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July 2016

Labour & Development

Labour & Development is a biannual peer-reviewed academic journal published by the V.V. Giri National Labour Institute. The journal is dedicated to advancing the understanding of various aspects of labour through theoretical analysis and empirical investigations. The journal publishes articles of high academic quality in the field of labour and related areas with emphasis on economic, social, historical as well as legal aspects and also publishes research notes, book reviews and documents on them particularly in the context of developing countries.

Empanelment of Agencies for Carrying Out Day to Day Repair-Maintenance

Tender Details:
Tender Title Empanelment of Agencies for Carrying Out Day to Day Repair-Maintenance
Tender Desc. The institute invites sealed quotations for empanelment of agencies for carrying out day to day repair/ maintenance work at V. V. Giri National Labour Institute, Noida. The detail of works is annexed. This site can be inspected by interested parties during office time on all working days by prior appointment before submitting the quotations.
Date of Advertisement 19-04-2016
Last date for submission of tender 19-05-2016
Date of Opening of the Tender 09-05-2016
Tender Related File Download Tender Info (tender-for-repair-maintenance-work.pdf)

Dr. Sanjay Upadhyaya

Dr. Sanjay Upadhyaya
Dr. Sanjay Upadhyaya
Senior Fellow
Qualification: LL.M., Ph.D. (Law)
Phone No: 0120-2411736
; Ext: 215
Email ID: sanjay[dot]vvgnli[at]gov[dot]in


Dr. Sanjay Upadhyaya has been working as Senior Fellow(Faculty) at the V.V. Giri National Labour Institute for the last 23 years. He is the Co-ordinator of the Research Centre for Employment Relations and Regulations. Areas of his current key research interests include: Contract Labour and Legal Protection, Social Security Law, Employment Relations Law and Regulation of Minimum Wages. He has the experience of having co-ordinated more than 160 training programmes on various themes of labour (for different target groups) such as: Leadership Development; Fundamentals of Labour Laws; Effective Labour Law Enforcement; Roles and Functions of Quasi-Judicial Authorities; Effective Enforcement of Building and Other Construction Workers Act; Effective Labour Welfare Administration and Making Adjudication Effective etc. within and outside V.V. Giri National Labour Institute. The programmes coordinated by him have been attended by over 3200 participants including representatives of NGOs and Trade Unions, Labour Enforcement Officials, Labour Administrators, Judges of Labour Courts and Tribunals, Officers from Indian Statistical Service, Officers from Indian Ordinance Factory Service, Personnel Officers and Industrial Relations Practitioners from Private and Public Sector etc. He has addressed a large number of participants of various National and International Training Programmes on several themes of labour law such as: Constitution and Labour; Regulatory Framework for Wages; Contract Labour and Legal Protection; Contract Labour and Judicial Intervention; Managerial Excellence and Human Rights; Industrial Relations Law and Legislation pertaining to migrant workers, women workers, building and other construction workers and child labour etc.

The major research studies carried out by Dr. Sanjay Upadhyaya include: Conditions of Employment, Work and Service of Faculty in Private Engineering Colleges in India; Evolution of Minimum Wage Policy and Regulatory Framework: An Inter Country Perspective; Adaptation of ITC-ILO Curriculum on Building Modern and Effective Labour Inspection Systems; Labour, Employment and Social Security Issues of Security Guards Engaged by Private Security Agencies; Contract Labour and Judicial Interventions; Strengthening Labour Laws in order to Prevent Violations; Assessing the Social Security Measures and Promoting Effective Participation of Beneficiaries (An action research); Labour, Employment and Social Security Issues in Education Industry: A Case Study of Private Schools; Organizing Rural Labour: A Case of Chittorgarh, Rajasthan (An action research); Status of Labour Welfare Measures in he Factories of NOIDA: A Case Study of Garment & Hosiery Industry and Delay in Industrial Adjudication: A case study of C.G.I.T-cum-Labour Court, Delhi. Most of these studies have been published in the form of NLI Research Studies Series. He has recently initiated a new V.V.Giri NLI publication in the form of ‘Workers Education and Empowerment Series’ (in Hindi language) for wider dissemination of key research findings of research studies carried out by V.V. Giri National Labour Institute from time to time.

