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February 2022

Online Awareness Generation Programme on Identification, Rescue, Rehabilitation of Child Labour and Bonded Labour and Prosecution of Offenders

Course Details:
Course Title Online Awareness Generation Programme on Identification, Rescue, Rehabilitation of Child Labour and Bonded Labour and Prosecution of Offenders
Course Aim The programme aims to equip the participants with skills and knowledge for effective Identification, Release and immediate rehabilitation (Critical Crisis Period) of child labour and bonded labour and also to enhance skills for effective Prosecution of Offenders.
Course Objective To strengthen knowledge and skills for Identification of child labour and bonded labour. To understand new forms of bonded labour. To impart knowledge on Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for Identification and Rescue of Child Labour and Bonded Labour and also Prosecution of Offenders. To understand the linkage between Human Trafficking, Child Labour and Bonded Labour. To discuss the importance of effective and timely rehabilitation during the Critical Crisis Period after the rescue of child labour/bonded labour. To enhance understanding on the role of Statutory and Law Enforcement bodies from identification to immediate rehabilitation.
Course Profile CALPR Act, CSS Bonded Labour Scheme, Survey Formats, IPC 370, Inter State Migrant Workmen Act (1979), Standard Operating Procedures (MoLE), Role of Statutory and Law Enforcement bodies including that of Police, Labour Department, Vigilance Committeesand other social partners and Stakeholders, Role of and sharing of Best Practices from the Field
Methodology Training will be imparted in on-line mode. Participants should have access to good internet connection and computer/laptops with audio-visual facilities. Interactive and participative in nature, the mode of training will primarily be Interactive lectures.
Participation Level Officials of State Government Departments such as Women and Child Development, Labour, Social Welfare, AdiDravida Welfare, Panchayati Raj and Rural Development dealing with the issues of vulnerable communities, Vigilance Committee members, Police (including Anti Human Trafficking Units), Revenue Officials, District Legal Services Authorities (DLSA), NGOs, CWCs, Child Protection Units, District Task Force, Social Workers and members of Trade Unions.
Faculty Dr. Helen R. Sekar Senior Fellow, V. V. Giri National Labour Institute Email: helenrsekar[dot]vvgnli[at]gov[dot]in
Date From 23-02-2022 to 25-02-2022
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue Online Training Programme
Course Director
Download Course Info Download Course Info (Online Awareness Generation Programme on Identification, Rescue, Rehabilitation of Child Labour February 23-25, 2022.pdf)
File Size 720.67 KB

Online Capacity Building Programme on Labour Codes and Labour Rules

Course Details:
Course Title Online Capacity Building Programme on Labour Codes and Labour Rules
Course Aim The programme aims at enhancing the understanding of the participants on the process of labour reforms in India. It would orient the participants to have an understanding on the key features of various labour codes.
Course Objective To discuss the overall framework of labour legislation in India and the context of labour law reforms;  To provide an overview of the constitutional framework for formulation of labour legislation;  To discuss the key features of four labour codes in India;  To understand the implication of these codes on the labour market.
Course Profile Framework of Labour Legislation, Constitutional Provisions, the Code on Wages, Code on Industrial Relations, Occupational Safety, Health and Working Conditions Code and Social Security Code.
Methodology This training will be delivered in an online mode. The training will primarily make use of lectures, case studies and experience sharing. It will also include group discussions and thus be participative in nature.
Participation Level Management Personnel and Plant level trade Union leaders from Government Establishment, Public and Private Sector Undertakings. Labour Researchers, Government Officials Officers of the Labour Department from Central and State Government, Employers Representatives etc.
Faculty Dr. Manoj Jatav, jatav[dot]manoj[at]gov[dot]in
Date From 07-03-2022 to 11-03-2022
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue Online Training Programme
Course Director
Download Course Info Download Course Info (Online Capacity Building Programme on Labour Codes and Rules, March 07-11, 2022.pdf)
File Size 637.86 KB

Shram Vidhan January- March 2021

Shram Vidhan January- March 2021
Editor: ,
Publisher: V. V. Giri National Labour Institue
Serial No: ISSN 0973-0435
Period: January-2021 to March-2021
Book Specification
Title Shram Vidhan January- March 2021
Publisher V. V. Giri National Labour Institue
Period January-2021 to March-2021
Serial Number ISSN 0973-0435
Number of Pages 44

