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Home >> Course >> Sensitization Programme on Prevention and Elimination of Bonded Labour and Child Labour

Sensitization Programme on Prevention and Elimination of Bonded Labour and Child Labour

Course Details:
Course Title Sensitization Programme on Prevention and Elimination of Bonded Labour and Child Labour
Course Aim The programme aims to equip the participants with knowledge and skills for effective Identification, release and immediate rehabilitation of Bonded Labour- (adult and child) and Child Labour.
Course Profile BLSA Act (1976), CALPR act, IPC 370, Standard Operating Procedures on Bonded Labour and Child Labour (MoL&E), Bonded Labour Rehabilitation Scheme (MOLE 2016),Supreme Court Judgements, NHRC Guidelines & Role of Statutory and Law Enforcement bodies (Police, Labour Department, Vigilance Committees, District Magistrates, and others)
Methodology Sessions will include interactive discussions, case study presentations, sharing of best practices, group discussions, video/audio presentations, follow-up field activities and interactive learning quizzes
Participation Level NGOs working on Human Trafficking/ Child labour and Bonded labour, law and social work students – senior students or pursuing PhD, lawyers and individuals working on child labour and bonded labour
Faculty Dr. Manoj Jatav
Date From 03-03-2025 to 05-03-2025
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V. V. Giri National Labour Institute Sector –24, NOIDA –201301
Course Director Dr. Manoj Jatav
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