Dr. Sanjay Upadhyaya has recently brought out a book on contract labour titled, ‘Policy and Law on Contract Labour in India’ published by Thomson Reuters and also edited a book ‘Bharat ke Shramik Neta:Vyaktitva evam Krititva’ (in Hindi) containing the short biographies of eminent trade union leaders of India. In the past he has been the editor of ‘Shram Samachar’, inhouse Hindi news magazine of Ministry of Labour, Govt. of India. He is the editor of inhouse regular publications of the V.V.Giri National Labour Institute, ‘Awards Digest: Journal of Labour Legislation’ and ‘Shram Vidhan’ .He is also one of the active members of core team constituted by Ministry of Labour and Employment for drafting of the Small Factories (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Bill, the Labour Code on Wages and Labour Code on Industrial Relations.

He has made presentations in various National / International seminars and participated in a number of discussions and workshops. He has to his credit a large number of publications in the form of articles in various academic journals / edited volumes, magazines and newspapers etc. in English and Hindi on various themes of labour in general and labour law in particular.

Samita Sen

Samita Sen
Samita Sen

Sakarama Somayaji

Sakarama Somayaji
Sakarama Somayaji

Sabyasachi Bhattacharya

Sabyasachi Bhattacharya
Sabyasachi Bhattacharya

S.Theodore Baskaran

S.Theodore Baskaran
S.Theodore Baskaran

Santosh Pandhari Suradkar

Santosh Pandhari Suradkar
Santosh Pandhari Suradkar

Dr. Shashi Bala

Dr. Shashi Bala
Dr. Shashi Bala
Senior Fellow
Qualification: M. Phil, Ph.D. (Economics)
Phone No: 0120-2411776
; Ext: 225
Email ID: balashashi[dot]vvgnli[at]gov[dot]in


Dr. Shashi Bala

Senior Fellow

M. Phil., Ph.D. (Economics)


Dr. Shashi Bala, Senior Fellow, V.V. Giri National Labour Institute was awarded Ph. D from the Centre of Study for Diplomacy, International law and Economics/School of International Studies/Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.  She is coordinating the activities of the Centre for Gender & Labour Studies and the Centre for Agrarian Relations, Rural and Behavioral Studies at the Institute. 

She has been trained on various themes like Gender Budgeting by Ministry of Women and Child Development, New Delhi; National Service Scheme (NSS) by University of Delhi; Gender Sensitivity & Prevention and Redressal of Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace by Integrated Training & Policy Research; Mainstreaming Gender Equality: Concepts and Instruments; and Leadership for Employment Promotion in fragile settings by ILO/ITC Turin, Italy. She has participated in the training programs on Leadership for Employment Promotion in Fragile Settings organised by (ILO/ITC) held on 11.03.2019 to 15.3.2019 at New Delhi. Global E-coaching Forum: Effective Project Implementation in Emergency Situations 7 - 9 December 2020 (Online) by International Training Centre of the ILO (ITCILO). ILO's South Asian Regional Training Course on "Evidence-based Policy Making for Decent Work”, 22-26 November 2021 (Online). ILO's South Asian Regional Training Course on "Evidence-based Policy Making for Decent Work”, 10-13 April 2023 at New Delhi. She is the presiding officer and Founder Convener of Preventing Sexual Harassment Committee at the Institute.  Her research areas majorly focus on Labour Economics; Skill Development; Social Security; Gender Budgeting; Gender Issues; & Behavioral Skills.

