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June 2022

Applications are invited for Research Associate (RA)

Vacancy/Job Details:
Vacancy/Job Title Applications are invited for Research Associate (RA)
Contact Person Dr. Shashi Bala, Fellow, VVGNLI
Contact Email balashashi[dot]vvgnli[at]gov[dot]in
Date of Announcement 16-06-2022
Last date of submission of application 30-06-2022
Vacancy/job Related File Download Vacancy/Job Info (Advertisement.pdf)

Training Programme on Fundamentals of Labour Codes

Course Details:
Course Title Training Programme on Fundamentals of Labour Codes
Course Aim The programme aims at equipping the participants with the context of labour legislation and recent Labour jurisprudence.
Course Objective To acquire the knowledge of substantive as well as procedural contents of Industrial Relations Law. To have an understanding of Social Security legislations. To develop an insight into the Wage Law. To gather an understanding of the law relating Contract Labour.
Course Profile Salient features of Industrial Relations Law including Trade Unions Act, IE(S.O) Act and Industrial Disputes Act, Objectives and salient features of social security laws including Employee’s Compensation Act, Employees Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, Payment of Gratuity Act, and the Pension Scheme of 1995, Salient features of the law relating to wages.
Methodology Lectures, individual and group presentations, sharing case studies.
Participation Level Middle level Officers of Government, Public Sector and Private Sector undertakings and Representatives of Trade Unions/Associations/Federations.
Faculty Dr. Sanjay Upadhyaya
Date From 04-07-2022 to 07-07-2022
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V.V. Giri National Labour Institute Sector – 24, NOIDA – 201 301 Distt. Gautam Budh Nagar Uttar Pradesh
Course Director
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Capacity Building Programme on “Identification, Rescue, Rehabilitation of Bonded Labour and Child Labour and Prosecution of Offenders”

Course Details:
Course Title Capacity Building Programme on “Identification, Rescue, Rehabilitation of Bonded Labour and Child Labour and Prosecution of Offenders”
Course Aim The programme aims to equip the participants with knowledge and skills for effective Identification, Release and Rehabilitation of Bonded Labour and Child Labour.
Course Objective To strengthen knowledge and skills for Identification of bonded labour and child labour To impart knowledge on Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for Identification and Rescue of Bonded Labour and child labour and Prosecution of Offenders To understand the process of fund disbursement, release of compensation and back wage settlement To discuss the importance of effective and timely prevention, rescue, repatriation, rehabilitation and reintegration ofbonded labour/child labour To understand the role of different Stakeholders and Social partners including the Law Enforcement bodies, Vigilance Committees, Child Welfare Committeesand Child Protection Units
Course Profile Magnitude, incidence, Dimensions ofBonded Labour and Child Labour, Rehabilitation Schemes, International Labour Standards, National Legislation, case studies, Standard Operating Procedures on Bonded Labour and Child Labour (MoLE), Judicial Interventions, etc.
Methodology Audio-visual Documentaries, Interactive Lectures, Group Discussion, Plenary Session and Panel Discussion, Role Play.
Faculty Dr. Helen R. Sekar helenrsekar[dot]vvgnli[at]gov[dot]in
Date From 26-07-2022 to 28-07-2022
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V. V. Giri National Labour Institute Sector –24, NOIDA –201301
Course Director
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Training Programme on Wage Policy and Minimum Wages

