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August 2016

Climate Change and Livelihood Issues

Course Details:
Course Title Climate Change and Livelihood Issues
Course Aim The programme is intended to familarise the participants with issues related to ‘climate change and livelihood’ by focusing on how climate change impacts poor people’s livelihoods, their coping mechanisms and alternative adaption strategies.
Course Objective
  • To Understand Linkages between Climate Change, Labour and Livelihood
  • Climate Change and its challenges on sustainable development and livelihood
  • Mitigation  and  Adaptation  Strategies  to  Climate  Change:  Issues  and  Challenges (transition  to  green  jobs,  renewable  energy  etc.,  responses  at  macro,  meso  and micro level)
  • Policies related to climate change and sustainability (at international and national level)
Course Profile Role of NGO’s and community leaders to deal with climate change
Methodology Lecture, individual and group presentations, audio-visual aids, etc.
Participation Level Rep. from NGOs & Central Trade Unions
Faculty Besides the VVGNLI faculty, eminent resource persons working on gender issues will be invited to take sessions
Date From 02-01-2017 to 06-01-2017
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V.V. Giri National Labour Institute, NOIDA
Course Director

Gender, Poverty and Employment

Course Details:
Course Title Gender, Poverty and Employment
Course Aim The programme aims to discuss how working women and men can satisfactorily benefit from the employment opportunities, working conditions, etc. which have a direct impact on the productivity of the workplace and welfare of the families.
Course Objective
  • To examine the inter-linkages between gender, poverty and employment.
  • To  discuss gender-sensitive, anti-poverty and  employment policies and programmes;
  • To  discuss  about  the  gender  and  decent  work  perspective  in  national  and international policy agendas on poverty reduction;
Course Profile Gender, Poverty & Employment: Concepts, policies and programmes, Decent Work
Methodology The training programme is flexible and a modular structure cum participatory approach will be adopted for this course
Participation Level Policy makers, Government representatives, Representatives of Workers’ and Employers’ organizations, Civil society representatives
Faculty Besides the VVGNLI faculty, experts in the field will be invited to deliver sessions
Date From 13-06-2016 to 17-06-2016
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V.V. Giri National Labour Institute, NOIDA
Course Director

Migration and Development: Issues and Perspectives

Course Details:
Course Title Migration and Development: Issues and Perspectives
Course Aim This programme aims at enhancing the understanding of the linkages between migration and development. It also aims at developing the capacities of researchers and policy makers towards explicating the emerging issues in migration, especially in terms of research and policy concerns.
Course Objective
  • Understand the concepts and theories relating to migration
  • Examine  the  emerging  trends  and  patterns  in  migration  in  a  globalizing economy
  • Discuss key components of contemporary migration policies
  • Analyse developmental potential of migration
Course Profile Conceptualizing Migration; Theoretical Approaches Explaining Migration; Emerging Trends and Characteristics of Migration; Migration Policies; and Migration and Development
Methodology Lectures, Interactive Session, Discussions and Case Studies
Participation Level Policy makers, researchers and social partners dealing with internal and international migration issues.
Faculty Faculty members from the Institute and external faculty from leading universities, major research institutions and concerned government departments
Date From 02-05-2016 to 05-05-2016
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V.V. Giri National Labour Institute, NOIDA
Course Director

