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August 2016

Social Security for Workers in the unorganised Sector

Course Details:
Course Title Social Security for Workers in the unorganised Sector
Course Aim The programme aims to develop an understanding of the need for social security for workers in the unorganized sector.
Course Objective
  • Discuss key issues and concerns of workers in the unorganized sector
  • Acquaint participants with the concept of social security and the need for social security for workers in the unorganised sector
  • Acquaint  participants  with  select  labour  laws  and  social  security  provisions  for workers in the unorganized sector
  • Discuss the challenges in implementing social security programmes and strategies for overcoming the challenges
  • Familiarize participants with different micro level social security experiments
Course Profile Overview of labour laws and social security provisions for workers in the unorganized sector, sharing community level programmes
Methodology Lectures, interactive sessions, individual and group presentations, sharing case studies
Participation Level Government Officials and Representatives of Central Trade Unions.
Faculty VVGNLI Faculty, resource persons from academic institutions and trade unions
Date From 04-07-2016 to 08-07-2016
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V.V. Giri National Labour Institute, NOIDA
Course Director

Social Security for Workers in the unorganised Sector

Course Details:
Course Title Social Security for Workers in the unorganised Sector
Course Aim The programme aims to develop an understanding of the need for social security for workers in the unorganized sector.
Course Objective
  • Discuss key issues and concerns of workers in the unorganized sector
  • Acquaint participants with the concept of social security and the need for social security for workers in the unorganised sector
  • Acquaint  participants  with  select  labour  laws  and  social  security  provisions  for workers in the unorganized sector
  • Discuss the challenges in implementing social security programmes and strategies for overcoming the challenges
  • Familiarize participants with different micro level social security experiments
Course Profile Overview of labour laws and social security provisions for workers in the unorganized sector, sharing community level programmes
Methodology Lectures, interactive sessions, individual and group presentations, sharing case studies
Participation Level Government Officials and Representatives of Central Trade Unions.
Faculty VVGNLI Faculty, resource persons from academic institutions and trade unions
Date From 04-04-2016 to 08-04-2016
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V.V. Giri National Labour Institute, NOIDA
Course Director

Labour Market and Employment Policies

Course Details:
Course Title Labour Market and Employment Policies
Course Aim This programme aims at enhancing the capacities of the concerned stakeholders in conceptualising, designing and operationalising effective labour market and employment policies and undertaking research studies related to it. The programme provides an opportunity for the participants to have intensive interface with renowned scholars and practitioners in the area of labour market and employment policies.
Course Objective
  • Provide an overview on labour and employment scenario of the world in general and India in particular
  • Acquire knowledge about different sources of data on labour
  • Developing capacities to undertake labour market surveys and employment impact and evaluation  studies
Course Profile Conceptualising Labour, Emerging Nature and Characteristics of Labour Markets, Conducting Field Surveys, Sources of Data on Labour, Computer Applications in Labour Research, Preparation of Project Reports
Methodology Lectures, Interactive Sessions, Discussions and Case Studies
Participation Level Middle and Senior Level Officials and functionaries dealing with labour market and employment issues, researchers specialising on labour market and employment studies.
Faculty Faculty members from the Institute and external faculty from concerned international and government organisations and leading universities and major research institutions.
Date From 13-02-2017 to 20-02-2017
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V.V. Giri National Labour Institute, NOIDA
Course Director

Labour Market and Employment Policies

Course Details:
Course Title Labour Market and Employment Policies
Course Aim This programme aims at enhancing the capacities of the concerned stakeholders in conceptualising, designing and operationalising effective labour market and employment policies and undertaking research studies related to it. The programme provides an opportunity for the participants to have intensive interface with renowned scholars and practitioners in the area of labour market and employment policies.
Course Objective
  • Provide an overview on labour and employment scenario of the world in general and India in particular
  • Acquire knowledge about different sources of data on labour
  • Developing capacities to undertake labour market surveys and employment impact and evaluation  studies
Course Profile Conceptualising Labour, Emerging Nature and Characteristics of Labour Markets, Conducting Field Surveys, Sources of Data on Labour, Computer Applications in Labour Research, Preparation of Project Reports
Methodology Lectures, Interactive Sessions, Discussions and Case Studies
Participation Level Middle and Senior Level Officials and functionaries dealing with labour market and employment issues, researchers specialising on labour market and employment studies.
Faculty Faculty members from the Institute and external faculty from concerned international and government organisations and leading universities and major research institutions.
Date From 12-09-2016 to 16-09-2016
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V.V. Giri National Labour Institute, NOIDA
Course Director
Download Course Info Download Course Info (training-programme-on-labour-market-and-employment-policies.pdf)