Course Details:
Course Title Training Programme on Wage Policy and Minimum Wages
Course Aim The aim of the course is to enhance the capacity of participants to understand wage policy and minimum wage issues of India and help contribute to the design, setting and implementation of wage policies at the national and state level. The course will also discuss ILO standards and global best practices relating to minimum wage system. The course will also provide opportunity to the participants to have intensive interface with policy makers and scholars on the subject of wage policies.
Course Objective The major objectives of the course will be to: 1- Provide overview of wage policy and minimum wage system of India; 2- Strengthen evidence based minimum wage-fixing and adjustments process; 3- Share international standards and best practices on minimum wage systems, constraints and challenges; and 4- Stimulate exchange of views and experiences among participants.
Course Profile This course focuses on capacity building to design, set and implement coherent and effective minimum wage policies. It explores major wage policy issues and instruments, by examining new trends, developments and a diverse set of experiences. The training will focus on the principles of effective wages policies, as well as providing some examples of different systems around the world.
Participation Level Senior and Middle Level Officials and functionaries from State department of labour, employers’ and workers’ organization dealing with wage policy and minimum wage issues who can contribute from the perspective of peer learning and supporting policy making.
Faculty Dr. Anoop Satpathy, Email- anoopsatpathy[dot]vvgnli[at]gov[dot]in
Date From 25-07-2022 to 27-07-2022
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V. V. Giri National Labour Institute Sector –24, NOIDA –201301
Course Director
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Training Programme on Social Protection and Livelihood Security for North Eastern States

Course Details:
Course Title Training Programme on Social Protection and Livelihood Security for North Eastern States
Course Aim To develop an understanding of social protection and livelihood security for informal sector workers.
Course Objective To understand livelihood risk and vulnerability of the rural poor. To understand the different social protection programmes that transfers assets and skills of people for self-employment and public works programmes that enable people to cope with poverty. To explore the alternative coping strategies/good practices for poverty reduction.
Course Profile Overview of social security and antipoverty programmes; sharing community experiments; understanding alternative strategies for poverty reduction.
Methodology The training involved lectures by resource person, brain storming sessions, discussions interactive sessions and sharing case studies.
Participation Level Representatives of NGO’s and Trade Unions from North Eastern States. Both English and Hindi working knowledge is required.
Faculty Dr. Dhanya M. B.
Date From 18-07-2022 to 22-07-2022
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V.V. Giri National Labour Institute Sector-24, NOIDA-201301, Distt. Gautam Budh Nagar, Uttar Pradesh
Course Director
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Course Details:
Course Aim The programme aims at addressing and strengthening the understanding of Gender sensitive environment with following major objectives.
Course Objective To address the issue of gender sensitiveness with holistic perspective; To enhance the capacity of the participants so that they could facilitate positive environment; To sensitize the participants for developing Culture-infused counselling while dealing with sexual harassment cases; To strengthen positive leadership in the world of work;& To develop stratagem for managing stress via teamwork To provide awareness on Labour Codes
Course Profile Gender sensitiveness; positive environment; Culture-infused counseling; positive leadership, etc.
Methodology This training will be delivered in online mode. The training will primarily be interactive in nature with the provision of case studies; dissemination of documentaries; group work; assignments.
Participation Level Police Personnel of Rank such as Station House Officer (SHO), Station Officer (SO), Police Station Incharge, Sub-Inspector, Assistant Sub-Inspector & Head Constable.
Faculty Dr. Shashi Bala, Course Director, Fellow Email: balashashi[dot]vvgnli[at]gov[dot]in/sbalatraining[at]gmail[dot]com
Date From 11-07-2022 to 15-07-2022
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue Online Training Programme
Course Director
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Capacity Building Programme on Code on Wages, 2019

Course Details:
Course Title Capacity Building Programme on Code on Wages, 2019
Course Aim The programme aims at developing capacity of all the stake-holders to understand the changes in the wage code and its implications on workers and businesses.
Course Objective The major objectives of the course will be to: 1- Provide an overview and key reform measures undertaken in the Code on Wages, 2019, contrasting them with provisions of the existing four wage related regulations; 2- Provide an overview and key reform measures undertaken in the Code on Wages (Central) Rule 2020; 3- Triangulate reform measures in Wage Code and Wage Rules with international standards and best practices; 4- Share possible Implications of the Wage Code and Wage Rules on workers and businesses; and 5- Stimulate exchange of views and experiences among participants.
Course Profile Overview and key reform measures undertaken in the code, Wage code and Wage rules with International Standards and best practices, Implication of wage code and wage rules on workers and industry.
Participation Level Officials of State/UTs Labour Departments and O/o CLC(C), Representatives of Trade Unions and Employer’s Associations.
Faculty Dr. Anoop Satpathy
Date From 04-07-2022 to 06-07-2022
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V.V.Giri National Labour Institute, Sector-24, NOIDA- 20l301, Distt. Gautam Budh Nagar Uttar Pradesh
Course Director
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Online Training Programme on Abolition of Child Labour and Bonded-Role of Police Personnel