Skill Development for Youth Employability and Entrepreneurship

Course Details:
Course Title Skill Development for Youth Employability and Entrepreneurship
Course Aim The programme aims to acquaint the young participants form different universities with the knowledge, importance and prospects of skill development in enhancing employability and entrepreneurship of youth. After completion of master degree course they are supposed to take up different career options. This programme will enrich their understanding of skill development, enhance their capabilities and enable them to play larger role for the skill development of youth of the national.
Course Objective
  • To understand the World of Work and Decent Employment
  • To situate  the  importance  of  skill  development  for  employability  of  general  and  for youth in particular in the emerging Economy
  • To familiarize the participants with skill development avenues and initiatives 
  • To enable the participants to play larger role along with enhancing individual capacity
Course Profile Labour Market and Skill, Skill Gap and Sector Specific Skills, Skill for Employment employability, Productivity & Human Development, Self-Employment and Entrepreneurship, Policy Response and Skill Development Initiatives, Case Study/Good Practices, Team Building/Leadership Skill , Communication Skill, etc.
Methodology Lectures, Discussions and Interactive Sessions, Presentations & Field Visit
Participation Level University Students pursuing Master Degree (Social Science and Management)
Faculty Apart from internal faculty, other eminent experts working in the field.
Date From 17-10-2016 to 21-10-2016
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V.V. Giri National Labour Institute, NOIDA
Course Director

Leadership Development Programme: Media Sector

Course Details:
Course Title Leadership Development Programme: Media Sector
Course Aim To develop the leadership of working journalists and media persons to address effectively the emerging issues related to work and workplace and contribute for the development of media sector and also the overall all development of working mass
Course Objective
  • To understand the emerging labour issues in media sector.
  • To make them understand various challenges and strengthen skills to address the challenges.
  • To encourage them for contributing the development of media persons along with the overall development of working mass
Course Profile Overview of Media Industry, Issues and Challenges of Media Persons, Employability, Media and Entertainment Skill Council, Social Security, Welfare Measures, Major Laws, National Wage Board, Gender Issues, Leadership and other behavioural Skills, Development communication/ Development Programmes and Role of Media
Methodology Lecture, Audio –visual, Group and General Discussions
Participation Level Media Persons, Representatives from Working Journalists / Employees Unions and Leaders from Central Trade Unions
Faculty VVGNLI Faculty, External Resource Persons from Government, Policy Making, Development Sector and Subject Experts
Date From 18-04-2016 to 22-04-2016
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V.V. Giri National Labour Institute, NOIDA
Course Director

Managing Livelihood and Social Protection in the hill regions

Course Details:
Course Title Managing Livelihood and Social Protection in the hill regions
Course Aim To enhance the competence of social partners and motivate them to work towards the promotion and holistic management of livelihood and Social Security measures in the Hill Regions
Course Objective
  • To discuss various issues challenges relating to livelihood and Social Security 
  • To make the participants understand their roles in addressing the issues
  • To discuss about new avenues and innovative methods
  • To enable them to contribute effectively for the promotion and management of livelihood and social security in the regions
Course Profile Overview of socio economic conditions in the Hill Regions and Emerging issues, Deterrent factors for Livelihoods and Social Security, Challenges of Climate Change, Confronting Disaster, Innovation in employment and integrating skill development initiatives with local conditions for better livelihood opportunities (Local Resource Management, Entrepreneurship Development). Effective Implementation of Social Security Programmes
Methodology Lectures, Group Discussions, General Discussions, Interactive Sessions and case studies
Participation Level Government Officials from District level Administration, NGOs, Skill Imparting Institutions and Trade Unions Activists from Central Trade Unions from the Hill Regions
Faculty VVGNLI Faculty, External Resource Persons from Government, Policy Making, Development Sector and Subject Experts
Date From 11-07-2016 to 15-07-2016
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V.V. Giri National Labour Institute, NOIDA
Course Director

Promoting Decent Work in the Construction Industry

Course Details:
Course Title Promoting Decent Work in the Construction Industry
Course Aim Sensitizing the participants with the concept and need for decent work and discuss various issues and strategies for its promotion in the construction industry.
Course Objective
  • To familirise the participants with the concept and components of decent work and its relevance in construction 
  • To  identify  major  challenges  towards  attaining  decent  work  condition    in  the construction industry. 
  • To  discuss  ways  and  means  to  address  the  various  challenges  for  promotion  of decent work in construction 
Course Profile Concept of decent work, Problem areas in the construction industry that poses real challenges for decent work, initiatives for decent work in construction, thrust areas for the successful promotion of decent work. Experience of good practices in construction.
Methodology Lecture, Group Exercise and Case Study
Participation Level Labour Officials and Leaders of Construction Workers/Union Activists from CTUs, Representatives from Employer’s Association/ Construction Industry
Faculty External Resource persons from Central Trade Unions and in-house faculty
Date From 26-12-2016 to 30-12-2016
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V.V. Giri National Labour Institute, NOIDA
Course Director

