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July 2016

Dr. Ellina Samantroy Jena

Dr. Ellina Samantroy Jena
Dr. Ellina Samantroy Jena
Qualification: M.A., M.Phil. and Ph.D. (Sociology) JNU, New Delhi
Phone No: 0120-2411533/34
; Ext: 2077
Email ID: ellinasroy[dot]vvgnli[at]gov[dot]in


Dr. Ellina Samantroy Jena,


M.A, M. Phil. and Ph.D., (Sociology) JNU, New Delhi

Dr. Ellina Samantroy is working as a Fellow at the V.V. Giri National Labour Institute. She has a Doctorate in Sociology, MPhil and Masters from Centre for Study of Social Systems (CSSS), School of Social Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi. She has more than 19 years of professional experience in teaching (Sociology), training and conducting policy research in the area of Gender and labour issues particularly, in the area of Unpaid work, Gender Statistics, Time Use Studies, Work and Family Life Balance, Gender and Social protection, Child Labour, Gender and Labour Laws, International Labour Standards and Labour Codes.

Before joining this institute, she was Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Vasant Kanya Mahavidyalaya, Banaras Hindu University (BHU) and has also taught at the Jamia Millia Islamia University (JMI), New Delhi and Law College, Dehradun. She is the Co-ordinator of the Research Centre for Gender and Labour at the institute. She also co-ordinates International Networking between VVGNLI and ITC-ILO Turin, Italy and is the Co-ordinator for BRICS Network of Labour Research Institute for India. She is the Managing Editor of Indradhanush (Bi-monthly newsletter of VVGNLI).  She is also a member of ‘Task force for Improving Female Labour Participation’ constituted by Ministry of Labour and Employment (2023). She has authored policy papers for the Ministry of Labour and Employment including the BRICS paper on ‘Participation of Women in the Labour Force’ for the Employment Working Group (EWG) Meeting (2021) for the Ministry of Labour and Employment. She has also authored the Issue paper on ‘Women and Future of Work’ for Labour 20 Inception Meeting under the G20 Presidency of India (2023) and ‘Women and Skills in G20’ policy paper prepared on the sidelines of G20, Indian Presidency 2023. She has been a member of the Expert Committee constituted by the National Commission for Women in 2019 for module preparation on Gender Sensitization and Legal Awareness.

She has undertaken several research projects and consultancy assignments for international organizations like the UNICEF, World Bank, the ILO, ITC-ILO, Turin and has carried out several research projects at the institute. Some of the major research studies that she has undertaken include; Research for BRICS Network of Labour Research Institute on ‘Ensuring Social Security for All’ (2023); Paid and Unpaid Work of Urban Working Women in the Organised Manufacturing Sector: A Study of Time Use Patterns in the National Capital Region (2023); Vulnerability Mapping and Identification of Alternative Livelihood for Beedi Workers in Telangana (2023); Women’s Paid and Unpaid Work: Insights from the Time Use Survey and Methodological Issues (2022); VVGNLI-UNICEF study on ‘State of Child Workers in India: Mapping Trends (2017);Unpaid Work and Time Use Patterns of Women Workers in North East India: Special reference to Tripura (2018); ‘Women in the Urban Economy and Employment’, (2018) undertaken for India Urban Knowledge Platform, World Bank, New Delhi; An Overview of Laws, Policies and Practices on Sexual Harassment and Violence Against Women Workers in Afghanistan, India and Sri Lanka (2019) for the ILO, New Delhi; Evaluation study of the National Child labour Project Scheme (2020) commissioned by the Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India etc. Presently, she is working on a study titled ‘The Enforcement of Maternity Benefit Act in India (2024) for the Ministry of Labour and Employment.

She organizes International and National level training programmes on various themes like; International Labour Standards and Promotion of Gender Equality at the Workplace (ITEC) in collaboration with Ministry of External Affairs, Research Methods in Gender issues in Labour, Gender and Labour Issues, Gender Labour Laws and International Labour Standards, Labour Reforms and Labour Codes in India, Gender, Work and Social Protection, etc. She has been a part of the VVGNLI–ITCILO, Turin one year Training Programme on “Employment Policies: Moving from Fragility to Resilience” for Afghan nationals and Co-ordinated two modules; Entrepreneurship and Gender and Labour Towards Empowering Women in Fragile States.

