English Hindi

e-Shram, External Link that opens in a new window
Swachh Bharat, External Link that opens in a new window


All training schedule are listed here:

Duration :
07/06/2021 to 11/06/2021

The programme endeavors to enlighten the participants about the inequalities prevalent in the world of work and the challenges faced by women in the labour market. It would enable the participants in developing an understanding about the linkages between gender, work and social protection. The programme also aims at addressing larger questions of women’s empowerment and agency by effective designing of the social protection mechanisms in order to prevent gender based deprivation and ensure social protection through a rights based approach.

Duration :
07/06/2021 to 11/06/2021

The challenge of employment, especially of productive employment in the formal segments of the economy, remains formidable. Employment depends both on demand for labour and supply of it. Creation of employment opportunities Is not satisfactory despite experiencing satisfactory growth rate. The Newly industrializing economies or the so called East Asian Tigers have left many impressive and innovative experiences for us. We need to understand their policies carefully to find better solutions for our employment challenges. The programme aims at what can we learn from them and how could we go about it.

Duration :
14/06/2021 to 18/06/2021

The aim of the programme is to make leaders aware about importance of work proficiency to achieve personal and organizational goals.

Duration :
16/06/2021 to 18/06/2021

The course aims to provide a structural analysis of the complex relationships between informality, gendered relations of power and poverty. It also provides researchers with an enhanced understanding of qualitative and quantitative methods on gender, poverty and the informal economy. This course will be an opportunity to discuss and debate on the ongoing issues in conceptualizing and measuring poverty, women empowerment and gender.

Duration :
21/06/2021 to 25/06/2021

The programme aims at equipping the participants with the context of recent Labour reforms and labour codes.

Duration :
22/06/2021 to 24/06/2021

The programme aims to equip participants with skills and knowledge for effective and timely identification, rescue, release and rehabilitation of Child Labour and Bonded Labour.

Duration :
28/06/2021 to 02/07/2021

The programme aims to orient the participants about gender budget initiatives which have the potential of contributing to the promotion of gender equality.

Duration :
28/06/2021 to 30/06/2021

The programme aims to sensitize the participants about the changing nature of employment, the inequalities arising out of these changes and the need for social protection. It would enable participants to understand the international standards and existing legal instruments as well as some global best practices in order to promote workers’ rights, based on a model of social justice.

Duration :
28/06/2021 to 02/07/2021

The employability skills, especially, the soft skills are highly significant in the current labour market context, and it is necessary for getting a job. This course mainly aims to facilitate youth to work.

Duration :
05/07/2021 to 08/07/2021

Migration is a central feature of the contemporary world of work. In the context of India, migration flows, both internal and international, assumes paramount significance in livelihood options and development process. It is very well acknowledged that migration have had very positive developmental outcomes in the origin and destination centres. Considering that a large number of internal as well as international labour migrants return to their place of origin due to the temporary nature of migration flows, there is increased attention on maximising the development benefits of migration through appropriate reintegration of return migrants. In such a context, linking migration with the skills of migrants, particularly in terms of the skills acquired in the destination centres, is pivotal for facilitating effective reintegration policies. It is within this broad context that this training programme focusses on various dimensions of the inter-linkages between migration, skills and reintegration.


March, 2020

Duration :
16/03/2020 to 20/03/2020

The programme aims to develop an understanding of the need for social security for workers in the unorganized sector.

Duration :
16/03/2020 to 20/03/2020

This programme aims at enhancing the capacities of the stakeholders in conceptualising, designing and implementing effective labour market and employment policies and undertaking, monitoring and evaluation of such policies. The programme provides an opportunity for the participants to have intensive interface with renowned scholars and practitioners in the area of labour market and employment policies.

Duration :
23/03/2020 to 27/03/2020

To develop an understanding of social protection and livelihood security for informal sector workers through development schemes.

Duration :
23/03/2020 to 27/03/2020

To develop the leadership of working journalists and media persons to address effectively the emerging issues related to work and workplace and contribute for the development of media sector and also the overall all development of working mass.

Duration :
23/03/2020 to 27/03/2020

To enhance the knowledge, understanding and capacity of labour administrators and trade union leaders on matters relevant to decent work and climate instability

Duration :
23/03/2020 to 27/03/2020

The programme aims at empowering women organizers from Central Trade Unions.

February, 2020

Duration :
03/02/2020 to 14/02/2020

The course would enhance the understanding of young researchers to learn about various methods and approaches pertaining to research on gender issues in labour. It would also provide them an opportunity to engage in dialogues, discussions etc. to strengthen their academic endeavors. The course will help in developing an understanding of both qualititative and some aspects of quantitative researches on gender issues in labour. It would encourage researchers to identify emerging areas for research on labour issues from a gender perspective and enable them to theorize and engage in practical applications of their knowledge in their research pursuits.

Duration :
03/02/2020 to 07/02/2020

The programme aims to acquaint the participants with the dynamics of work environment, enhance the understanding about the various aspects of human resource management, human capital development and impart knowledge and skill to deal work effectively.

Duration :
10/02/2020 to 14/02/2020

The programme aims at enhancing enforcement competence and skills of Enforcement officers.

Duration :
10/02/2020 to 28/02/2020

Market-oriented reforms in the health sector
have led to low efficiency of resource
allocation and utilization, increasing inequality
as well as reducing the ability of the poor to
access health care services. This situation
creates greater health vulnerability for those
who are at greater risk of disease but not
under the cover of social protection, such as
workers in the informal economy.
