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November 2022

Recruitment for the Post of Associate Fellows (Un-reserved)

Vacancy/Job Details:
Vacancy/Job Title Recruitment for the Post of Associate Fellows (Un-reserved)
Contact Person Mr. Harsh Singh Rawat
Date of Announcement 21-11-2022
Last date of submission of application 06-01-2023
Vacancy/job Related File Download Vacancy/Job Info (Advertise of Associate Fellow (UR).pdf)

Recruitment for the Post of Programme Officer (Un-reserved)

Vacancy/Job Details:
Vacancy/Job Title Recruitment for the Post of Programme Officer (Un-reserved)
Contact Person Mr. Harsh Singh Rawat
Date of Announcement 21-11-2022
Last date of submission of application 06-01-2023
Vacancy/job Related File Download Vacancy/Job Info (Advertise of Programme Officer.pdf)

Saamyik Shramik Mudde: Kuch Chaynit Aalekh

Saamyik Shramik Mudde: Kuch Chaynit Aalekh
Publisher: V. V. Giri National Labour Institue
(File Size: 12.06 MB)
Book Specification
Title Saamyik Shramik Mudde: Kuch Chaynit Aalekh
Publisher V. V. Giri National Labour Institue
Year 2022
Number of Pages 70
File Size 12.06 MB

Online Capacity Building Programme on Quantitative Data Management and Analytical Writing in Labour Research

Course Details:
Course Title Online Capacity Building Programme on Quantitative Data Management and Analytical Writing in Labour Research
Course Aim To Enhance data-handling, analytical and writing skills among stakeholders engaged in planning, implementing and monitoring the flagship programmes pertaining to the issue of labour
Course Objective To acquaint the participants with tools and techniques which are required for data management in labour studies – data extraction/ collection, validation of data, and analytical writing To equip the participants with the use of quantitative research tools, techniques and perspectives To train them in the application of methods; impart familiarity in the selection of appropriate tools and techniques and writing of reports
Course Profile Fundamentals of labour research; Sampling and survey methods; Overview of quantitative research techniques; Basic data management (primary and secondary) – methods and process; Basic indicators, socioeconomic, demographic covariates at different levels; Preparing variables/ indicators for analysis; Unit level data extraction and analysis with the help of STATA software; Essentials of analytical review/ report writing.
Methodology Interactive Sessions, Presentations, Group Work, Practical Exercises; Assignments
Participation Level Research scholars, Academicians, NGO practitioners and government officials at the district/ state level engaged in planning, implementing and monitoring flagship programmes pertaining to labour
Faculty Dr. Manoj Jatav
Date From 09-01-2023 to 13-01-2023
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Course Director
Download Course Info Download Course Info (Capacity Building Programme on Data Management and Analytical writing in labour research.pdf)
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Training Programme on New HR Practices being followed in different Public and Private Sector Organisations

Course Details:
Course Title Training Programme on New HR Practices being followed in different Public and Private Sector Organisations
Course Aim To develop better understanding of various aspects of organizational culture and development and impart appropriate behavioural skills for enhancing high performance work practices.
Course Objective The specific objective of the programme are to : Discuss the Emerging workplace environment and need for integrating inclusiveness into existing policies and practices of the organizations; Understand the impact of work culture on productivity enhancement in the context of the future of work; HR practices across globe & in India leading to employee’s involvement and engagement for influencing productivity; HRM practices performed in the private and public sectors of the economy in creating enlightened and positive work place ; Discuss success stories on supportive work place structures—facilities impinging on productivity; To understand effectiveness of E-HRM practices in different public and private sector industries
Course Profile Traditional vs. visionary leadership, Skills of sustaining leadership, E-HRM practices, future of work, inclusiveness e.t.c.,
Methodology Lectures, individual and group exercises, case studies and experience sharing
Participation Level Officials from public and private organist ions, PSUs, Bank officials
Faculty Dr. Shashi Bala
Date From 16-01-2023 to 18-01-2023
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V.V. Giri National Labour Institute Sector 24, NOIDA - 201 301 (U.P.)
Course Director
Download Course Info Download Course Info (New HR Practices in Public and Private Sector Organisation.pdf)
File Size 2.26 MB

