delivered in an online mode. The training will primarily make use of lectures, case studies and experience sharing. It will also include group discussions and thus be participative in nature.
Participation Level Rural Labour leaders sponsored by Central Trade Unions. Participants should have working knowledge of Hindi/English.
Faculty Dr. R.R. Patel, Associate Fellow, VVGNLI rrpatel[dot]vvgnli[at]nic[dot]in
Date From 20-07-2020 to 22-07-2020
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue Online Training Programme
Course Director
Download Course Info Download Course Info (Online Training of Trainers Programme for Rural Educators, July 20-22, 2020.pdf)

Training Programme on Labour and Globalization

Course Details:
Course Title Training Programme on Labour and Globalization
Course Objective To understand world of work and decent employment, To make the participants acquainted with various Labour Issues, To discuss important issues related to labour and employment, To enable participants to contribute in their academic and professional work.
Course Profile Understanding Labour and Labour Market, Overview of Issues, Skill Development of Employment, Employability (Youth Employability), Productivity, Inclusive Growth, Social Protection, Migration, Labour Administration, Child Labour, Gender Issues, Introduction to Labour Research, Leadership/communication Skill, Labour Research etc
Methodology This training will be delivered in an online mode. The training will primarily make use of lectures, case studies and experience sharing. It will also include group discussions and thus be participative in nature.
Participation Level University Students of Social Science pursuing Master Degree. Participants should have working knowledge of English
Faculty Dr. Otojit Kshetrimayum, Fellow, VVGNLI (otojit[dot]vvgnli[at]gov[dot]in)
Date From 20-07-2020 to 22-07-2020
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue Online Training Programme
Course Director
Download Course Info Download Course Info (Online Training Programme on Labour and Globalisation, July 20-22, 2020.pdf)

Training Programme on Enhancing Leadership Skills of Agricultural Workers

Course Details:
Course Title Training Programme on Enhancing Leadership Skills of Agricultural Workers
Course Objective To impart knowledge and information about rural labour market in general and status of workers in particular, To enhance inter-personal communication, Leadership Skills and team building, To discuss the legal protections in various labour legislations
Course Profile Overview of the rural labour market, Problems of agricultural workers, Leadership Styles, Communication Skills, Effective Trade Union Building
Methodology This training will be delivered in an online mode. The training will primarily make use of lectures, case studies and experience sharing. It will also include group discussions and thus be participative in nature.
Participation Level Trade union leaders sponsored by Central Trade unions from Agricultural Sector , Participants should have working knowledge of English/Hindi.
Faculty Dr. Ramya Ranjan Patel, Associate Fellow, VVGNLI Email: rrpatel[dot]vvgnli[at]nic[dot]in
Date From 08-07-2020 to 10-07-2020
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue Online Training Programme
Course Director
Download Course Info Download Course Info (Online training programme on Enhancing Leadership Skills of Agricultural workers from July 08-10, 2020.pdf)

Training Programme on Enhancing Competence of Youth Employability Skills

Course Details:
Course Title Training Programme on Enhancing Competence of Youth Employability Skills
Course Objective Develop employability skills, Enhance personality, leadership and communication skills, Understand the world of work
Course Profile Overview of employability skills including personality and communication skills, Role of leadership in personal development and communication process. Competence of youth in the globalized labour market scenario.
Methodology This training will be delivered in an online mode. The training will primarily make use of lectures, case studies and experience sharing. It will also include group discussions and thus be participative in nature.
Participation Level Students from Universities/Colleges and Research Institutions, Participants should have working knowledge of English. Participants should have access to internet and computer with audio-visual facilities
Faculty Dr. Dhanya M.B., Associate Fellow, VVGNLI Email: dhanyamb[dot]vvgnli[at]gov[dot]in
Date From 01-07-2020 to 03-07-2020
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue Online Training Programme
Course Director
Download Course Info Download Course Info (Enhancing Competence of Youth Employability Skills, July 01-03, 2020.pdf)

Training Programme on Gender Responsive Budgeting

Course Details:
Course Title Training Programme on Gender Responsive Budgeting
Course Objective The programme aims to orient the participants about gender budget initiatives which have the potential of contributing to the promotion of gender equality with following major objectives: 1- To discuss gender issues in Labour 2- To identify gender budgeting initiatives of government of India 3- To discuss concepts, tools and methods of gender budgeting 4- To discuss the Importance of Gender Budgeting and women empowerment.
Course Profile Gender concept; Gender Issues in Labour during COVID-19; Gender Budgeting, Women Empowerment e.t.c.,
Methodology This training will be delivered in online mode. The training will primarily be interactive in nature with the provision of case studies; dissemination of documentaries; group work; assignments.
Participation Level Government Officials, Researchers, Students and Village Heads are expected to apply for this programme. For the welfare of vulnerable and marginalized section of the society, we will appreciate if participants from reserved categories (SC/ST/OBC) are also nominated.
Faculty Dr. Shashi Bala, Course Director, Fellow, Email: sbalatraining[at]gmail[dot]com/balashashi[dot]vvgnli[at]gov[dot]in
Date From 13-07-2020 to 17-07-2020
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue Online Training Programme
Course Director
Download Course Info Download Course Info (Online Training Programme on Gender Responsive Budgeting July 13-17, 2020.pdf)