As a researcher research projects coordinated by her at VVGNLI are :

Centre for Labour Market Studies

S. no

Name of Study

Nature of Publication

Link of Study


Skill Development System: A Micro Level Evidence


NLI Research Series No. 059/2004

https://vvgnli.gov.in/sites/default/files/059-2004-Shashi%20Bala.pdf" target="_BLANK" title="PDF file that opens in a new window." target="_BLANK" title="The External PDF File that opens in a new window" target="_BLANK" title="External site that opens in a new window "/a>

Centre for National Resource Centre on Child Labour

S. no

Name of Study

Nature of Publication

Link of Study


Vocational Training for Rehabilitation of Labour: A Case Study of NCLP schools and MAYA

NLI Research Studies No. 066/2005


https://vvgnli.gov.in/sites/default/files/063-2005-Shashi%20Bala.pdf" target="_BLANK" title="PDF file that opens in a new window." target="_BLANK" title="The External PDF File that opens in a new window" target="_BLANK" title="External site that opens in a new window "/a>


Centre for Gender and Labour Studies

S. no

Name of Study

Nature of Publication

Link of Study


Working Women in Urban India: Concerns and Challenge

NLI Research Studies No. 86/2009

https://vvgnli.gov.in/sites/default/files/086-2009-Shashi%20Bala%20and%20Seema%20Khanna.pdf" target="_BLANK" title="PDF file that opens in a new window." target="_BLANK" title="The External PDF File that opens in a new window" target="_BLANK" title="External site that opens in a new window "/a>


The Employment and Condition of Domestic Help in India: Issues and Concern

NLI Research Studies No. 88/2010

https://vvgnli.gov.in/sites/default/files/088-2010-Shashi%20Bala.pdf" target="_BLANK" title="PDF file that opens in a new window." target="_BLANK" title="The External PDF File that opens in a new window" target="_BLANK" title="External site that opens in a new window "/a>


Labour Market Participation of Working Women Post Maternity: A Case of Private Sectors

ISBN: 978-81-924272-5-6

NLI Research Studies Series No. 098/2012

https://vvgnli.gov.in/sites/default/files/2012-098." target="_BLANK" title="External site that opens in a new window "/strong>pdf



of Maternity Benefit Act


ISBN: 978-81-924272-7-0

NLI Research Studies No. 099/ 2012

https://vvgnli.gov.in/sites/default/files/2012-099.pdf" target="_BLANK" title="PDF file that opens in a new window." target="_BLANK" title="The External PDF File that opens in a new window" target="_BLANK" title="External site that opens in a new window "/a>


Training Module on Gender & Social Security for Corporate Sector

ISBN: 978-93-82902-13-3

Occasional Publication


https://vvgnli.gov.in/sites/default/files/Traning_Module_Corporate_Sector__Gray_.pdf" target="_BLANK" title="PDF file that opens in a new window." target="_BLANK" title="The External PDF File that opens in a new window" target="_BLANK" title="External site that opens in a new window "/a>


Training Module on Gender & Social Security for Unorganised Sector


ISBN: 978-93-82902-01-0

Occasional Publication


https://vvgnli.gov.in/sites/default/files/Traning_Module%20on%20Unorganised%20Sector.pdf" target="_BLANK" title="PDF file that opens in a new window." target="_BLANK" title="The External PDF File that opens in a new window" target="_BLANK" title="External site that opens in a new window "/a>


Gender Dimensions of Work and Employment: A Case of Sexual Harassment

ISBN: 978-93-82902-36-2

NLI Research Studies No. 115/ 2016

https://vvgnli.gov.in/sites/default/files/2016-115.pdf" target="_BLANK" title="PDF file that opens in a new window." target="_BLANK" title="The External PDF File that opens in a new window" target="_BLANK" title="External site that opens in a new window "/a>


Gaps in Education & the World of Work: A Gender Perspective


ISBN: 978-93-82902-46-1

NLI Research Studies No. 120/ 2017

https://vvgnli.gov.in/sites/default/files/120-2017%20-%20Shashi%20Bala.pdf" target="_BLANK" title="PDF file that opens in a new window." target="_BLANK" title="The External PDF File that opens in a new window" target="_BLANK" title="External site that opens in a new window "/a>


Gender Parity in Education and Employment: A Global Perspective

ISBN: 978-93-82902-45-4

NLI Research Studies No. 119/ 2017

https://vvgnli.gov.in/sites/default/files/119-2017%20-%20Shashi%20Bala.pdf" target="_BLANK" title="PDF file that opens in a new window." target="_BLANK" title="The External PDF File that opens in a new window" target="_BLANK" title="External site that opens in a new window "/a>


