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Labour & Development June 2015

Labour & Development June 2015
Editor: ,
Publisher: V.V. Giri National Labour Institute
Serial No: ISSN 0973-0419
Period: Jun 2015
Book Description

Female Labour Force Participation in India: The Importance of Education to Access Better Jobs
-Sher Verick and Ruchika Chaudhary

Determinants of Migration Decision and Destination Choice: The Case of Kerala
-Anu Abraham and Malathy Duraisamy

Labour and Livelihoods under New International Division of Labour: The Case of Asia
-Surendra Pratap and Annavajhula J.C. Bose

Structural Shifts in Indian Household Sector Consumption
-Mridusmita Bordoloi

Politics of Regulating Work and Safety at the Bombay Docks in the 1940s
-Shubhankita Ojha

Hospital as a Site of Contestation: Regulating the Health of the Indentured Labour in Colonial Mauritius 1842-1910

Book Specification
Title Labour & Development June 2015
Publisher V.V. Giri National Labour Institute
Period Jun 2015
Serial Number ISSN 0973-0419
Number of Pages 147
Journal Volume 22
Journal Number 1

Labour & Development June 2014

Labour & Development June 2014
Editor: ,
Publisher: V.V. Giri National Labour Institute
Serial No: ISSN 0973-0419
Period: Jun 2014
Book Description

Social Cost and Labour Productivity: Situating UTZ Certification and Sustainable Business in Sri Lankan Tea Industry
-Saji M Kadavill

Revisiting the ‘Moral Economy’ : The Mineworkers on South African Gold and Coalmines, 1951-2011
-Dhiraj Kumar Nite and Paul Stewart

Caste and Labour in the Official Discourse of India, 1942-52
-Shivangi Jaiswal

Learning Skills, Negotiating Identities in the Informal Labour Market: Experiences of Women Construction Workers
-Sakshi Khurana

New Economy in India: Changing Dimension of Work, Labour and Inequality
-Manoj Kumar Jena

Employment of People with Disabilities: An Analysis on Nature and Determinants
-Manju S. Nair

Mapping Employment in Urban India: Insights from NSSO 66th Round (2009 – 2010)
-Baishali Lahiri

Book Specification
Title Labour & Development June 2014
Publisher V.V. Giri National Labour Institute
Period Jun 2014
Serial Number ISSN 0973-0419
Number of Pages 172
Journal Volume 21
Journal Number 1

Labour & Development June 2013

Labour & Development June 2013
Editor: ,
Publisher: V.V. Giri National Labour Institute
Serial No: ISSN 0973-0419
Period: Jun 2013
Book Description

Surmounting India’s Employment Challenge: Evidence from NSSO Data (2004-05 to 2011-12)
-S.K. Sasikumar and Rakkee Thimothy

International Labour Organization and Domestic Work
-Archna Negi

Organizing Domestic Workers: Issues and Challenges
-Suneetha Eluri

Identity and Politics of Exclusivity in the North Bengal Tea Plantations: A Few Reflections
-Rinju Rasaily

Agrarian Structure and Rural Poverty in India
-Rathi Kanta Kumbhar

Rural Non Farm Employment in Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand: An Empirical Analysis
-Archana Sinha

Sanjay Upadhyaya, Policy and Law on Contract Labour in India
-Rajan K.E. Varghese

Book Specification
Title Labour & Development June 2013
Publisher V.V. Giri National Labour Institute
Period Jun 2013
Serial Number ISSN 0973-0419
Number of Pages 176
Journal Volume 20
Journal Number 1

Labour & Development June 2012

Labour & Development June 2012
Editor: ,
Publisher: V.V. Giri National Labour Institute
Serial No: ISSN 0973-0419
Period: Jun 2012
Book Description

Labour Migration and Integration in Kerala -Jonathon W. Moses and S. Irudaya Rajan

Vulnerability of Migrants and Responsiveness of the State: The Case of Unskilled Migrant Workers in Kerala, India
-N. Ajith Kumar

Engendering Women’s Work in North-East India
-Ellina Samantroy

Regulatory Framework for Addressing the Labour and Social Security Concerns of Contract Labour with a Focus on Private Security Personnel: A Cross Country Perspective
-Sanjay Upadhyaya

Determinants of Employment under Economic Liberalisation in India’s Electronics Industry
-Suresh R.