Social Protection and Livelihood Security

Course Details:
Course Title Social Protection and Livelihood Security
Course Aim The aim of the programme is to familiarize the participants with the social protection programmes and to develop techniques and strategies for initiating micro-level livelihood programmes.
Course Objective
  • Acquaint participants with concepts of social protection
  • Familiarize  participants  with  the    social  protection  programmes  and  micro  level experiments in the country
  • Understand the role of different institutional mechanisms to deliver social protection and sustainable livelihood
  • Discuss the role of government, trade unions and community leaders for initiating rural livelihood protection programmes
Course Profile Social Protection of Informal Sector Workers; Programmes and Schemes on Social Protection; Sharing Micro level Experience of Social Protection Practices; Capacity building for initiating community level programmes
Methodology Lectures, individual and group presentations, sharing case studies.
Participation Level Government Officials and Representatives of Central Trade Unions
Faculty VVGNLI Faculty, resource persons from academic institution and trade unions
Date From 13-02-2017 to 17-02-2017
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V.V. Giri National Labour Institute, NOIDA
Course Director

Social Protection and Livelihood Security

Course Details:
Course Title Social Protection and Livelihood Security
Course Aim The aim of the programme is to familiarize the participants with the social protection programmes and to develop techniques and strategies for initiating micro-level livelihood programmes.
Course Objective
  • Acquaint participants with concepts of social protection
  • Familiarize  participants  with  the    social  protection  programmes  and  micro  level experiments in the country
  • Understand the role of different institutional mechanisms to deliver social protection and sustainable livelihood
  • Discuss the role of government, trade unions and community leaders for initiating rural livelihood protection programmes
Course Profile Social Protection of Informal Sector Workers; Programmes and Schemes on Social Protection; Sharing Micro level Experience of Social Protection Practices; Capacity building for initiating community level programmes
Methodology Lectures, individual and group presentations, sharing case studies.
Participation Level Government Officials and Representatives of Central Trade Unions
Faculty VVGNLI Faculty, resource persons from academic institution and trade unions
Date From 26-09-2016 to 30-09-2016
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V.V. Giri National Labour Institute, NOIDA
Course Director
Download Course Info Download Course Info (training-programme-on-social-protection-and-livelihood-security.pdf)

Skill Development & Employment Generation

Course Details:
Course Title Skill Development & Employment Generation
Course Aim Generating more and better quality of employment is a common challenge faced by the countries world over. The challenge is more pronounced in case of developing countries with large informal sector and with problems of unemployment and underemployment. To face these challenges, governments are putting increasing emphasis on enhancing the skills of its people in general and that of workers in particular to increase their employability and to facilitate them to get decent employment.
Course Objective
  • Understand the linkage between vocational education and skill training with growth and employment;
  • Acquire  knowledge  about  the  vocational  educational  and  training  systems  and about its various components
  • Understand  the  challenge  of  employment  generation  and  designing  appropriate skill development policies to meet those challenges.
Course Profile Linkage between vocational education and skill training with employment generation and economic growth, overview of Vocational education and skill training system and its components, governance and management of vocational education and training, role of public-private partnership in skill development, labour market information system and skill development, skill gap analysis and identifying skill demand of emerging sector and informal sector, financing vocational education and training and labour market and skill development policies.
Methodology Lectures, Interactive Sessions, Discussions and Case Studies
Participation Level Tripartite partners, officials involved with implementation of vocational education and skill training programmes, trainers and instructors, research institutes, organizations/institutions involved in imparting vocational education and training.
Faculty Apart from internal faculty, other eminent experts working in the field.
Date From 23-01-2017 to 27-01-2017
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V.V. Giri National Labour Institute, NOIDA
Course Director

