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Q1. What is the Fax No of the Ministry of Labour?

Answer: The fax no is 23718730 and 23355679


Q2. What are other websites of the Ministry of Labour?


Website Department
dget.nic.in  Directorate General of Employment & Training
dgfasli.nic.in  Directorate General Factory Advice Service and Labour Institute
www.vvgnli.org  V.V. Giri National Labour Institute
labourbureau.nic.in  Labour Bureau
www.indialabourarchives.org  Indian Labour Achieves
www.esicindia.org  Employee State Insurance Corporation
www.epfindia.com  Employee Provident Fund Organisation
www.dgmsindia.in/  Directorate General Mines Safety
labour.nic.in/cbwe  Central Board of Workers Education
labour.nic.in/dglw  Directorate General Labour Welfare