English Hindi

e-Shram, External Link that opens in a new window
Swachh Bharat, External Link that opens in a new window


All training schedule are listed here:

Duration :
07/01/2019 to 18/01/2019

The Course aims at developing the capacities of young research scholars in the area of
qualitative research. It provides an opportunity to go through a rigorous and interactive
exercise on understanding various qualitative methods and tools, with special focus on
labour research.

Duration :
07/01/2019 to 10/01/2019

Employment, in its quantitative and more pertinently in its qualitative aspects, is one of
the central concerns of public policy. While employment creation remains a crucial long
term policy goal, it is now emerging as one of the most important policy instruments for
tackling economic slowdown. Employment is not only a macroeconomic phenomena –
its importance and social and individual level is far greater. Employment remains the
foremost means for providing social security and tackling insecurities at the individual
level. It is in this context that this programme addresses various dimensions related to
generation of quality employment as a means to achieve the national goal of
sustainable and inclusive growth.

Duration :
14/01/2019 to 18/01/2019

The programme aims at empowering of trade union leaders by enhancing their
knowledge skill base.

Duration :
14/01/2019 to 18/01/2019

The programme aims at imparting training to the Members of Internal Complaints
Committees(ICC) and officials dealing with cases of Preventing Sexual Harassment at
the Workplace .

Duration :
21/01/2019 to 25/01/2019

To address and strengthen the understanding of gender issues in labour market. The
programme would acquaint the participants with the various inequalities prevalent in the
labour market and also enables them to develop an understanding about the challenges
existing in the labour market scenario.

Duration :
21/01/2019 to 25/01/2019

The Programme aims at empowering the emerging trade union leaders from rural
unorganized sector.

Duration :
21/01/2019 to 24/01/2019

The aim of programme is to make employees aware about importance of team work,
leadership skills, time management and stress management in their personal and
working life.

Duration :
28/01/2019 to 01/02/2019

The programme aims to acquaint the young participants from different universities with
the knowledge, importance and prospects of skill development in enhancing
employability and entrepreneurship of youth. After completion of master degree course
they are supposed to take up different career options this programme will enrich their
understanding of skill development, enhance their capabilities and enable them to play
larger role for the skill development of youth of the nation.


May, 2022

Duration :
23/05/2022 to 27/05/2022

The growing diversification of work arrangements has become a distinct feature of today’s labour markets. Over the years it has been seen that automation and digitalization have transformed several traditional forms of employment and also led to the emergence of several new forms of employment, such as the ‘platform’ economy. As the world of work continues to evolve, shaped by global trends such as digitalisation, automation and globalisation, as well as socio-demographic changes, social protection systems will need to adapt to changing contexts and demands. While some emerging work and employment arrangements may provide greater flexibility for workers and employers, they may also lead to significant gaps in social protection coverage. It is therefore necessary to strengthen and adapt a social protection system that would address the gaps and changes. A strong social protection system plays a key role in preventing poverty, reducing inequality, enhancing income security and enabling workers and their families to better navigate work and life transitions..

Duration :
23/05/2022 to 27/05/2022

The programme aims at empowering of trade union leaders by enhancing their awareness/knowledge base as well as behavioral skill base to help them evolve a more effective leader

Duration :
23/05/2022 to 27/05/2022

The programme aims at equipping the participants with growing urbanization, migration of poor families from rural to urban areas is resulting in increasing labour force participation of unskilled women workers.

Duration :
30/05/2022 to 03/06/2022

The programme aims at equipping the participants with the context of recent Labour reforms and labour codes.

April, 2022

Duration :
18/04/2022 to 22/04/2022

This training programme aims at enhancing the understanding and capabilities of Officers from the Inspectorate of Factories under State Labour Departments, to ensure Occupational Safety
and Health (OSH) in workplaces.

Duration :
18/04/2022 to 22/04/2022

The aim of the programme is to enhance leadership skills of the participants from North-Eastern States.

Duration :
25/04/2022 to 29/04/2022

The programme aims at enhancing the understanding of the participants on the process of labour reforms in India. It would orient the participants to have an understanding on the key features of various labour codes.

Duration :
25/04/2022 to 29/04/2022

To develop better understanding of various aspects of organizational culture and development and impart appropriate behavioural skills for enhancing efficiency and productivity of the organization(s).

Duration :
26/04/2022 to 28/04/2022

The programme aims to equip the participants with knowledge and skills for effective Prevention, Identification, rescue, release and immediate rehabilitation of Bonded Labour and Child Labour.

March, 2022

Duration :
07/03/2022 to 11/03/2022

To develop better understanding of various aspects of organizational culture and development and impart appropriate behavioural skills for enhancing efficiency and productivity of the organization(s).