Second Annual Report to the People on Employment, 2011

Book Specification
Title Labour & Development June 2012
Publisher V.V. Giri National Labour Institute
Period Jun 2012
Serial Number ISSN 0973-0419
Number of Pages 140
Journal Volume 19
Journal Number 1

Labour & Development June 2011

Labour & Development June 2011
Editor: ,
Publisher: V.V. Giri National Labour Institute
Serial No: ISSN 0973-0419
Period: Jun 2011
Book Description

Interrogating Empirical ‘Support’ for Labour Market Flexibility
-Praveen Jha and Sakti Golder

Indian IT Industry and Work: A Study of Health Risk among BPO Workers in Bangalore
-Manoj Kumar Jena

AIDS Awareness and Vulnerability of Migrant Construction Workers in Faridabad, Haryana
-Jyoti Kakkar

Rethinking Cooperatives in Rural Development: A Case Study of Handloom Weavers’ Cooperatives in Manipur
-Otojit Kshetrimayum

Discourse on Corporate Social Responsibility: Rhetoric and Reality
-Roopinder Oberoi

Employment, Wages and Living Conditions of Migrant Workers: A Case Study of Migrant Construction Workers in Kerala

Book Specification
Title Labour & Development June 2011
Publisher V.V. Giri National Labour Institute
Period Jun 2011
Serial Number ISSN 0973-0419
Number of Pages 128
Journal Volume 18

Labour & Development Dec 2015

Labour & Development Dec 2015
Editor: ,
Publisher: V.V. Giri National Labour Institute
Serial No: ISSN 0973-0419
Period: Dec 2015
Book Description

Equity in Healthcare Utilization and Financial Risk Protection: Financial Implications of Illness Among Casual Labour Households
-Anup Karan

Access to and Utilisation of Health Care Services: A Study of NSS 71st Round Data with Special Emphasis on Casual Labour Households
-Subrata Mukherjee and Shiney Chakraborty

Excluded by Health Services: Maternal Health Care Utilisation by Women Construction Labourer in Bhubneswar City, Odisha
-Bhaswati Das and Deepshikha Tarai

Barriers and Gateways of Health Communication for Migrant Workers in the Unorganised Sector
-Jyoti Kakkar

Publicly Financed Health Insurance for the Poor –A Study of RSBY
-Ruma Ghosh

Whether Contractualisation Adds to Health Hazards? A Study of Select Manufacturing Units in Delhi
-Rinju Rasaily

Occupational Health and Safety of Women Workers in Tobacco Processing Units - A Case Study of Guntur District, Andhra Pradesh
-M. Trimurthi Rao

Status of Occupational Health of Workers in Hazardous Industries: An Inquiry into Asbestos and Ship Breaking Industry
-Gopal Krishna

Climate Change, Health and Labour: Exploring Uncertainty
-Manoj Kumar Jena

Jody Heymann (Ed.), Global Inequalities at Work: Work's Impact on the Health of Individuals, Families and Societies, Oxford: Oxford University Press
-Sabina Singh

Book Specification
Title Labour & Development Dec 2015
Publisher V.V. Giri National Labour Institute
Period Dec 2015
Serial Number ISSN 0973-0419
Number of Pages 218
Journal Volume 22
Journal Number 2

Labour & Development Dec 2014

Labour & Development Dec 2014
Editor: ,
Publisher: V.V. Giri National Labour Institute
Serial No: ISSN 0973-0419
Period: Dec 2014
Book Description

Poverty and Women’s Livelihood in Kerala: A Comparison of Two Sites
-Vinoj Abraham & J. Devika

Maximising Developmental Outcomes of International Labour Migration and Remittances: The South Asia–Gulf Experience
-S.K. Sasikumar

Methods, Criteria and Norms for Determination of Minimum Wage: An Inter Country Perspective
-Sanjay Upadhyaya

Workers’ Associations in a Public Sector Undertaking: Civic or Political Action?
-Aardra Surendran

Regulating Slavery in Colonial India
-Akanksha Narayan Singh

Casualisation of Employment in the Indian Textile Industry
-Bindu Oberoi

On-The-Job Search in India: Some Macro Findings
-Krishna M. and Bino Paul G.D.