Strengthening Leadership Skills: beedi Workers

Course Details:
Course Title Strengthening Leadership Skills: beedi Workers
Course Aim To enhance organisation building capacity of activists of beedi workers unions
Course Objective
  • To impart knowledge and information about beedi industry in general and status of workers in particular
  • To enhance inter-personal communication
  • To discuss the legal protections in various labour legislations
  • To familiarise on the various aspects of welfare funds for beedi workers
Course Profile Problems of Beedi Industry, Leadership Styles, Communication Skills, Overview of the Beedi Industry, Effective Trade Union Building, Beedi Workers Welfare Act and Beedi Workers Regulations of Employment Act, etc.
Methodology Lectures, case studies and group discussion
Participation Level Representatives of Trade Unions/Organisers of Beedi Workers from Central Trade Union Organisations
Faculty Besides the internal faculty of the VVGNLI, eminent resource persons from various fields will be invited for this training.
Date From 16-05-2016 to 20-05-2016
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V.V. Giri National Labour Institute, NOIDA
Course Director

Training of Trainers Programme on Gender and Social Security

Course Details:
Course Title Training of Trainers Programme on Gender and Social Security
Course Aim To strengthen the understanding of gender issues in labour and raising awareness & effective implementation of social security measures
Course Objective
  • Provide a clear understanding of Social Security.
  • Provide information on the Recent Trends, National and International Experiences, Good Practices.
  • Offer a comprehensive resource repository in order to assist key stakeholders to design  effective  enforcement  policy  and  raise  awareness  for  implementation  of various Social Security provisions.
  • Train the Employers, Trade Union, N.G.O and Officials involved in above process
Course Profile Rural Society, Behavioral skill for enhancing leadership potentials, Labour laws related to women: Maternity Benefit, Equal remuneration, Sexual Harassment at Workplace
Methodology Lectures, individual and group exercises, case studies and experience sharing.
Participation Level Employers, Trade Union Activists, NGOs, LEOs
Faculty Central T.U. Leaders and V.V.G.N.L.I. faculty.
Date From 19-09-2016 to 23-09-2016
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V.V. Giri National Labour Institute, NOIDA
Course Director

Gender Issues in Labour

Course Details:
Course Title Gender Issues in Labour
Course Aim To address and strengthen the understanding of gender issues in labour market. The programme would acquaint the participants with the various inequalities prevalent in the labour market and also enable them to develop an understanding about the challenges existing in the labour market scenario.
Course Objective
  • To develop a conceptual overview of gender and work.
  • To address the various inequalities prevalent in the work of work.
  • To sensitize the participants about various discriminatory practices prevalent in the world of work
  • To  create  awareness  about  gender  and  development  issues  related  to  work; education,  health,  violence,  developmental  policies  and  programmes,  legislative measures etc.
  • To  sensitize  the  participants  to  development  issues  relating  to  gender  and  to enhance  their  capacity  to  understand,  analyse  and  utilize  gender  dimensions  in development process
Course Profile Gender Dimensions of Employment labour market discrimination and inequality, gender and development with specific focus on policy initiatives
Methodology Classroom lectures, group discussions, case studies and experience sharing
Participation Level Trade Union Leaders/Organisers from Central Trade Unions. We will appreciate, if participants from reserved categories (SC/ST) are also nominated.
Faculty Besides the VVGNLI faculty, external resource persons will be invited to take sessions
Date From 09-05-2016 to 13-05-2016
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V.V. Giri National Labour Institute, NOIDA
Course Director
