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January 2020

Advertisement for Research Associates (RA) and Computer Operator


Advertisement for Research Associates (RA) and Computer Operator

Advertisement for Research Associates (RA) and Computer Operator

Corrigendum for Research Associates (RA) and Computer Operator

Vacancy/Job Details:
Vacancy/Job Title Corrigendum for Research Associates (RA) and Computer Operator
Vacancy/Job Desc. Corrigendum for Research Associates (RA) and Computer Operator
Date of Announcement 22-01-2020
Last date of submission of application 24-01-2020
Vacancy/job Related File Download Vacancy/Job Info (Corrigendum.pdf)

Training Programme on Climate Instability and Labour Administration: Challenges and Opportunities from March 23-27, 2020 at VVGNLI Campus, NOIDA.

Course Details:
Course Title Training Programme on Climate Instability and Labour Administration: Challenges and Opportunities from March 23-27, 2020 at VVGNLI Campus, NOIDA.
Course Aim To enhance the knowledge, understanding and capacity of labour administrators and trade union leaders on matters relevant to decent work and climate instability
Course Objective • To sensitize the participants about the impact of climate instability on different segments of the labour force and their working conditions • To familiarize about the negative effects of climate instability and extreme weather events on employment vulnerability; • To acquaint the participants on various social security nets for the workers focusing on climate change resilience, adaptation and labour security; • To orient the participants on challenges related to climate change risks and its significance on effective enforcement of labour laws.
Course Profile Climate instability and impact on livelihoods and decent employment; Various adaptation and mitigation strategies adopted by labour; Demand-pull and distress-driven livelihoods strategies and its impact on labour supply; Effects of climate change and extreme weather events on overall labour dynamics, including trends in migration, child labour practices, deterioration of working conditions of labour, status of wage payment etc.; Effect of climate change on livelihoods of vulnerable sections; Labour laws and other social security provisions for the worker with respect to climate change resilience, adaptation; Challenges and opportunities before labour administrators for securing labour rights in risk environment
Methodology Lectures, Group Work, Discussions, Case Studies
Participation Level Labour Officials from Central and State Government /UTs and Central Trade Union Leaders.
Date From 23-03-2020 to 27-03-2020
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V.V.Giri National Labour Institute, Sector-24, NOIDA- 20l301, Distt. Gautam Budh Nagar Uttar Pradesh
Course Overview Training Programme on Climate Instability and Labour Administration: Challenges and Opportunities from March 23-27, 2020 at VVGNLI Campus, NOIDA.
Course Director
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Leadership Development Programme for Media Sector from March 23-27, 2020 at VVGNLI Campus, NOIDA.

Course Details:
Course Title Leadership Development Programme for Media Sector from March 23-27, 2020 at VVGNLI Campus, NOIDA.
Course Aim To develop the leadership of working journalists and media persons to address effectively the emerging issues related to work and workplace and contribute for the development of media sector and also the overall all development of working mass.
Course Objective • To understand the emerging issues in media sector. • To make them understand various professional challenges and strengthen skills to address the challenges. • To encourage them for contributing the development of media persons along with the overall development of working mass
Course Profile Overview of Media Industry, Issues and Challenges of Media Persons, Employability & Skill Development, Media and Entertainment Skill Council, Social Security, Welfare Measures, Major Laws, National Wage Board, Gender Issues, Leadership and other behavioral Skills, Development communication/ Development Programmes and Role of Media
Methodology Lectures, Audio –Visual Presentations, Group and General Discussions.
Participation Level Media Persons, Representatives from Working Journalists /Employees Unions and Leaders from Central Trade Unions working in Media Sector. We will appreciate if participants from reserved categories (SC/ST) are also nominated.
Date From 23-03-2020 to 27-03-2020
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V. V. Giri National Labour Institute Sector –24, NOIDA –201301
Course Overview Leadership Development Programme for Media Sector from March 23-27, 2020 at VVGNLI Campus, NOIDA.
Course Director
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Training Programme on Development Schemes as an Instrument for Social Protection for North Eastern States during March 23-27, 2020 at VVGNLI Campus, NOIDA

Course Details:
Course Title Training Programme on Development Schemes as an Instrument for Social Protection for North Eastern States during March 23-27, 2020 at VVGNLI Campus, NOIDA
Course Aim To develop an understanding of social protection and livelihood security for informal sector workers through development schemes.
Course Objective • Understand livelihood risk and vulnerability of the rural poor. • Understand the different social protection programmes that transfers assets and skills people for self-employment and public works programmes that enable people to cope with poverty. • Explore the alternative coping strategies/good practices for poverty reduction.
Course Profile Overview of social security and antipoverty programmes; sharing community experiments; understanding alternative strategies poverty reduction
Methodology Lectures, individual and group presentations, sharing case studies.
Participation Level Government Officials, Representatives of Central Trade Unions and NGOs from North Eastern states. We will appreciate if participants from reserved categories (SC/ST) are also nominated.
Date From 23-03-2020 to 27-03-2020
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V.V.Giri National Labour Institute Sector –24, NOIDA –201301
Course Overview Training Programme on Development Schemes as an Instrument for Social Protection for North Eastern States during March 23-27, 2020 at VVGNLI Campus, NOIDA
Course Director
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Training Programme on Monitoring and Evaluation of Active Labour Market Policies from March 16-20, 2020 at VVGNLI Campus, NOIDA