Training of Trainers Module on Prevention of Sexual Harassment of Women  at Workplace


ISBN: 978-93-82902-57-7

Published as Occasional Paper



https://vvgnli.gov.in/sites/default/files/TRANING%20MODULE%20ON%20SEXUAL%20HARASSMENT%20OF%20WOMEN%20AT%20WORKPLACE.pdf" target="_BLANK" title="PDF file that opens in a new window." target="_BLANK" title="The External PDF File that opens in a new window" target="_BLANK" title="External site that opens in a new window "/a>


ICT Imperatives to Bridge the Digital Divide: Gender Perspective

ISBN:  978-93-82902-56-0

NLI Research Studies No. 129/ 2017

https://vvgnli.gov.in/sites/default/files/NLI%20Research%20Studies%20Series%20No.%20129-2017.pdf" target="_BLANK" title="PDF file that opens in a new window." target="_BLANK" title="The External PDF File that opens in a new window" target="_BLANK" title="External site that opens in a new window "/a>


Impact of the Maternity Benefit (Amendment) Act, 2017 in the IT & ITES


ISBN: 978-93-82902-60-7

NLI Research Studies No. 132/ 2019

https://vvgnli.gov.in/sites/default/files/132-2019_-_NLI%20Research%20Studies%20Series%20.pdf" target="_BLANK" title="PDF file that opens in a new window." target="_BLANK" title="The External PDF File that opens in a new window" target="_BLANK" title="External site that opens in a new window "/a>


The Equal Remuneration Act, 1976: Identifying the Affirmative Initiative & Challenges in the Implementation of the Act


ISBN: 978-93-82902-66-9

Published as Occasional Paper



https://vvgnli.gov.in/sites/default/files/Digital_dummy_of_Workshop_on_Equal_Remuneration_Act.pdf" target="_BLANK" title="PDF file that opens in a new window." target="_BLANK" title="The External PDF File that opens in a new window" target="_BLANK" title="External site that opens in a new window "/a>


Implementation of The Equal Remuneration Act, 1976

ISBN: 978-93-82902-72-0

NLI Research Studies Series No 142/ 2020

https://vvgnli.gov.in/sites/default/files/NLI%20Research%20Studies%20Series%20No%20142_0.pdf" target="_BLANK" title="PDF file that opens in a new window." target="_BLANK" title="The External PDF File that opens in a new window" target="_BLANK" title="External site that opens in a new window "/a>


Impact on Employment of the Maternity Benefit (Amendment) Act, 2017: Identifying the Affirmative Initiative & Challenges in the Implementation of the Act


ISBN: 978-93-82902-73-7

Published as Occasional Paper



https://vvgnli.gov.in/sites/default/files/Workshop%20on%20Impact%20on%20Employment%20of%20the%20Maternity%20Benefit%20Act%202017.pdf" target="_BLANK" title="PDF file that opens in a new window." target="_BLANK" title="The External PDF File that opens in a new window" target="_BLANK" title="External site that opens in a new window "/a>


Maternity Protection: A Case Study



First Edition

Case Study Series



https://vvgnli.gov.in/sites/default/files/VVGNLI%20CASE%20STUDIES%20SERIES%202020%20-%20First%20Edition.pdf" target="_BLANK" title="PDF file that opens in a new window." target="_BLANK" title="The External PDF File that opens in a new window" target="_BLANK" title="External site that opens in a new window "/a>


The Invisibility of women in Indian agriculture-A case of Uttar Pradesh (Town)


ISBN: 978-93-82902-80-5

NLI Research Studies Series No. 147/2022

https://vvgnli.gov.in/sites/default/files/147-2022%20Shashi%20Bala.pdf" target="_BLANK" title="PDF file that opens in a new window." target="_BLANK" title="The External PDF File that opens in a new window" target="_BLANK" title="External site that opens in a new window "/a>


भारतीय कृषि में महिलाओं की अदृश्यता- उत्तर प्रदेश का एक मामला (नगर)



