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August 2016

Digital Archives

Archives of Indian Labour Click Here

"Archives is to society what memory is to human beings"

Archives of Indian Labour is a dedicated electronic depository of records connected with the history of labour and labour relations of India.

The Archives of Indian Labour has been developed as a part of the on-going Integrated Labour History Research Programme of the V.V. Giri National Labour Institute, set up in collaboration with Association of Indian Labour Historians.

Salient features of the Archives include: Full-fledged Digital Structure; Integrated Multimedia Storage and Retrieval System; Enhanced Public Access; Integration of Historical and Contemporary Records; and Focus on Records of the Unorganised Sector Labour.

The Archives has been developed in order to address the urgent need for preservation of important materials on labour and provider for greater public access of the same.

The Archives have more than 15 gigabytes of digitised archival quality data. The archive, apart from being a repository of sources and documents also builds collections and initiates research in the field of labour history. Documents related to labour movement (generated by workers' organisations, state and business enterprises) are preserved at the archive, in addition to personal narratives, memoirs and video and audio material. The archives combine this effort with an effective public dissemination system of which the offline and on-line access to the digital archives is a major component.

Coordinator: Dr. S.K. Sasikumar

Preventing Sexual harassment at Workplace

Course Details:
Course Title Preventing Sexual harassment at Workplace
Course Aim The programme aims at training the Officials Handling Sexual Harassment Internal Complain Committees (ICC)
Course Objective
  • Discuss sexual harassment at the workplace and it’s Inter-linkages with productive employment/productive contribution to economy.
  • Discuss  the  legal  framework  towards  addressing  sexual  harassment  at  the workplace.
  • Discuss the strategies needed to combat sexual harassment at workplace.
Course Profile Concept of Sexual Harassment, Myths and facts related to Sexual Harassment, Consequences and impact of Sexual Harassment, Supreme Court Guidelines: Legislative Initiatives
Methodology Lectures, individual and group exercise, case- studies and experience sharing.
Participation Level HR. Officials, Plant Level Trade Union Leaders and Sexual Harassment Internal Complaints Committee Members.
Faculty Besides the VVGNLI faculty, experts in the field will be invited to deliver sessions
Date From 01-08-2016 to 05-08-2016
Fee Rs. 12000/- per participant
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V.V. Giri National Labour Institute, NOIDA
Course Director


Integrated Labour History Research Programme is based on a formal collaborations with the Association of Indian Labour Historians (AILH).

One of the most significant contributions of the ILHRP has been the 12 major International Conferences on Labour History organised to deliberate on significant themes like Towards Global Labour History: New Comparisons’, ‘Expanding the Frontiers of Labour History’, ‘Work and Non-Work: Histories in the Long Term’, and ‘Labour History – A Return to Politics’, and ‘The Future of Work in the Mirror of the Past’.

These conferences provide an important platform for historians, social scientists and scholars to deliberate upon varied dynamics of labour history, furthering the historical understanding of the conditions on labour and labouring people.  Scholars from around 20 countries across the world have been participating in the conferences on Labour History.

  • First International Conference on Labour History (March 16-18, 1998)
  • Second International Conference on Labour History (March 16-18, 2000)
  • Third International Conference on Labour History (March 14-16, 2002)
  • Fourth International Conference on the theme, “Towards Global Labour History: New Comparisons” (November 10-12, 2005)
  • Fifth International Conference on Labour History (November 2006)
  • Sixth International Conference on Labour History  (November 1-3, 2006)
  • Seventh International Conference on Labour History  (March 27-29, 2008)
  • Eighth International Conference on Labour History on the theme, “Expanding the Frontiers of Labour History” (March 18-20, 2010)
  • Ninth International Conference on Labour History on the theme, “Work and Non-work: Histories in the Long Term”(March 22-24, 2012)
  • Tenth International Conference on Labour History on the theme, “A Return to Politics?”(March 22-24, 2014)
  • Eleventh International Conference on Labour History on the theme, “Workers, Labour and Mediation”(March 21-23, 2016)
  • Twelfth International Conference on Labour History on the theme, “The Future of Work in the Mirror of the Past”(March 26-28, 2018)


V.V. Giri National Labour Institute in collaboration with Merian International Institute of Advanced Studies: Metamorphoses of the Political (MICAS: MP), Centre for Modern Indian Studies (CeMIS), University of Göttingen, Germany and Association of Indian Labour Historians (AILH) orgainsed an “International Workshop on Chronologies of Labour: A Global Perspective” during January 22-23, 2016.

V.V. Giri National Labour Institute in collaboration with the Association of Indian Labour Historians and International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam organised the First International Conference on Global Labour History Network during March 03-04, 2017.



Research Publications

The Integrated Labour History Research Programme aims to initiate, integrate and revive historical research on labour in India and is the first of its kind in the country. ‘Writing Labour History’ is a key component of the Programme, and is an effort to synthesise research and chart out new areas in labour history through research contributions by leading scholars in the field.
In its first phase, titled “Overview of Labour History in India” - reputed specialists in the field with their contributions have produced a collection of essays. In the following phases this component will be enriched by the research projects conducted by the Archives and will incorporate periodically all written output of the research programme.
The research output emanating from the Research and Collection projects feed into the Writing Labour History Programme. In the first phase essays on ten key themes on labour have been completed and are being readied for publication as working papers of the ILHRP.