Shram Vidhan October- December 2020

Shram Vidhan October- December 2020
Editor: ,
Publisher: V. V. Giri National Labour Institue
Serial No: ISSN 0973-0435
Period: October-2020 to December-2020
Book Specification
Title Shram Vidhan October- December 2020
Publisher V. V. Giri National Labour Institue
Period October-2020 to December-2020
Serial Number ISSN 0973-0435
Number of Pages 48

Indradhanush July- August 2021

Indradhanush July- August 2021
Editor: ,
(File Size: 3.79 MB)
Book Description
Indradhanush July- August 2021
Book Specification
Title Indradhanush July- August 2021
Period July-2021 to August-2021
Volume XII
Series No. 4
File Size 3.79 MB

Online Training Programme on Strengthening Awareness on Labour Issues and Laws Pertaining to Women Workers from North Eastern States

Course Details:
Course Title Online Training Programme on Strengthening Awareness on Labour Issues and Laws Pertaining to Women Workers from North Eastern States
Course Aim To address and strengthen the understanding of gender issues in labour market and to enhance the understanding of related Laws.
Course Objective To familiarize legal systems aimed at elimination of all forms of discrimination against women. To discuss the new challenges of Women, Work and the Informal Economy and also Gender Issues in Labour Market. To provide information on various development schemes or institutional mechanism, to promote the advancement of women, which exist at the Central and State levels
Course Profile Gender Issues in Labour; Labour Market discrimination; Gender analysis; Sexual Harassment at workplace: case studies’ Sexual Harassment at workplace; preventive measure and complaints mechanism; Laws related to women at workplace.
Methodology This training will be delivered in an online mode. The training will primarily make use of lectures, case studies and experience sharing.
Participation Level Government Officials, Labour Officials, Representative of Central Trade Unions and NGOs from North Eastern Region.
Faculty Dr. Dhanya M.B. dhanyamb[dot]vvgnli[at]gov[dot]in
Date From 07-03-2022 to 11-03-2022
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue Online Training Programme
Course Director
Download Course Info Download Course Info (Online Training Programme on Strengthening Awareness on Labour Issues and Laws Pertaining to Women Workers , March 07-11, 2022 (2).pdf)
File Size 800.53 KB

Online Training Programme on Managing Work Effectively: A Behavioural Approach

Course Details:
Course Title Online Training Programme on Managing Work Effectively: A Behavioural Approach
Course Aim To develop better understanding of various aspects of organizational culture and development and impart appropriate behavioural skills for enhancing efficiency and productivity of the organization(s).
Course Objective To be familiar with various aspects of organisational development and culture. To know more about work and office management. To get familiar with work culture and ethics. To know about various behavioral skills (positive attitude, team work, time management, stress management, communication skills, decision making, self motivation, work life balance, emotional intelligence) and its importance. To enhance sensitivity towards self, group and organization. To acquaint with negotiating skills, consensus building and decision-making process for organisational excellence.
Course Profile Traditional vs. visionary leadership, Impact of visionary leadership in personal and organisational life, Skills of sustaining leadership.
Methodology This training will be delivered in an online mode. The training will primarily make use of lectures, case studies and experience sharing. It will also include group discussions and thus be participative in nature.
Participation Level Management personnel and Plant level representatives of Trade Unions Associations/ Federations from government establishments , public sector and private sector undertakings.
Faculty Dr. Shashi Bala
Date From 07-03-2022 to 11-03-2022
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue Online Training Programme
Course Director
Download Course Info Download Course Info (Online Training Programme on Managing Work Effectively A Behavioural Approach, March 07-11, 2022.pdf)
File Size 960.04 KB

Application for Internship Programme of the V. V. Giri National Labour Institute Noida, 2021-2022

Vacancy/Job Details:
Vacancy/Job Title Application for Internship Programme of the V. V. Giri National Labour Institute Noida, 2021-2022
Contact Person H.S. Rawat, Administrative Officer
Contact Email intern[dot]vvgnli[at]gmaiI[dot]com
Date of Announcement 03-02-2022
Last date of submission of application 21-02-2022
Vacancy/job Related File Download Vacancy/Job Info (Internship Scheme.pdf)
