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August 2021

Online Training of Trainers Programme on Gender and Social Security

Course Details:
Course Title Online Training of Trainers Programme on Gender and Social Security
Course Aim To strengthen the understanding of gender issues in labour and raising awareness & effective implementation of social security measures.
Course Objective Provide a clear understanding of Social Security. Provide information on the Recent Trends, National and International Experiences, Good Practices. Offer a comprehensive resource repository in order to assist key stakeholders to design effective enforcement policy and raise awareness for implementation of various Social Security provisions. Train the Employers, Trade Union, NGO and Officials involved in above process.
Course Profile Rural Society, Behavioral skill for enhancing leadership potentials, Labour laws related to women: Maternity Benefit, Equal remuneration, Sexual Harassment at Workplace.
Methodology This training will be delivered in an online mode. The training will primarily make use of lectures, case studies and experience sharing. It will also include group discussions and thus be participative in nature
Participation Level Government Officials, Representatives of Central Trade Union, Employers, Researchers and NGOs.
Faculty Dr. Shashi Bala balashashi[dot]vvgnli[at]gov[dot]in sbalatraining[at]gmail[dot]com
Date From 04-10-2021 to 08-10-2021
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue Online Training Programme
Course Director
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Online Training Programme on Technology and New Forms of Employment

Course Details:
Course Title Online Training Programme on Technology and New Forms of Employment
Course Aim Current technological transformations, driven chiefly by digital technology, have far reaching impacts and implications for employment and employment relations. Available evidence indicates that effects of technology and digital expansion on the nature of work and work relations are diverse across the world. Technological changes have given rise to new forms of employment and is also expected to considerably influence the evolving contours of work and work relations in future. It is in this context that this training programme aims to enhance our understanding on the pattern of technological developments and its implications for new forms of employment and future of work.
Course Objective Trace the technological changes and its impacts and implications for work and work relations Examine the characteristics and processes of new forms of employment. Understand the implications of new forms of employment for labour regulations identify policy trajectories to respond to the changing forms of work and work relations.
Course Profile Technological Changes; New Forms of Employment; Labour Regulations and New Forms of Employment; New Practices in Managing Work and Work Relations.
Methodology This training will be delivered in an online mode. The training will primarily make use of lectures, case studies and experience sharing. It will also include group discussions and thus be participative in nature.
Participation Level Government officials concerned with employment issues; Representatives from trade unions; employers’ associations; and civil society organizations engaged in the issues related to employment generation; Researchers specializing on employment and related areas.
Faculty Dr. S.K. Sasikumar, Senior Fellow sasikumarsk2[dot]vvgnli[at]gov[dot]in
Date From 04-10-2021 to 07-10-2021
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue Online Training Programme
Course Director
Download Course Info Download Course Info (Online Training Programme on Technology and New Forms of Employment, October 04-07, 2021.pdf)
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Online Orientation Programme on Ensuring Legal Services & Effective Rehabilitation of Rescued Child Labour, Bonded Labour and other Trafficked Labour