Managing human resources Effectively

Course Details:
Course Title Managing human resources Effectively
Course Aim The programme aims to acquaint the participants with the dynamics of work environment, enhance the understanding about the various aspects of human resource management, human capital development and impart knowledge and skill to deal effectively.
Course Objective
  • To understand the dynamics of work environment 
  • To discuss various aspects of human resources management and human capital development
  • To acquaint with the various policies and programmes
  • To impart behavioural skills to deal work effectively 
  • To   refresh   the   participants   legal   understanding   with   recent   laws   and amendments 
  • To enable the participants to redefine their role and contribute significantly
Course Profile Dynamics of Labour Market (Labour Market Context of HRM), Human Resources Planning and Human Capital Development: Human Resource Training and Development, Rapid Skill Changes, Skill for Employability and Productivity, Skilling and up skilling with Public Private Partnership: Avenues & Initiatives, Employees wellbeing though Health Provisioning and welfare measures, Role of Positive Attitude in Organisational Development and Excellence, Behavioral Skills, New Paradigm of Labour Relations: Relevant Laws, Good Practices.
Methodology Lectures, individual and group exercises, case-studies and experience sharing.
Participation Level HR Managers from Public and Private Sectors
Faculty VVGNLI Faculty & Resource Persons from institutions and industries
Date From 21-11-2016 to 25-11-2016
Fee Rs. 12000/- per participant
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V.V. Giri National Labour Institute, NOIDA
Course Director


The Digital Archives of Indian Labour, apart from being a repository of sources and documents, builds collections and initiates research in the field of labour history. Collections are generated through projects commissioned at the programme, and through institutional documents generated by various orgainzations.
Documents related to the abour movement in India (generated by workers’ organizations, state and business enterprises) are preserved at the archive. The archive also houses personal narratives and memories of leaders and workers of the Indian Labour movement.
These collections include records and reports of all the Commissions of Labour from 1931 till 1991 (including the complete collection on the First National Commission on Labour, 1969); records and publications of central trade unions such as AITUC, BMS, CITU and INTUC; records and reports on the unorganized sector labour movement in regional centres. A large number of interviews of workers and labour activists and documents of labour movement in the informal sector can also be accessed.
Since 2010, the Integrated Labour History Research Programme has been undergoing a technology upgradation project. Updates and notices will be posted here as the new technology and revitalized collections are put online.
A complete list of the collections available with the Archive is below:
  1. Bombay Textile Strike of 1982 
  2. The Unorganised Workers of Delhi and the Seven-Day Strike of 1988 
  3. Directory of Sources on Labour History: Delhi Region 
  4. Collection & Inventory of Records on All India Railwaymens’ Federation 1955-85 
  5. Organisation, Collection & Documentation of AITUC Records (1937-1985) 
  6. Oral History Documentation of Indian Labour Movement Phase-I
  7. Documentation of Industrial and Dependent Labour Lives in Delhi: An Oral History Approach 
  8. Documenting the Source Material on Labour History of Tamil Nadu from the holdings at Roja Muthiah Research Library, Chennai 
  9. Collection and Documentation of Sources of Labour History in Tamil Nadu Phase-I 
  10. Trade union Movement in Film Industry of South India 
  11. Collection and Documentation of Sources of Labour History in Tamil Nadu Phase-II 
  12. Oral History Documentation of Indian Labour Movement Phase-II 
  13. Struggle for Justice: Chattisgarh Mukti Morcha
  14. The Informalisation process: Casualisation & Paupersation of the Weavers of Banaras
  15. Oral History Documentation on Railway Workers 
  16. History of Industrial Relations in Textile Sector in India 
  17. Organisation of Source Material and Construction of Digital Collection on SEWA
  18. Collection of Documentary sources of Labour History in Tamilnadu Phase –III 
  19. Oral History Documentation of Indian Labour Movement Phase – III 
  20. Documentation of the History of Bhartiya Mazdoor Sangh
  21. Research and Collection of Documents on Interaction of Caste Movement and Working Class during 1920 to 1945 in Maharashtra 
  22. Present and past of the community- based garment industry in 24 Paraganas (south) of West Bengal
  23. Study and Collection of Documents of the National Campaign of Construction Workers for a Central Legislation form 1985
  24. From Leather Artisans to Brick-Kiln Workers: Narratives of Weary Travellers
  25. Collection of History of Coal Workers with special emphasis on Impact of Outsourcing 
  26. Documentation and Collection of Records/ Materials of Bharatiya Khet Mazdoor Union (BKMU), states/local khet mazdoor organisations and agricultural labour movement in general 
  27. Organisation of Source Material and Construction of Digital Collection of BIDI Workers of Ahmedabad City 
  28. Making of labour law and collective bargaining traditions: Kamani Employees Union and the independent trade union movement in Mumbai 
  29. Labour in the Indian Textile & Apparel Industry: Understanding the Impact of Government Policies 
  30. Textile Labour History of Indore Town 
  31. Bhojpuri Pravasi Shramikon ki Sansakrati Aur Bhikhari Thakur ka Sahitya
  32. Accidents and Work: The Everyday Lives at Jharia Coalfield and Oral History Documents 
  33. Contested Streets-Mapping Street Vending in Delhi 
  34. Documents of the Records and Materials of Bharatiya Khet Mazdoor Union (BKMU), State and Local Khet Mazdoor Organizations, and of the Agricultural Labourers’ Movement-Phase II (Pre- and Post-Independence Period) 