Skill Development & Employment Generation

Course Details:
Course Title Skill Development & Employment Generation
Course Aim Generating more and better quality of employment is a common challenge faced by the countries world over. The challenge is more pronounced in case of developing countries with large informal sector and with problems of unemployment and underemployment. To face these challenges, governments are putting increasing emphasis on enhancing the skills of its people in general and that of workers in particular to increase their employability and to facilitate them to get decent employment.
Course Objective
  • Understand the linkage between vocational education and skill training with growth and employment;
  • Acquire  knowledge  about  the  vocational  educational  and  training  systems  and about its various components
  • Understand  the  challenge  of  employment  generation  and  designing  appropriate skill development policies to meet those challenges.
Course Profile Linkage between vocational education and skill training with employment generation and economic growth, overview of Vocational education and skill training system and its components, governance and management of vocational education and training, role of public-private partnership in skill development, labour market information system and skill development, skill gap analysis and identifying skill demand of emerging sector and informal sector, financing vocational education and training and labour market and skill development policies.
Methodology Lectures, Interactive Sessions, Discussions and Case Studies
Participation Level Tripartite partners, officials involved with implementation of vocational education and skill training programmes, trainers and instructors, research institutes, organizations/institutions involved in imparting vocational education and training.
Faculty Apart from internal faculty, other eminent experts working in the field.
Date From 21-11-2016 to 25-11-2016
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V.V. Giri National Labour Institute, NOIDA
Course Director

Migration and Development: Issues and Perspectives

Course Details:
Course Title Migration and Development: Issues and Perspectives
Course Aim This programme aims at enhancing the understanding of the linkages between migration and development. It also aims at developing the capacities of researchers and policy makers towards explicating the emerging issues in migration, especially in terms of research and policy concerns.
Course Objective
  • Understand the concepts and theories relating to migration
  • Examine  the  emerging  trends  and  patterns  in  migration  in  a  globalizing economy
  • Discuss key components of contemporary migration policies
  • Analyse developmental potential of migration
Course Profile Conceptualizing Migration; Theoretical Approaches Explaining Migration; Emerging Trends and Characteristics of Migration; Migration Policies; and Migration and Development
Methodology Lectures, Interactive Session, Discussions and Case Studies
Participation Level Policy makers, researchers and social partners dealing with internal and international migration issues.
Faculty Faculty members from the Institute and external faculty from leading universities, major research institutions and concerned government departments
Date From 15-11-2016 to 18-11-2016
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V.V. Giri National Labour Institute, NOIDA
Course Director

Skill Development & Employment Generation

Course Details:
Course Title Skill Development & Employment Generation
Course Aim Generating more and better quality of employment is a common challenge faced by the countries world over. The challenge is more pronounced in case of developing countries with large informal sector and with problems of unemployment and underemployment. To face these challenges, governments are putting increasing emphasis on enhancing the skills of its people in general and that of workers in particular to increase their employability and to facilitate them to get decent employment.
Course Objective
  • Understand the linkage between vocational education and skill training with growth and employment;
  • Acquire  knowledge  about  the  vocational  educational  and  training  systems  and about its various components
  • Understand  the  challenge  of  employment  generation  and  designing  appropriate skill development policies to meet those challenges.
Course Profile Linkage between vocational education and skill training with employment generation and economic growth, overview of Vocational education and skill training system and its components, governance and management of vocational education and training, role of public-private partnership in skill development, labour market information system and skill development, skill gap analysis and identifying skill demand of emerging sector and informal sector, financing vocational education and training and labour market and skill development policies.
Methodology Lectures, Interactive Sessions, Discussions and Case Studies
Participation Level Tripartite partners, officials involved with implementation of vocational education and skill training programmes, trainers and instructors, research institutes, organizations/institutions involved in imparting vocational education and training.
Faculty Apart from internal faculty, other eminent experts working in the field.
Date From 29-08-2016 to 02-09-2016
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V.V. Giri National Labour Institute, NOIDA
Course Director
