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Training Program

All training schedule are listed here:

Duration :
30/03/2021 to 31/03/2021

Duration :
05/04/2021 to 09/04/2021

Employment, both in terms of quantitative and more pertinently qualitative dimensions, assumes centrality in contemporary public policy. While employment generation remains a crucial long
term policy goal, it is now emerging as one of the most important catalysts for rejuvenating economic growth. Provision of quality employment remains the surest means for providing social security and tackling insecurities. It is in this context that this programme addresses various dimensions related to generation of quality employment as a means to achieve the
national goal of sustainable and inclusive growth.


June, 2020

Duration :
24/06/2020 to 26/06/2020

To enhance the competence of social partners and motivate them to work towards the promotion and holistic management of livelihood and Social Security measures in the North East.

May, 2020

Duration :
11/05/2020 to 15/05/2020

The aim of the programme is to make leaders aware about importance of work proficiency to achieve personal and organizational goals via enhancing work culture.

Duration :
20/05/2020 to 22/05/2020