She has published extensively with more than 70 publications in the form of books, research monographs, several papers and articles in peer-reviewed and reputed academic journals, chapters in edited volumes, book reviews and articles in newspapers and digital dailies. She has authored five books the recent one being ‘Gender, Unpaid Work and Care in India (2022) by Routledge, London & New York. The other books authored by her include; ‘Changing Youth Culture in India: A Study of Young Urban Professionals’ (2017); Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany; ‘Globalization and Social Change in India’ (2012); Rawat Publications, Sociology of Indian Society (2011) and Social Problems (2011) Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi.

Some of her recent publications include; Women and Violence in India: A Socio-legal Perspective (2024) chapter in a book on Ways of Being Indian: Essays on Religion, Gender and Culture by Speaking Tiger; ‘New Labour Codes and Implications for Women Workers’ in Economic and Political Weekly (2023); ‘Valuing Women’s Unpaid Work in India’ (2022) chapter in a book on Gender, Unpaid Work and Care in India by Routledge; Chapter on ‘Women’s Work in India and Covid 19:Insights from Labour Force Surveys and Emerging Challenges’(2022) in a book on Sociology of Covid 19 Pandemic in India by Har Anand Publications; ‘International Labour Standards and Promotion of Gender Equality at the Workplace (2022) in a book on Role of Labour in India’s Development by VVGNLI; Compendium paper on “Landscaping Prevalence and Trends in Child Work and Schooling and their Intersection in India” (2021) published from UNICEF Innocenti, Italy; “Evidence on Educational Strategies to address Child Labour in India and Bangladesh: Scoping Paper” (2021), Florence: UNICEF Innocenti ; Participation of Women in Labour Force (2021),prepared for the BRICS Employment Working Group (2021),NLI Studies Series no 146; ‘Women’s Participation in Domestic Duties and Paid Employment in India’,(2020) Indian Journal of Labour Economics, Springer, India; ‘Violence in Times of Covid 19:Lack of Legal Protection for Women Informal Workers’,(2020), Economic and Political Weekly, Engage, September 2020 (co-authored); ‘Women’s Work in India: Updates from Periodic Labour Force Survey’(2020) , Labour and Development, June, 2020 (co-authored); ‘The Invisible Workers: Capturing Home based Work in India’ (2019), Antyajaa Journal of Women and Social Change , Sage Publications; ‘Women Entrepreneurship in India: Evidence from Economic Census’ (2018), Social Change, Sage ; ‘Care Policies and Reconciliation of Work and Family Life: Experiences of Women Workers’ (2017),Indian Journal of Labour Economics, Springer, India; Regulating International Labour Migration: Issues in the context of Recruitment Agencies in India (2014), Contemporary South Asia, Routledge etc.

She has represented India in the BRICS Employment Working Group Meeting held during 21-24 February, 2023 at Johannesburg, South Africa. She has been a part of the Indian Delegation for the 80th Session of the Board of the International Training Centre (ITC) of the ILO in 2017 at Turin, Italy and has undergone training on Labour Market Statistics at International Training Centre of the ILO at Turin, Italy in 2015. She has been an expert in a Writer’s Workshop and has developed a module on ‘Gender and Labour towards Empowering Women in Fragile States’ in collaboration with ITC-ILO (2016) at ITC-ILO, Italy.

She has presented several research papers in various International and National Conferences and seminars including the 45th International Conference on Time Use Research (2023) at Tokya, Japan; ‘Building Research Collaboration with India and Kyrgystan to explore the role of Universities in developing skills for Smart cities (2019) Glasgow, United Kingdom; ‘International Conference on “Long-term Perspectives on Home based Work (2018) at Stockholm, Sweden; the 38th International Conference on Time Use Research (2016), Seoul National University, Korea and 37th International Conference on Time use Research (2015) at Ankara, Turkey. She has been invited as an expert in an International Workshop on Antimicrobial Resistance and Labour Migration across Healthcare Boundaries in Northern South Asia organized by Aarhus University, Denmark and B.P. Koirala Institute of Health Sciences during 27-29 November (2022) at Kathmandu, Nepal.