Training Programme On Migration and Development: Issues and Perspectives

Course Details:
Course Title Training Programme On Migration and Development: Issues and Perspectives
Course Aim Migration is one of the defining features of the contemporary world of work and is integral to the process of social and economic development. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development provides for a strong link between decent work and migration in Sustainable Development Goal 8 (SDG) of promoting ‘sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all’. The huge potential contribution of labour migration to an inclusive development process can be fully harnessed only if there is a nuanced understanding of the emerging forms and nature of labour flows, on the one hand, and their impacts and implications at the micro and macro levels in the sending and receiving regions, on the other. This programme aims at aims at developing the capacities of researchers and policy makers towards explicating the emerging issues in migration, especially in terms of research and policy concerns.
Course Objective Understand the concepts and theories relating to migration Examine the emerging trends and patterns in migration Discuss key components of contemporary migration policies Analyse developmental potential of migration.
Course Profile Conceptualizing Migration; Theoretical Approaches Explaining Migration; Emerging Trends and Characteristics of Migration; Migration Policies; and Migration and Development.
Methodology Conceptualizing Migration; Theoretical Approaches Explaining Migration; Emerging Trends and Characteristics of Migration; Migration Policies; and Migration and Development.
Participation Level Trade unions, government officials, employers’ organisations.
Faculty Dr. Dhanya M. B.
Date From 21-03-2023 to 23-03-2023
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V.V. Giri National Labour Institute Sector 24, NOIDA - 201 301 (U.P.)
Course Director
Download Course Info Download Course Info (migration and development issues and perspectives from March 21-23, 2023.pdf)
File Size 3.24 MB

Training of Trainers Programme for Rural Educators

Course Details:
Course Title Training of Trainers Programme for Rural Educators
Course Aim The programme aims at empowering Rural Organizers from Trade Unions
Course Objective The programme is specifically being organized by the Institute in order to achieve following main objectives:- 1- Develop understanding of empowerment; 2- Discuss the issue of empowerment; 3- Develop Skills for enhancing leadership potential; 4- Acquaint with labour laws for unorganized sector; 5- To sharpen the skills for communications, personal effectiveness and strengthening their trade unions
Course Profile Rural Society, Behavioral skill for enhancing leadership potentials, Labour laws, Equal remuneration , Developing Training Skills
Methodology Lecture, individual and group exercises, case studies and experience sharing.
Participation Level Rural Labour leaders sponsored by Trade Unions, we will appreciate if participants from reserved categories (SC/ST) are also nominated.
Faculty Dr. Shashi Bala
Date From 23-01-2023 to 27-01-2023
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V. V. Giri National Labour Institute Sector –24, NOIDA –201301
Course Director
Download Course Info Download Course Info (Training of Trainers Programme for Rural Educators - Jan 23-27, 2023 (SB).pdf)
File Size 1.33 MB

Training Programme on Enhancing Competence of Youth Employability Skills

Course Details:
Course Title Training Programme on Enhancing Competence of Youth Employability Skills
Course Aim The employability skills, especially, the soft skills are highly significant in the current labour market context, and it is necessary for getting a job. This course mainly aims to facilitate youth to work.
Course Objective Develop employability skills, Enhance personality, leadership and communication skills, Understand the world of work
Course Profile Overview of employability skills including personality and communication skills, Role of leadership in personal development and communication process. Competence of youth in the globalised labour market scenario.
Methodology The training involved lectures by resource person, brain storming sessions, discussions interactive sessions and sharing case studies.
Participation Level Students from Universities/Colleges and Research Institutions
Faculty Dr. Dhanya M. B.
Date From 23-01-2023 to 27-01-2023
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V.V. Giri National Labour Institute Sector 24, NOIDA 201 301 (U.P.)
Course Director
Download Course Info Download Course Info (Enhancing Competence of Youth Employability Skills - Jan 23-27, 2023 (DMB).pdf)
File Size 1.3 MB

Training Programme on Convergence and Partnership for Addressing Labour and Development Issues

Course Details:
Course Title Training Programme on Convergence and Partnership for Addressing Labour and Development Issues
Course Aim The programme aims at enriching the knowledge of the participants about the concept, importance and inevitability of convergence in the policies and programme implementation and build synergies with government agencies, partnership with stakeholders and social partners for its effectiveness to address Labour and Development Issues.
Course Objective To understand the concept, features and importance of Convergence and Partnership. To discuss the various development programmes on livelihoods, capability enhancement, improving quality of life, entitlements etc. To discuss the issues and locate convergence and partnership of government agencies, social organisations with effectiveness. To enhance the capacity of participants to contribute constructively.
Course Profile Conceptual understanding of convergence and partnership in the context of Labour and Development, Building synergy of Centre–State and Local administration in Education, Skills Development, Creating livelihoods, Entrepreneurship opportunities in primary, traditional sectors as well emerging sectors, Social protection(Health Protection),housing, sanitation, cooking and electricity, labour administration etc. Partnership with social partners/stakeholders like private sector, CSR Units, Trusts, Societies, Academia, Research and Training institutes, Traders/industry associations, Gender Perspectives, Team Building, Sharing Experiences &Good Practices.
Methodology Lectures, Audio-Visual Presentations, Group Discussions, General Discussions and Interactive Sessions, Case studies, Good practices
Participation Level Government Officials/Labour Officers, Industry, Research/Training&Development Professionals, NGOs
Faculty Mr. P.Amitav Khuntia (p[dot]amitav[dot]vvgnli[at]gov[dot]in)
Date From 12-12-2022 to 16-12-2022
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Venue V. V. Giri National Labour Institute Sector –24, NOIDA –201301
Course Director
Download Course Info Download Course Info (Convergence and Partnership - Dec 12-16, 2022.pdf)
File Size 1.41 MB
