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May 2022

Training Programme on Future of Work and Social Protection of Workers

Course Details:
Course Title Training Programme on Future of Work and Social Protection of Workers
Course Aim The growing diversification of work arrangements has become a distinct feature of today’s labour markets. Over the years it has been seen that automation and digitalization have transformed several traditional forms of employment and also led to the emergence of several new forms of employment, such as the ‘platform’ economy. As the world of work continues to evolve, shaped by global trends such as digitalisation, automation and globalisation, as well as socio-demographic changes, social protection systems will need to adapt to changing contexts and demands. While some emerging work and employment arrangements may provide greater flexibility for workers and employers, they may also lead to significant gaps in social protection coverage. It is therefore necessary to strengthen and adapt a social protection system that would address the gaps and changes. A strong social protection system plays a key role in preventing poverty, reducing inequality, enhancing income security and enabling workers and their families to better navigate work and life transitions..
Course Objective Trace the transformations in the labour market and understand its implications in terms of social protection of workers; Understand the innovative policy responses that countries have put forward to better adapt their social protection systems to evolving demands in a changing world; Review and highlight the policy options in the Indian context through the recent Code on Social Security, 2020.
Course Profile New forms of employment; future of work; understanding the gaps in gaps in social protection coverage; innovative policy responses on social protection systems lectures, individual and group presentations, sharing case studies.
Participation Level Officials from government departments, Labour Officers, Trade Union Leaders and academicians working on this area.
Faculty Dr. Ruma Ghosh
Date From 04-07-2022 to 08-07-2022
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V.V.Giri National Labour Institute, Sector-24, NOIDA- 20l301, Distt. Gautam Budh Nagar Uttar Pradesh
Course Director
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Training Programme on Creation of Employment Opportunities: Learning from International Experiences

Course Details:
Course Title Training Programme on Creation of Employment Opportunities: Learning from International Experiences
Course Aim The challenge of employment, especially of productive employment in the formal segments of the economy, remains formidable. Employment depends both on demand for labour and supply of it. Creation of employment opportunities Is not satisfactory despite experiencing satisfactory growth rate. The Newly industrializing economies or the so called East Asian Tigers have left many impressive and innovative experiences for us. We need to understand their policies carefully to find better solutions for our employment challenges. The programme aims at what can we learn from them and how could we go about it.
Course Objective Understanding the employment situation in India. To identify the reasons of lack of employment creation. To understand the employment policies of NIEs when they started developing. To see if we could learn anything from them.
Course Profile Employment situation in India, Problems of insufficient job creation, Employment policies in NIEs, Lessons for us.
Participation Level Government officials dealing with employment issues, labour officials, researchers specialising on employment, representatives from trade unions and employer organisations. Participants should have working knowledge of English.
Faculty Dr. Ramya Ranjan Patel, Associate Fellow, VVGNLI, Email: rrpatel[dot]vvgnli[at]nic[dot]in
Date From 20-06-2022 to 24-06-2022
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V. V. Giri National Labour Institute Sector –24, NOIDA –201301
Course Director
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Training Programme on Code on Occupational Safety, Health and Working Conditions, 2020

Course Details:
Course Title Training Programme on Code on Occupational Safety, Health and Working Conditions, 2020
Course Aim The course aims at capacity building of the industry, Public sector undertakings and officials from the labour department on issues pertaining to occupational safety and health. It also aims to enhance the understanding on the legal provisions and policies available at the country for working towards effective implementation of OSH policies at the workplace.
Course Objective To provide an overview of the concept of occupational health and safety and discuss legal provisions for ensuring a safe workplace; To provide an understanding of international labour standards and share good practices on occupational health and safety; To discuss in detail the Occupational Health and Safety Working Conditions Code 2020 and the implications of the code on the labour market; To discuss the role of various stakeholders for compliance of occupational safety and health standards at the workplace.
Course Profile Concept of Occupational Safety and Health, international labour standards on OSH, Policy and Legislation on Occupational Health and Safety including the OSH Code 2020, sharing of best practices on Occupational Safety and Health.
Participation Level Labour Officials, Officials from Inspectorate of Factories, Safety and other Officials from Public Sector /Private Sector Undertakings, Employers' Organizations and Workers’ Organizations
Faculty Dr. Ellina Samantroy, Fellow ellinasroy[dot]vvgnli[at]gov[dot]in
Date From 06-06-2022 to 10-06-2022
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V.V.Giri National Labour Institute, Sector-24, NOIDA- 20l301, Distt. Gautam Budh Nagar,Uttar Pradesh
Course Director
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Training programme on Affirmative Policies Pertaining to Equity and Parity for Enhancing Women’s Participation in the Labour Market

Course Details:
Course Title Training programme on Affirmative Policies Pertaining to Equity and Parity for Enhancing Women’s Participation in the Labour Market
Course Aim The programme aims at enhancing enforcement competence and skills of Enforcement Officers pertaining to women employees focusing on following major objectives.
Course Objective To discuss concerns pertaining to gender parity in the Employment To develop understanding with regard to new directions in labour laws and judicial interpretations with specific emphasis on women engaged in the Employment. To develop strategies for effective enforcement of laws pertaining to the women in Employment. To provide awareness on Labour Codes
Course Profile Understanding Gender, Gender parity in the Employment, affirmative policies to promote inclusive integration of the women at workplaces, work life balance e.t.c.,.
Methodology Lectures, individual and group exercises, case studies and experience sharing.
Participation Level Officials from Central and State Governments/ UTs, and academicians.
Faculty Dr. Shashi Bala balashashi[dot]vvgnli[at]gov[dot]in
Date From 20-06-2022 to 24-06-2022
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V. V. Giri National Labour Institute Sector –24, NOIDA –201301
Course Director
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Online Training Programme on Gig and Platform Workers Social Security Issues

