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April 2017

Training Programme On Empowering Trade Union Leaders

Course Details:
Course Title Training Programme On Empowering Trade Union Leaders
Course Aim The programme aims at empowering of trade union leaders by enhancing their knowledge skill base.
Course Objective

At the end of the course the participants would be able to:-
•    To have  familiarity with the changes and trends in industrial relations
•    To sharpen skills of leadership.
•    To discuss the role of trade unions in emerging economic political scenario
•    To have knowledge about labour laws and recent changes in labour laws.

Course Profile Globalisation and industrial relations issues, Overview of select labour laws and recent labour jurisprudence and leadership styles.
Methodology (a) Class room Lectures (b) Group Work (c) Group Discussions, and (d) Behavioral Science Techniques. On the whole, the programme will be participative in nature.
Participation Level Plant level representatives of Trade Unions/Associations/Federations from government establishments, public sector and private sector undertakings.
Date From 10-04-2017 to 15-04-2017
Fee Rs. 19500/- per participant
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V.V. Giri National Labour Institute, NOIDA
Course Type paid
Course Director

Recruitment for the post of Associate Fellow

Vacancy/Job Details:
Vacancy/Job Title Recruitment for the post of Associate Fellow
Vacancy/Job Desc.
  • Undertake independent research studies on different dimensions of labour and related areas.
  • Organise training programmes for different target groups concerned with labour and employment.
  • Organise and co-ordinate seminars and workshops at both national and international level
  • Involved in undertaking collaborative activities with various Institutions /universities working
  • Bring out research and training based publications for wider dissemination.
  • Provide inputs for policy formulation related to labour.
Date of Announcement 29-03-2017
Last date of submission of application 13-05-2017
Vacancy/job Related File Download Vacancy/Job Info (recruitment-for-the-post- of-associate-fellow.pdf)

Post of Accounts Officer

Vacancy/Job Details:
Vacancy/Job Title Post of Accounts Officer
Vacancy/Job Desc.
  • Supervision of the Accounts Section.
  • Decision making in awarding the contract and its finalization.
  • Examining of Budget for the various training Programmes and Research Projects undertaken by the institute.
  • Monitoring and comparison of actual with sanction budget for expenditure under plan & non-plan activities.
  • Presentation of Schedules for finalization of Accounts and preparation of Balance Sheet.
  • Fund Management of New Pension Scheme and Development Fund of the Institute.
  • Co-ordination with internal, Income Tax and Govt. Auditors and performing the replies for Audit Paras.
  • Compilation of M.I.S. Reports for top level management.
  • Evaluation of various projects undertaken and their cost benefit analysis.
  • Preparation of work plan for the projects from other Ministries, ILO and other international Organizations.
  • Liaison with various Authorities.
  • Coordinating the committee in the matter related with purchase, Finance, Medical, Development Fund, Pension etc.
  • Preparation of component-wise annual budget, five year plan budget, performance budget, Mid-term evaluation, RE/BE etc.
  • Monitoring of Expenses on each budget head and report to the top management wherever differences arise.
  • Physical verification of library, assets and store items.
  • Monthly expenditure statement, Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), Standing Committee on Labour information and annual Utilization Certificate to the Ministry.
  • Financial monitoring and Utilization Certificate to various funding agencies.
Date of Announcement 17-04-2017
Last date of submission of application 24-04-2017
Vacancy/job Related File Download Vacancy/Job Info (Format of Accounts Officer Post.pdf)