सामयिक प्रकाशन



https://vvgnli.gov.in/sites/default/files/Hindi%20version%20of%20NLI%20Research%20Studies%20Series%20147-2022.pdf" target="_BLANK" title="PDF file that opens in a new window." target="_BLANK" title="The External PDF File that opens in a new window" target="_BLANK" title="External site that opens in a new window "/a>


Emerging Trends of Gender in Agriculture-A case of Uttar Pradesh (Village)­

ISBN: 978-93-82902-81-2

NLI Research StudiesSeries No.


https://vvgnli.gov.in/sites/default/files/Hindi%20version%20of%20NLI%20Research%20Studies%20Series%20147-2022.pdf" target="_BLANK" title="PDF file that opens in a new window." target="_BLANK" title="The External PDF File that opens in a new window" target="_BLANK" title="External site that opens in a new window "/a>


कृषि में लिंग के उभरते रुझान- उत्तरप्रदेश (गांव) का एक मामला

Under Publication


Employee’s Compensation Act: A Case Study


ISBN: 978-93-82902-78-2

Second Edition

Case Study Series

015/2021/July 2021

https://vvgnli.gov.in/sites/default/files/VVGNLI%20CASE%20STUDIES%20SERIES-2021-Second%20Edition.pdf" target="_BLANK" title="PDF file that opens in a new window." target="_BLANK" title="The External PDF File that opens in a new window" target="_BLANK" title="External site that opens in a new window "/a>


E- Rural Camp: Labour Codes & Enhancing Sensitivity towards Gender parity, September 7-9, 2021


ISBN: 978-93-82902-97-3

NLI Series No. 160

March, 2023


https://vvgnli.gov.in/sites/default/files/160-2023%20Shashi%20Bala.pdf" target="_BLANK" title="PDF file that opens in a new window." target="_BLANK" title="The External PDF File that opens in a new window" target="_BLANK" title="External site that opens in a new window "/a>


ई ग्रामीण शिविर श्रम संहिताएं और लैंगिक समानता के प्रति संवेदनशीलता बढ़ाना, 7-9 सितंबर 2021

सामयिक प्रकाशन


E Rural Camp an Introduction to Labour codes and Gender Responsive Budgeting in India, 21-23 September 2021


ISBN: 978-93-82902-85-0

NLI Series No. 156

March, 2023

https://vvgnli.gov.in/sites/default/files/156-2023%20Shashi%20Bala.pdf" target="_BLANK" title="PDF file that opens in a new window." target="_BLANK" title="The External PDF File that opens in a new window" target="_BLANK" title="External site that opens in a new window "/a>


ई ग्रामीण शिविर भारत में श्रमसंहिताओं और लिंग उत्तरदायी बजट का परिचय, सितंबर 21-23, 2021

सामयिक प्रकाशन

https://vvgnli.gov.in/sites/default/files/Hindi%20version%20of%20NLI%20Research%20Studies%20Series%20156-2023.pdf" target="_BLANK" title="PDF file that opens in a new window." target="_BLANK" title="The External PDF File that opens in a new window" target="_BLANK" title="External site that opens in a new window "/a>


Work from home: A CASE STUDY


ISBN: 978-93-82902-95-9



Third Edition

Case Study Series



https://vvgnli.gov.in/sites/default/files/VVGNLI%20Case%20Studies%20Series-Third%20Edition.pdf" target="_BLANK" title="PDF file that opens in a new window." target="_BLANK" title="The External PDF File that opens in a new window" target="_BLANK" title="External site that opens in a new window "/a>


Labour Force Participation: Measuring the Global Gender Gap Trends


ISBN: 978-93-82902-96-6

NLI Series- 159/2023


https://vvgnli.gov.in/sites/default/files/159-2023%20Shashi%20Bala.pdf" target="_BLANK" title="PDF file that opens in a new window." target="_BLANK" title="The External PDF File that opens in a new window" target="_BLANK" title="External site that opens in a new window "/a>


Case Study on Street Vanders

Under Publication


Labour Force Participation: Measuring the Gender Gap Trends: A Case of ITI’s in Uttar Pradesh

