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Q.1.    What are the objectives of the SDI scheme?

Ans.The objective of the scheme are:

  1. to provide vocational training to school leavers, existing workers, ITI graduates, etc. to improve their employability by optimally utilizing the infrastructure available in Govt., private institutions and the Industry.  Existing skills of the persons can also be tested and certified under this scheme.
  2. to build capacity in the area of development of competency standards, course curricula, learning material and assessment standards in the country.

Q.2.Who prepares and decides courses and curricula?

Ans. A trade committee comprising representatives of Industry, training providers & trade experts identifies employable skills and develop MES course curricula.  The curriculum development process is:

  • Identification of Employable Skills set in a sector based on job analysis (division of work) in the labour market in consultation with Industry
  • Development of training modules corresponding to skills set identified
  • Organising Modules in to Course Matrix indicating vertical and horizontal mobility
  • Development of detailed curriculum
  • Approval by a trade committee comprising representatives of Industry, training providers & trade experts
  • Inviting comments from Employers/ Employees Organisations, State Govts. etc.
  • Approval by the NCVT

Q.3.What is the role of industry?

Ans. Role of industry has been envisaged in every stage of design and implementation of the   scheme.  Industry bodies are represented in the Central Apex Committee and State Committees which would have overall responsibility of implementation of the scheme.  Other roles are:

  • Forecasting of emerging areas of employment at micro level.
  • Development of course curricula of various trades.
  • Development of instructional material for training.
  • Assist in the training of trainers, wherever required.
  • Making available their training & testing facilities, wherever required.
  • Provide on the job training in their establishments.
  • Development of assessment standards.
  • Monitoring and Quality assurance.
  • Assistance in placement of graduates.
  • Provide trade experts to work as assessors of competencies.
  • Voluntary donation of equipment to the ITIs/other training institutions.
  • Providing guest faculty in new trades.

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