Course Details:
Course Title Online Training Programme on Abolition of Child Labour and Bonded-Role of Police Personnel
Course Aim The programme aim at addressing and strengthening the understanding to build critical knowledge and capacity for accelerating progress against child Labor and, where relevant and forced labour.
Course Objective To identify and address legal and regulatory gaps in the areas of child labour and force labour; To address the issue of sensitiveness and inclusiveness with holistic perspective; To enhance the capacity of the participants so that they could facilitate positive environment; To strengthen positive leadership in the world of work for enhancing a culture of compliance; To develop stratagem for managing stress via teamwork for effective monitoring and enforcement mechanism; Establishment and /or strengthening of centralized and local databases and other mechanisms of filling complaints.
Course Profile Inclusiveness/sensitiveness; positive environment ;positive leadership, effective monitoring and enforcement mechanisms etc.
Methodology • This training will be delivered in an online mode. The training will primarily make use of lectures, case studies and experience sharing. It will also include group discussions and thus be participative in nature.
Participation Level Police Personnel from Defense.
Faculty Dr. Shashi Bala, Email- sbalatraining[at]gmail[dot]com
Date From 04-07-2022 to 06-07-2022
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue Online Training Programme
Course Director
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Online workshop On Empowering women through Digital Marketing

Course Details:
Course Title Online workshop On Empowering women through Digital Marketing
Course Aim The digital marketing course is designed exclusively for women who should recognise the value of their education, abilities, and talents. A career like digital marketing can help them cultivate their skills to their full potential. Considering the large scope of digital employment in our country, women must be a part of this innovative sector. Pursuing an outstanding digital marketing course can lead to success, which is even more impressive when it arrives at your door especially post carrier gap.
Course Objective An introduction to digital marketing and e-commerce An introduction to an e-commerce online e-learning course Practical instruction on how to register their business and connect it to an e-commerce platform. Creating a network of female entrepreneurs and giving them the opportunity to show off their wares and services to other attendees. Legislation pertaining to digitization
Methodology The workshop will primarily make use of Lectures, Discussions, Interactive Sessions and practical’s. It will also include Question & Answer sessions and thus be participative in nature. The session will also include a structured Power Point presentation.
Participation Level This workshop is exclusively meant for women representing Government and private organizations, women Researchers/ Students, Women Sarpanch etc.,
Faculty Dr. Shashi Bala, Fellow
Date From 28-06-2022 to 28-06-2022
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue Online Training Programme
Course Director
Download Course Info Download Course Info (Workshop on Empowering Women June 28, 2022 (2).pdf)
File Size 584.8 KB

Capacity Building Programme on Labour Codes and Rules

Course Details:
Course Title Capacity Building Programme on Labour Codes and Rules
Course Aim The programme aims at enhancing the understanding of the participants on the process of labour reforms in India. It would orient the participants to have an understanding on the key features of various labour codes.
Course Objective To discuss the overall framework of labour legislation in India and the context of labour law reforms; To provide an overview of the constitutional framework for formulation of labour legislation; To discuss the key features of four labour codes and rules; To understand the implication of these codes on the labour market.
Course Profile Framework of Labour Legislation, Constitutional Provisions, the Code on Wages, Code on Industrial Relations, Occupational Safety, Health and Working Conditions Code and Social Security Code and Draft Central Rules.
Participation Level Officials from Central and State Labour Services, Government Establishments, Private Sector Undertakings, Public Sector Undertakings, Educational/Research Institutions and representatives of Trade Union.
Faculty Dr. Manoj Jatav, Associate Fellow
Date From 27-06-2022 to 01-07-2022
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V.V. Giri National Labour Institute Sector-24, NOIDA- 201301 Uttar Pradesh
Course Director
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