Course Details:
Course Title Training Programme on Monitoring and Evaluation of Active Labour Market Policies from March 16-20, 2020 at VVGNLI Campus, NOIDA
Course Aim This programme aims at enhancing the capacities of the stakeholders in conceptualising, designing and implementing effective labour market and employment policies and undertaking, monitoring and evaluation of such policies. The programme provides an opportunity for the participants to have intensive interface with renowned scholars and practitioners in the area of labour market and employment policies.
Course Objective • Provide an overview on labour and employment scenario of the world in general and India in particular • Acquire knowledge about different sources of data on labour • Developing capacities to undertake labour market surveys and employment impact and evaluation studies
Course Profile Importance of employment policy in addressing labour market challenges; role of fiscal and sectoral policies in generating employment, designing inclusive employment policies for combating inequality and exclusion, and understanding about active labour market policies and role of labour market regulations/institutions
Methodology Lectures, Interactive Sessions, Discussions and Case Studies
Participation Level Senior and Middle Level Officials and functionaries dealing with labour market and employment issues, researchers specialising on labour market and employment studies.
Date From 16-03-2020 to 20-03-2020
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V. V. Giri National Labour Institute Sector –24, NOIDA –201301
Course Overview Training Programme on Monitoring and Evaluation of Active Labour Market Policies from March 16-20, 2020 at VVGNLI Campus, NOIDA
Course Director
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Orientation Programme on Labour and Globalisation from March 02-06, 2020 at VVGNLI Campus, NOIDA

Course Details:
Course Title Orientation Programme on Labour and Globalisation from March 02-06, 2020 at VVGNLI Campus, NOIDA
Course Aim To familiarize young students with various Labour Issues and their capacities to contribute in their academic and professional pursuits.
Course Objective • To understand world of work and decent employment • To make the participants acquainted with various Labour issues • To discuss important issues related to labour and employment • To enable participants to contribute in their academic and professional work
Course Profile Understanding Labour and Labour Market, Overview of Issues, Skill Development for Employment, Employability (Youth Employability), Productivity, Inclusive Growth, Social Protection, Migration, Labour Administration, Child Labour, Gender Issues, Introduction to Labour Research, Leadership/communication Skill, Labour Research etc.
Methodology Lecture, Discussions, audio-visual presentations, case studies and experience sharing.
Participation Level University Students of Social Science pursuing Master Degree (Economics, Public Administration Sociology, Social Works, Management etc. We will appreciate if participants from reserved categories (SC/ST) are also nominated.
Date From 02-03-2020 to 06-03-2020
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V.V.Giri National Labour Institute, Sector-24, NOIDA- 20l301, Distt. Gautam Budh Nagar Uttar Pradesh
Course Overview Orientation Programme on Labour and Globalisation from March 02-06, 2020 at VVGNLI Campus, NOIDA
Course Director
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International Training Programme on “Enhancing Leadership Skills"

Course Details:
Course Title International Training Programme on “Enhancing Leadership Skills"
Course Aim To develop understanding, aptitude and positive attitudes on leadership among participants of Developing Countries.
Course Objective • Share and experience various leadership styles; • Insights into the leadership dynamics of inter-personal and inter-group relations; • Develop effective communication and listening skills; • Acquire skills for managing and resolving conflicts at work; • Develop positive attitude towards work, superiors, peers and subordinates; • Sharpen behavioural skills and insights for better supervision; • Improving organizational climate through effective leadership styles; • Role of leadership in creating a motivational work culture. • Appreciate changing labour market dybnamics and employment relations scenario in the context of globalisation; • Understand the concept and use of emotional intelligence; • Efficient ways of managing time and stress at work • Situational leadership and strategic leadership- new paradigms
Course Profile Leadership in globalised world; Leadership dynamics; Conceptual understanding of leadership; Leadership style; Visionary leadership; Globalization and world market and labour; Motivational styles; Communication skills; Developing positive attitude; Human Resource Management; Developing personal and organizational effectiveness; Conflict management; Intra and Inter Personal Relations; Stress management; leadership skills; emotional
Date From 09-03-2020 to 27-03-2020
Training Details International Training Programmes
Venue V.V.Giri National Labour Institute, Sector-24, NOIDA- 20l301, Distt. Gautam Budh Nagar Uttar Pradesh
Course Overview International Training Programme on “Enhancing Leadership Skills”
Course Director
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Advertisement for Research Associates (RA) and Computer Operator

Vacancy/Job Details:
Vacancy/Job Title Advertisement for Research Associates (RA) and Computer Operator
Vacancy/Job Desc. Advertisement for Research Associates (RA) and Computer Operator
Contact Person Dr. Ellina Samantroy, Fellow
Contact Phone/Mob. Ph.: 0120-2411483
Contact Email ellinasroy[dot]vvgnli[at]gov[dot]in
Date of Announcement 10-01-2020
Last date of submission of application 20-01-2020
Vacancy/job Related File Download Vacancy/Job Info (Advertisement-NCLP Final 2020-converted.pdf)