She has been a resource person to several Universities and institutions in India and delivered special lectures at National Statistical Service Training Academy (NSSTA), Greater Noida, Jawaharlal Nehru University, University of Delhi, Ambedkar University, University of Delhi, Central University of Haryana, South Asian University, New Delhi, Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), National Institute of Labour Economics Research and Development (NILERD), Arjun Singh Centre for Distance Learning, Jamia Millia Islamia , Amity University, Indian Institute of Public Administration and Malviya Centre for Peace Research, Banaras Hindu University. She has also delivered Video and Radio talks for National Institute of Open Schooling and Radio talks for Gyan Vani, IGNOU. She is involved in reviewing and developing academic curriculum and e-content of various Universities and Institutions in India and is also a member of Board of Studies and in the Panel of Experts for Evaluation of PhD thesis of several Universities. She is also a Research Advisory Board member of several institutions and universities in India and abroad.




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Dr. Dhanya M B

Dr. Dhanya M B
Dr. Dhanya M B
Qualification: Ph.D. (Economics)
Phone No: 0120-2411022
; Ext: 204
Email ID: dhanyamb[dot]vvgnli[at]gov[dot]in

Dr Dhanya MB is an economist working as Fellow (Faculty) at VV Giri National Labour Institute. She has nearly two decades of research experience in the domain of labour market studies and has done her PhD in Economics on the subject of Self-Employment through microfinance and Rural Women Empowerment (2004-2008). She is the Coordinator of the Centre for Labour Market Studies and Integrated Labour History Research Programme, two of the major research centres of the V.V. Giri National Labour Institute (VVGNLI). Ministry of Labour & Employment, Government of India deputed Dr Dhanya to look after the work of India’s G20 Presidency 2022-23 in addition to VVGNLI’s existing work from August 2022. She has been involved in policy initiatives of the Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India on various subjects such as Working Group member on ratification of ILO Convention-Forced Labour Protocol (2018), Drafting of National Employment Policy (2018-19), Member of Tripartite Working Group to facilitate the process of the ratification of the ILO convention No 87 & 98 (2013-14), prepared issue paper on gig and platform economy and social protection for EWG G20 India Presidency 2022-23 to mention a few. She represented India (2022) in the BRICS country labour research institute network’s seminar hosted by the Chinese Academy of Labour and Social Security, China and delivered a presentation on the Employment and income Policies of India in the context of the post-pandemic period.
She has authored/submitted monographs/reports and also coedited books in the area of Labour Market studies including Gig and Platform Workers: Vision 2047 (2022, MoLE), ‘Post Covid-19 Lockdown Scenario of Youth Unemployment in India’ (2020, UNICEF & RGNIYD); ‘Promoting Youth Employment & Entrepreneurship: A Study with Special focus on ‘Startups’ (2020, VVGNLI); ‘Quality Employment Generation in Micro and Small enterprises (MSEs) in India: Strategies and way forward’ (2018, VVGNLI); ‘Worker’s Rights and Practices in the Contemporary Scenario: an overview’ (2014, VVGNLI), ‘Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and informal economy in India’ (2013, VVGNLI); and ‘Engendering Gender Statistics’ (2012, VVGNLI).
She has been invited as resource person/guest faculty for delivering lectures by various academic institutions like Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), Institute of Economic Growth (IEG), Ambedkar University, Pandit Deendayal Upadhyaya National Academy of Social Security (PDNASS), National Institute of Educational Planning & Administration (NEUPA), National Institute of Labour Economics Research and Development (NILERD), National Institute for Career Service (NICS), Institute of Technology and Science (ITS) to mention a few. She also delivered lectures in various national and international programmes organized by VVGNLI and its Regional Collaborative Institutions.