Under Publication



Policy brief on Employment and Skill Development

Under Publication


Workshop on “Work from home: Designing Flexible Working Hours Policy

Under Publication


Designing Flexible Working Hours policy: A case of NCR



Centre for Agrarian Relations, Rural and Behavioral Studies

S. no.

Name of Study

Nature of Publication

Link of Study

  1. 1

Changing Pattern of Rural Non-Farm Employment

Published as Occasional Paper




Non-Farm%20Employment.pdf" target="_BLANK" title="PDF file that opens in a new window." target="_BLANK" title="The External PDF File that opens in a new window" target="_BLANK" title="External site that opens in a new window "/p>

  1. 2

Rural Industrialization and Options for Self Employment in Rural Areas

ISBN: 978-93-82902-68-3

NLI  Research Series No.139/2019


https://vvgnli.gov.in/sites/default/files/NLI_Research_Studies_Series_No_139-2019.pdf" target="_BLANK" title="PDF file that opens in a new window." target="_BLANK" title="The External PDF File that opens in a new window" target="_BLANK" title="External site that opens in a new window "/a>

  1. 3

Module on Leadership Development

For use of Training purpose


Module on Organizational structure, Culture & productivity

For use of Training purpose

  1. z

Decoding Agrarian Crisis: A Gender Perspective


ISBN: 978-93-82902-75-1

NLI Research Series

No.144/ 2021

https://www.vvgnli.gov.in/sites/default/files/NLI%20Research%20Studies%20Series%20No%20144-2021.pdf" target="_BLANK" title="The External PDF File that opens in a new window" target="_BLANK" title="External site that opens in a new window "/a>


कृषि संकट को समझना: एक लैंगिक परिप्रेक्ष्य

ISBN 978-93-82902-77-5

सामयिक प्रकाशन


https://vvgnli.gov.in/sites/default/files/A%20Gender%20Perspective%20Hindi.pdf" target="_BLANK" title="PDF file that opens in a new window." target="_BLANK" title="The External PDF File that opens in a new window" target="_BLANK" title="External site that opens in a new window "/a>


Decoding Agrarian Crisis: Emerging Challenges


ISBN: 978-93-82902-74-4

NLI Series 143/ 2021

https://www.vvgnli.gov.in/sites/default/files/NLI%20Research%20Studies%20Series%20No%20143-2021.pdf" target="_BLANK" title="The External PDF File that opens in a new window" target="_BLANK" title="External site that opens in a new window "/a>


कृषि संकट को समझना: उभरती चुनौतियों का अध्ययन


ISBN: 978-93-82902-76-8

सामयिक प्रकाशन


https://vvgnli.gov.in/sites/default/files/Agriculture%20Report%20Hindi.pdf" target="_BLANK" title="PDF file that opens in a new window." target="_BLANK" title="The External PDF File that opens in a new window" target="_BLANK" title="External site that opens in a new window "/a>


Decoding Agrarian Crisis- A Study of Production, Employment and Emerging Challenges in Rural Agriculture


ISBN: 978-93-82902-75-1

NLI Series 151/ 2022


https://vvgnli.gov.in/sites/default/files/151-2022%20Shashi%20Bala.pdf" target="_BLANK" title="PDF file that opens in a new window." target="_BLANK" title="The External PDF File that opens in a new window" target="_BLANK" title="External site that opens in a new window "/a>


कृषि संकट  को समझना - ग्रामीण कृषि में उत्पादन, रोजगार और उभरती चुनौतियों का एक अध्ययन

सामयिक प्रकाशन



Monitoring the Contribution of Production, Employment and Emerging Challenges in Urban Agriculture


ISBN: 978-93-82902-86-7

NLI Series No. 150

March, 2022

https://vvgnli.gov.in/sites/default/files/150-2022%20Shashi%20Bala.pdf" target="_BLANK" title="PDF file that opens in a new window." target="_BLANK" title="The External PDF File that opens in a new window" target="_BLANK" title="External site that opens in a new window "/a>


शहरी कृषि में उत्पादन रोजगार और उभरती चुनौतियों के योगदान की निगरानी

सामयिक प्रकाशन


https://vvgnli.gov.in/sites/default/files/Hindi%20version%20of%20NLI%20Research%20Studies%20Series%20150-2022_0.pdf" target="_BLANK" title="PDF file that opens in a new window." target="_BLANK" title="The External PDF File that opens in a new window" target="_BLANK" title="External site that opens in a new window "/a>