Fundamentals of Labour Laws

Course Details:
Course Title Fundamentals of Labour Laws
Course Aim The programme aims at equipping the participants with the context of labour legislation and recent Labour jurisprudence.
Course Objective
  • to acquire the knowledge of substantive as well as procedural contents of Industrial Relations Law.
  • to have an understanding of Social Security legislations.
  • to develop an insight into the Wage Law.
  • to gather an understanding of the law relating to Contract Labour.
Course Profile Salient features of Industrial Relations Law including Trade Unions Act, IE(S.O) Act and Industrial Disputes Act, Objectives and salient features of social security laws including Employee’s Compensation Act, Employees Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, Payment of Gratuity Act, and the Pension Scheme of 1995, Salient features of the law relating to wages.
Methodology Lectures, groups discussions and experience sharing and panel discussion.
Participation Level Middle level executives of govt., public sector and private sector undertakings and representatives of trade unions.
Faculty Experienced and eminent persons from Labour Administration, Academics and trade Unions
Date From 06-02-2017 to 10-02-2017
Fee Rs. 12000/- per participant
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V.V. Giri National Labour Institute, NOIDA
Course Director

Fundamentals of Labour Laws

Course Details:
Course Title Fundamentals of Labour Laws
Course Aim The programme aims at equipping the participants with the context of labour legislation and recent Labour jurisprudence.
Course Objective
  • to acquire the knowledge of substantive as well as procedural contents of Industrial Relations Law.
  • to have an understanding of Social Security legislations.
  • to develop an insight into the Wage Law.
  • to gather an understanding of the law relating to Contract Labour.
Course Profile Salient features of Industrial Relations Law including Trade Unions Act, IE(S.O) Act and Industrial Disputes Act, Objectives and salient features of social security laws including Employee’s Compensation Act, Employees Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, Payment of Gratuity Act, and the Pension Scheme of 1995, Salient features of the law relating to wages.
Methodology Lectures, groups discussions and experience sharing and panel discussion.
Participation Level Middle level executives of govt., public sector and private sector undertakings and representatives of trade unions.
Faculty Experienced and eminent persons from Labour Administration, Academics and trade Unions
Date From 13-06-2016 to 17-06-2016
Fee Rs. 12000/- per participant
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V.V. Giri National Labour Institute, NOIDA
Course Director

Developing Positive attitudes for Excellence at Work

Course Details:
Course Title Developing Positive attitudes for Excellence at Work
Course Aim The programme aims at equipping managers and representatives of trade unions with positive attitudes and skills through experiential learning for organisational development.
Course Objective
  • Conceptualising attitudes
  • Highlighting the impact of positive attitude in personal and professional success
  • Developing skills to deal with negative attitudes and their impact
  • Understanding the impact of positive attitude on organisational excellence
  • Developing positive attitude at work
Course Profile Role of positive attitude in organisational development, decision making and motivating self and others.
Methodology Lectures, individual and group exercises, case studies and experience sharing
Participation Level Managerial personnel and representatives of trade unions from government, public and private sector organizations.
Faculty Faculty from the Institute and eminent faculty from Behaviaoural Science will be invited.
Date From 16-01-2017 to 20-01-2017
Fee Rs. 11000/- per participant
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V.V. Giri National Labour Institute, NOIDA
Course Director

Managing Work Effectively: a behavioural approach

Course Details:
Course Title Managing Work Effectively: a behavioural approach
Course Aim Aims at managing work and behaviour at work effectively for personal and organisational excellence.
Course Objective
  • Enhancing sensitivity towards self, group and  organization
  • Inculcating diagnostic skills to understand assets and limitations of individuals
  • Developing skills of individuals in creativity and positivity
  • Enhancing creative problem solving skills
  • Learning to convert problems into opportunities
  • Developing skills to manage and communicate  at the work place
Course Profile Traditional vs. visionary leadership, Impact of visionary leadership in personal and organisational life, Skills of sustaining leadership.
Methodology Lectures, individual and group exercises, case studies and experience sharing
Participation Level Management personnel and union leaders from government, public and private sector organisations.
Faculty Faculty from the Institute and eminent external faculty from behavioral science areas
Date From 05-09-2016 to 09-09-2016
Fee Rs. 11000/- per participant
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V.V. Giri National Labour Institute, NOIDA
Course Director
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