She is also associated as Reviewer of the Journal published by Elsevier; Article editor of Sage Open Journal; Panel of the expert to evaluate PhD theses of universities etc. She also has been involved in coordinating various national and international training programmes on different thematic areas like Research methods on Gender, poverty and informal economy, Course on various methods in Microfinance Research, Gender issues in Labour, Youth Employability Skills, Leadership Development, Social Security, Gender issues in the world of work, Strengthening Awareness on Labour Issues and Laws about Women etc. In addition, she has also coordinated national-level workshops/seminars on different areas related to labour and employment. She has also been involved in offering comments for 316 Session of Governing Body of ILO on social protection floors and Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work; prepared background material for the 101 ILC at Geneva; examined the ratification of the ILO conventions No 98, 87, 138 &182, etc; to mention a few.
She also published several research articles in different journals at the national and international levels and chapters in edited books. Some of her article publications include:
Small firms in the labour market and youth employment provisions: Does innovation matter? (Routledge, forthcoming); Youth Employment, labour market and SDGs: Cross-cutting policy measures(Routledge, forthcoming), Employment, Remuneration and Forced Labour: Issues and Concerns (Journal of Extension& Research, 2019), Labour Force Participation, Composition, Skill Requirement and Future Challenges: An investigation for the hill state Uttarakhand (Gyan Books, New Delhi 2017), Engendering Labour Statistics: A Cross Country Comparison of Gender Differentiated Statistics (Social Change-Sage publications, 2014), Changing Trends of Gender in Labour Force: Exploring through Labour Statistics (Manpower Journal- New Delhi, 2012), Micro Credit, Rural Women Empowerment and Health: Perspectives on Kerala (Manpower journal- New Delhi), Women Entrepreneurship through Microfinance (Labour and Development- 2011), Role of Corporate Social Responsibility in Managing social issues – perspectives from Capability Approach (Macmillan publisher-New Delhi, 2011), Multidimensional Poverty Index: Relevance and application in Indian Context (Allied Publishers-New Delhi, 2011), Youth empowerment through microfinance: A case study on Yuvashree programme of Rural Kerala (Global Research Publications-New Delhi, 2011), Micro finance, Women Empowerment and Banking Habit: Perspectives on Kerala (THE MicroFINANCE REVIEW, 2010), Women empowerment and microfinance: Case study from Kerala (MPRA Paper-Germany, 2010), Human Rights and Gender Equality (Discovery Publishers- New Delhi 2009), Indian Youth and Demographic Transition (SSRN Paper- New York, 2010), Book review on Globalisation, Development and Transition: Conversations with Eminent Economists (Capital & Class- UK, 2011).
She has presented research papers and participated in various national and international conferences/consultations organized by IGIDR, ILO, World Bank, Chinese Academy of Labour and Social Security (CALSS), PDNASS, CWDS, IRMA, UN Women, IJM,RGNIYD, French Institute, Institute of Public Enterprises, National Law University and Judicial Academy, National Commission for Women, Ministry of Labour & Employment, British Council, NIEPA, CDS, Sharda University etc. on various themes like Indebtedness and Social Exclusion, Relevance of Policy Reforms on Development: Challenges before Emerging Economies, Redesigning social science research: Suitable methodologies for public action. She is also involved in the course writing for Masters Programme in Labour and Development (IGNOU, New Delhi). She has also undergone training in the areas of “Private-sector Engagement for Livelihoods and Employment Opportunities of Vulnerable Groups in Fragile, Conflict-Affected and Emergency Situations” by ILO-ITC, Turin; “Short Course on Research Skills for South Asia” by IZA/FCDO, Germany; ‘Promotion of Youth Employment in Fragile Settings’, ‘Designing and implementing effective wage policies’, jointly organized by International Training Centre (ITC)-Turin and ILO- Delhi; and ‘Management of Social Security Systems’ organized by PDNASS. She was on the editorial board of Awards Digest, Journal of Labour legislation during 2011-15.
Her research deals with various issues related to Labour & Employment, mainly includes Employment Policy, Gig and Platform workers; Entrepreneurship and Startups, Labour Economics, Migration; Gender issues in Labour and Public Policy.




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