E-rural Camp: Empowering Women in the Rural Economy through Labour Codes, 17-19 August 2021


ISBN: 978-93-82902-88-1

NLI Series No. 152

March, 2022

https://vvgnli.gov.in/sites/default/files/152-2022%20Shashi%20Bala.pdf" target="_BLANK" title="PDF file that opens in a new window." target="_BLANK" title="The External PDF File that opens in a new window" target="_BLANK" title="External site that opens in a new window "/a>


ई ग्रामीण शिविर श्रम संहिता के माध्यम से ग्रामीण अर्थव्यवस्था में महिलाओं का सशक्तिकरण, 17-19 अगस्त, 2021

सामयिक प्रकाशन


https://vvgnli.gov.in/sites/default/files/Hindi%20version%20of%20NLI%20Research%20Studies%20Series%20152-2022.pdf" target="_BLANK" title="PDF file that opens in a new window." target="_BLANK" title="The External PDF File that opens in a new window" target="_BLANK" title="External site that opens in a new window "/a>


Strengthening Leadership Skills of the Advocates of Women Labour on Labour Codes, September 1-3, 2021

ISBN: 978-93-82902-89-8

NLI Series No. 153

March, 2022

https://vvgnli.gov.in/sites/default/files/153-2022%20Shashi%20Bala.pdf" target="_BLANK" title="PDF file that opens in a new window." target="_BLANK" title="The External PDF File that opens in a new window" target="_BLANK" title="External site that opens in a new window "/a>


ई ग्रामीण शिविर श्रम संहिताओं पर महिला श्रम के पैरोकारों के नेतृत्व कौशल को सुदृढ़ बनाना, 1-3 सितंबर 2021

सामयिक प्रकाशन


https://vvgnli.gov.in/sites/default/files/Hindi%20version%20of%20NLI%20Research%20Studies%20Series%20153-2022.pdf" target="_BLANK" title="PDF file that opens in a new window." target="_BLANK" title="The External PDF File that opens in a new window" target="_BLANK" title="External site that opens in a new window "/a>


Green Job Scenario in India- Present and Future Prospects.

ISBN: 978-93-82902-93-5

NLI Series- 157/2023

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Contract Labour: A Case Study

Under Publication


‘Gig Workers’ – A Case Study

Under Publication


Green energy initiatives to promote green jobs: A case of Rajasthan

Under Publication



Social Security through Green Jobs: A Case Study of Government Policies and Programmes

Under Publication


Sugarcane Farming in Uttar Pradesh with special reference to conditions of workers and pattern of Employment in the District of Muzaffarnagar



She has been the Visiting Researcher 2008 at Korean Labour Institute, Seoul, South Korea, where she conducted a study on Gender Issues in the Korean Labour Market. In addition to her contribution towards the research activities, she also coordinates various training programmes.  As a trainer, she coordinates training programmes on various themes with specific focus on Gender and behavioral skills like:-

  1. Labor codes from gender lens, Effective  Enforcement of Laws Pertaining to Women Employees for  Labour Enforcements Officers from Central and State Governments/UTs
  2. Gender Responsive Budgeting for Centre and State Labour Enforcement Officials
  3. Gender, Poverty and Employment for Policy makers, Government representatives, Representatives of Workers’ and  Employers’ organizations, Civil Society representatives
  4. Empowering Rural Women Organisers for Rural Women labour leaders  sponsored by Central Trade Unions
  5. Developing  Skill Development Strategies for Women Workers in the Informal Economy for Skill Development Institutions, NGOs and Trade Unions Representatives from Central Trade Union Organisations
  6. Women Welfare Issues at Workplace for  Corporate Sector; Training of Trainers Programme on Gender and Social Security for Employers, Trade Union Activists, NGOs, Labour Enforcement Officers
  7. Gender and Social Security for Corporate Sector
  8. Training of Trainers Programme for Enhancing Capacity of the Officials Handling Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013
  9. Gender Issues in Labour for Trade Union Leaders sponsored by Central Trade Unions and NGO’s Representing North-Eastern States
  10. Training Programme on Quantitative & Qualitative Methods in Labour Research: A Gender Perspective for Research Scholars/academicians working on labour issues
  11. Labour issues and policies in India with MGLI, Ahmedabad; Research Methodology Course on “Inclusion of Labour in Rural India” with Gandhigram Rural Institute, Tamil Nadu and Management Development Programme on Enhancing Productivity through Improving Work Culture and Gender Equity with Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow e.t.c..