Course Details:
Course Title Online Training Programme on Gig and Platform Workers Social Security Issues
Course Aim The programme aims at sharing information and good experiences on policies and practices for protecting the rights of the gig and platform workers and their social security.
Course Objective Trace the transformation of the labour market with particular reference to changes in digital technologies and understand its implications in terms of protecting the rights and interests of workers in new forms of employment with special referenceto gig and platform workers. Understand the innovative policy responses that countries have established to protect the gig and platform workers and how they have adapted their social protection strategies to extend coverage to gig and platform workers. Highlight important provisions of the Code on Social Security, 2020 having relevance for gig and platform workers and Discuss global experiences and good practices relating to ways of providing socialsecurity access to gig and platform workers.
Course Profile Technological change, new forms of employment, working conditions, and protecting gig and platform workers in relation to social security provisions.
Methodology Lecture, group discussions, case studies and experience sharing
Participation Level Officers from Central and State Labour Department., Employers’ representatives and Trade Union representatives.
Faculty Dr. Anoop K. Satpathy anoopsatpathy[dot]vvgnli[at]gov[dot]in
Date From 13-06-2022 to 15-06-2022
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V.V. Giri National Labour Institute Sector 24, NOIDA 201 301 (U.P.)
Course Director
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NLI Research Studies Series No. 149/2022

NLI Research Studies Series No. 149/2022
Author: ,
Publisher: V. V. Giri National Labour Institue
Serial No: ISBN: 978-93-82902-82-9
Series No.: 149
(File Size: 6.83 MB)
Book Description
Select Policies and Practices on Industrial Relations in India
Book Specification
Title NLI Research Studies Series No. 149/2022
Publisher V. V. Giri National Labour Institue
Serial Number ISBN: 978-93-82902-82-9
Series No. 149
Year 2022
Number of Pages 64
File Size 6.83 MB

NLI Research Studies Series No. 148/2022

NLI Research Studies Series No. 148/2022
Author: ,
Publisher: V. V. Giri National Labour Institue
Serial No: ISBN: 978-93-82902-81-2
Series No.: 148
(File Size: 6.71 MB)
Book Description
Emerging Trends of Gender in Agriculture: A Case of Uttar Pradesh (Village)
Book Specification
Title NLI Research Studies Series No. 148/2022
Publisher V. V. Giri National Labour Institue
Serial Number ISBN: 978-93-82902-81-2
Series No. 148
Year 2022
Number of Pages 40
File Size 6.71 MB

NLI Research Studies Series No 147/2022

NLI Research Studies Series No 147/2022
Author: ,
Publisher: V. V. Giri National Labour Institue
Serial No: ISBN: 978-93-82902-80-5
Series No.: 147
(File Size: 8.79 MB)
Book Description
The Invisibility of Women in Indian Agriculture: A Case of Uttar Pradesh (Town)
Book Specification
Title NLI Research Studies Series No 147/2022
Publisher V. V. Giri National Labour Institue
Serial Number ISBN: 978-93-82902-80-5
Series No. 147
Year 2022
Number of Pages 32
File Size 8.79 MB

Shram Vidhan July- September 2021

Shram Vidhan July- September 2021
Editor: ,
Publisher: V. V. Giri National Labour Institue
Serial No: ISSN 0973-0435
Period: July-2021 to September-2021
Book Specification
Title Shram Vidhan July- September 2021
Publisher V. V. Giri National Labour Institue
Period July-2021 to September-2021
Serial Number ISSN 0973-0435
Number of Pages 40

Training Programme on ILO convention 102 and Code on Social Security, 2020

Course Details:
Course Title Training Programme on ILO convention 102 and Code on Social Security, 2020
Course Aim The programme aims at equipping the participants with a broad understanding of the key features of the ILO convention 102 and Code on Social Security, 2020.
Course Objective Discuss different aspects of the ILO convention 102 Discuss the major objectives and features of the SS Code. Analyse the various social security schemes under the Code with reference to organised and unorganised sector, the coverage and registration processes for each of the benefits. Discuss the role of the different social security organization/bodies to administer the social security schemes and penalty provisions for different offences. Understand the reforms/changes that have been made in the Code and how the reforms will address the issues of the workers and also how the Code will impact the employers on their businesses
Course Profile Understand the various social security schemes with reference to organised and unorganised sector; Understand the reforms in the Code and the impact on workers and employers.
Methodology Lectures, individual and group presentations, sharing case studies.
Participation Level Labour Enforcement Officials from Central and State Labour Departments.
Faculty Dr. Ruma Ghosh, Fellow
Date From 13-06-2022 to 16-06-2022
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V.V.Giri National Labour Institute, Sector-24, NOIDA- 20l301, Distt. GautamBudh Nagar Uttar Pradesh
Course Director
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