Course Details:
Course Title Online Orientation Programme on Ensuring Legal Services & Effective Rehabilitation of Rescued Child Labour, Bonded Labour and other Trafficked Labour
Course Aim This programme seeks to create awareness and build knowledge of the participants towards providing legal services to the trafficked, forced and other victims of labour exploitation, during their post-rescue. The objective is also to discuss various rehabilitation programmes and ways of their effective rehabilitation thereby ensuring the benefits of the schemes to the victims.
Course Objective Discuss the aspects of Standard Operating Procedures relating to Rescue and Post-Rescue and the ways of contributing to strong prosecution To discuss the importance of reducing vulnerability to labor exploitation, effective and timely rehabilitation of the rescued victims To discuss NCLP Scheme and Central Sector Scheme on Bonded Labour Rehabilitation (2016)and share the best practices from different States of the country Identify major gaps in the rehabilitation process and discuss role of Stakeholders, Social partners including the SLSA to bridge the gaps. To strengthen knowledge of participants of NALSA (Legal Services to the Workers in the Unorganized Sector) Scheme, 2015.
Course Profile Definitions, Concepts and categories of Vulnerable Forms of Labour, Policy and legal Framework, NALSA (Legal Services to the Workers in the Unorganized Sector) Scheme, 2015;Witness Protection Scheme, NCLP Scheme; Central Sector Scheme on Bonded Labour Rehabilitation(MoLE, 2016).
Methodology Training will be imparted in on-line mode. Participants should have access to good internet connection and computer/laptops with audio-visual facilities. Interactive and participative in nature, the mode of training will primarily be Interactive lecture
Participation Level District Legal Aid Officers and Para Legal Volunteers, Officials of line Departments of the state Governments dealing with Child Labour and Bonded Labour Rehabilitation and Social Welfare Department.
Faculty Dr. Helen R. Sekar Senior Fellow, V. V. Giri National Labour Institute Email: helenrsekar[dot]vvgnli[at]gov[dot]in
Date From 06-10-2021 to 08-10-2021
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue Online Orientation Programme on Ensuring Legal Services & Effective Rehabilitation of Rescued Child Labour, Bonded Labour and other Trafficked Labour
Course Director
Download Course Info Download Course Info (Online Orientation Programme on “Ensuring Legal Services & Effective Rehabilitation of Rescued Child LabourBonded LabourTrafficked Labour” from October 06-08, 2021..pdf)
File Size 721 KB

Online Training Programme on Recent Initiatives towards Codification of Labour Laws in India

Course Details:
Course Title Online Training Programme on Recent Initiatives towards Codification of Labour Laws in India
Course Aim The programme aims at discussing the key features of labour codes which are important for all the stake-holders, all the more in the newly emerging labour and employment scenario in the country.
Course Objective To provide an understanding of the need and the context of codification of the labour laws in India. To discuss critically, the broad scheme and key features of various codes. To discuss the implications of labour codes on labour market in India. To discuss the perspectives of various stakeholders on the provisions of these labour codes.
Course Profile Labour Code on Wages, Labour Code on Industrial Relations, Labour Code on Social Security, Labour Code on Occupational Safety, Health and Working Conditions and Compliance Mechanism.
Methodology This training will be delivered in an online mode. The training will primarily make use of lectures, case studies and experience sharing. Each session will be based on a structured Power Point presentation followed by Q/A session.
Participation Level Officials from the Central and State Labour Departments, Representatives of Central Trade Unions, Employers’ Organisations and Researchers.
Faculty Dr. Sanjay Upadhyaya sanjay[dot]vvgnli[at]gov[dot]in
Date From 04-10-2021 to 07-10-2021
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue Online Training Programme
Course Director
Download Course Info Download Course Info (Online Training Programme on Recent Initiatives towards Codification of Labour Laws in India, October 04-07, 2021.pdf)
File Size 799 KB

Recruitment for the post of Programme Officer

Vacancy/Job Details:
Vacancy/Job Title Recruitment for the post of Programme Officer
Contact Person Sh. Harsh Singh Rawat, Administrative Officer
Contact Email ao[dot]vvgnli[at]gov[dot]in
Date of Announcement 14-08-2021
Last date of submission of application 11-10-2021
Vacancy/job Related File Download Vacancy/Job Info (Recruitment for the post of Programme Officer.pdf)

Advertisement for the Post of Research Associate and Computer Operator

Vacancy/Job Details:
Vacancy/Job Title Advertisement for the Post of Research Associate and Computer Operator
Contact Person Dr. Ellina Samantroy Fellow, V.V. Giri National Labour Institute Noida
Contact Email ellinasroy[dot]vvgnli[at]gov[dot]in
Date of Announcement 12-08-2021
Last date of submission of application 31-08-2021
Vacancy/job Related File Download Vacancy/Job Info (Advertisement.pdf)

Labour & Development June 2021

Labour & Development June 2021
Editor: ,
Publisher: V.V. Giri National Labour Institute
Period: Jun 2021
Book Description


Size: 6.96 MB

Book Specification
Title Labour & Development June 2021
Publisher V.V. Giri National Labour Institute
Period Jun 2021
Number of Pages 144
Journal Volume 28
