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Training Program

All training schedule are listed here:

Duration :
05/04/2021 to 09/04/2021

Employment, both in terms of quantitative and more pertinently qualitative dimensions, assumes centrality in contemporary public policy. While employment generation remains a crucial long
term policy goal, it is now emerging as one of the most important catalysts for rejuvenating economic growth. Provision of quality employment remains the surest means for providing social security and tackling insecurities. It is in this context that this programme addresses various dimensions related to generation of quality employment as a means to achieve the
national goal of sustainable and inclusive growth.

Duration :
12/04/2021 to 16/04/2021

The programme aims at strengthening the understanding of participants on gender and labour issues.The programme would acquaint the participants with the various inequalities prevalent in
the labour market and also enable them to develop an understanding about the challenges existing in the labour market.

Duration :
12/04/2021 to 16/04/2021

The course aims at equipping conciliation officers to appreciate the contemporary industrial relations scenario and nature of issues for conciliation along with developing behavioural skills required for effective conciliation.

Duration :
12/04/2021 to 16/04/2021

The programme aims at empowering Rural Organizers from Central Trade Unions.

Duration :
19/04/2021 to 23/04/2021

The programme aims at enhancing personal and collective skills needed for organisation development.

Duration :
19/04/2021 to 22/04/2021

Driven by various mega trends – technological advancements, demographic transition and globalisation – the world of work has been experiencing massive transformations in the last two to
three decades. In this crucial and evolving phase of the world of work, COVID-19 heralds unprecedented challenges, particularly in terms of even safeguarding jobs and incomes of the people. Nuanced understanding and analysis of the ongoing transformations in the world of work, on the one hand, and the ramifications of the COVID-related crisis in the labour and employment scenario, on the other, help us to identify some of the major pathways that may be navigated by the public policies related to labour in order to ensure a favourable and brighter future of work. It is also very obvious that we need collective action and proactive involvement of all concerned stakeholders, ranging from the government, employers and trade unions to researchers and civil society organisations, to respond to the challenges of change. It is against this background that the V.V. Giri National Labour Institute is organising this training programme on the ‘Future of Work: Navigating Transformations Effectively’ with the following specific objectives.

Duration :
19/04/2021 to 23/04/2021

To familiarize young students with various Labour Issues and their capacities to contribute in their academic and professional pursuits.

Duration :
03/05/2021 to 07/05/2021

The programme aims at enhancing enforcement competence and skills of Enforcement Officers pertaining to women employees.

Duration :
01/06/2021 to 04/06/2021

The programme aims at equipping the participants with a broad understanding of the key features of the Code on Social Security, 2020.

Duration :
01/06/2021 to 03/06/2021

The programme aims at enhancing the understanding of the participants on the process of labour reforms in India. It would orient the participants to have an understanding on the key features of various labour codes.