She also coordinates International Training Programme on Gender Issues in the World of Work for officials from Government Departments, Institutions, Representatives from Employee/Employers’ organizations, Executives from Industrial and service sector/ NGOs etc. for foreign nationals sponsored by Ministry of External Affairs, Govt. of India.  In the past she co-coordinated the training programme on themes like:-

  1. International Training Programme on Labour and Employment; Course on Research Methods in Labour Economics jointly with Dr. S.K. Sasikumar, Senior Faculty at the Institute &International
  2. Training Programme on Enhancing Leadership Skills jointly with Dr. Poonam S. Chauhan, former Senior Faculty at the Institute. 

She also coordinates training on Behavioral Skills for Managing Work Effectively for RBI Personnel, Managing Time, Anger and Stress for Improving Work Efficiency, Managing Work Effectively: A Behavioral Approach, Improving Work Efficiency for Canara Bank Officials, National Fertilizers Ltd. Officials, Oil India Ltd. Officials, Online Capacity Building Programme on Labour Rights and Dispute Resolution (For officials above ASO Level of Ministry of Labour & Employment, O/o CLC, EPFO & ESIC); 

  • Online Collaborative Training Program on Labour Codes for Agricultural Workers (MANAGE)
  • Online collaborative capacity building programme on the migration of rural labours in India: a case of women migrants in Karnataka (Bangalore University)
  • Online collaborative Training Programme On Enhancing Capacity in Preventing Sexual Harassment at the Workplace (Central University of Punjab, Punjab)
  • Online Collaborative   Training Program on Capacity building on labour laws and Migration(MANAGE)
  • Collaborative Online Training on Capacity Building on Industrial Relations and New Labour Codes(Sikkim University, Gangtok)
  • Online Improving Organisational Culture for Maximising Productivity
  • The Art of Living Training Programs for Building Competence for Personal Competence (For the Officers of the Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India)
  • राजभाषा संवाद के अधिकारियों के पदौन्नतिपूर्व अनिवार्य प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम (ESIC+National Training Academy); Training Programme for the Promotion of Officers’ Superintendent to the post of Administrative Officers (DGMS)
  • Gyan Poshan Panchayats: Awareness Programme on Different Schemes of MoL&E, GoIetc., She is an external member of various Internal Committees constituted for Preventing Sexual Harassment at Workplace by  BPCL, GAIL, EPFO,  Pandit Deendayal Upadhyaya National Academy of Social Security  etc.,

She has presented several papers in National and International Seminars/Workshops organized by International Training Centre, Turin;

  • International Management Institute (IMI)
  • International Labour Organization (ILO)
  • Korea Labour Institute, Seoul, South Korea
  • Ministry of Labour and Employment and ILO, in Collaboration with Korea University of Technology and Education
  • Annual Conference of India Society of Labour Economics
  • V.V. Giri National Labour Institute
  • National Institute of Public Cooperation and Child Development (NIPCCD)
  • Indian Institute of Public Administration (IIPA)
  • Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Roorkee, Ministry of Women and Child Development etc.,

She has a number of National and International research publications in reputed journals, books and research studies. She is a life member of Indian Society of Labour Economics & Indian Political Economy Association (IPEA).  She also coordinates rural camps and provides awareness on various labour codes to various stakeholders at village level.  She has been a member of Grant-in-Aid Committee on Women Labour, Ministry of Labour & Employment, Government of India.  She is also a member of the Task Force on Gender Equality in the World of Work, Ministry of Labour & Employment, Government of India.