Book Specification
Title Labour & Development Dec 2014
Publisher V.V. Giri National Labour Institute
Period Dec 2014
Serial Number ISSN 0973-0419
Number of Pages 172
Journal Volume 21
Journal Number 2

Labour & Development Dec 2012

Labour & Development Dec 2012
Editor: ,
Publisher: V.V. Giri National Labour Institute
Serial No: ISSN 0973-0419
Period: Dec 2012
Book Description

Social Security in India: Some Critical Issues
-V.P. Yajurvedi

Ideologies and Realities in Labour Relations Research: An Assessment
-Annavajhula J.C. Bose and Shashi Kumar

Economic Growth and Investment Scenario in Kerala: Issues and Perspectives
-S. Krishna Kumar

Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work: A Critical Analysis of the 1998 Declaration
-Aathira Raju

Eleanor Zelliot, Ambedkar’s World: The Making of Babasaheb and the Dalit Movement
-Shivangi Jaiswal

K. Ravi Raman, Global Capital and Peripheral Labour: The History and Political Economy of Plantation Workers in India
-Anish R.

Book Specification
Title Labour & Development Dec 2012
Publisher V.V. Giri National Labour Institute
Period Dec 2012
Serial Number ISSN 0973-0419
Number of Pages 152
Journal Volume 19
Journal Number 2

Labour & Development Dec 2011

Labour & Development Dec 2011
Editor: ,
Publisher: V.V. Giri National Labour Institute
Serial No: ISSN 0973-0419
Period: Dec 2011
Book Description

Towards Grounded Theories of Industrial Firm and Employment: A Critical Appraisal
-A.J.C. Bose and Saroj Sinha

Development of Labour Law and its Repercussions on Workers’ Politics (1926-1948): With Special Reference to Bombay
-Maya John

Women Entrepreneurship through Microfinance
-Dhanya M.B.

An Asian Approach to Labour Migration
-Shannu Narayan

Dimensions of Deprivation among the Marine Fisherfolk of Kerala: An Empirical Examination
-D. Shyjan

Changes in the Cropping Pattern and Women’s Work Participation in Agriculture
-Ranjith Mathew Abraham

Book Specification
Title Labour & Development Dec 2011
Publisher V.V. Giri National Labour Institute
Period Dec 2011
Serial Number ISSN 0973-0419
Number of Pages 116
Journal Volume 18
Journal Number 2

Gender and Social Security

Course Details:
Course Title Gender and Social Security
Course Aim To strengthen the understanding of gender issues in labour and raising awareness & effective implementation of social security measures
Course Objective
  • Provide a clear understanding of Social Security.
  • Provide information on the Recent Trends, National and International Experiences, Good Practices.
  • Offer a comprehensive resource repository in order to assist key stakeholders to design effective enforcement policy and raise awareness for implementation of various Social Security provisions.
  • Train the Employers, Trade Union, N.G.O and Officials involved in above process
Course Profile Rural Society, Behavioral skill for enhancing leadership potentials, Labour laws related to women: Maternity Benefit, equal remuneration, Sexual Harassment at Workplace
Methodology Lectures, Individual and group exercises, group discussions, field work, case-studies and experience sharing
Participation Level Employers, Central Trade Union Activists, NGOs, LEOs from Central and State Government
Date From 19-09-2016 to 23-09-2016
Training Details Domestic Training Programmes
Course Director
Download Course Info Download Course Info (training-of-trainers-programme-on-gender-and-social-security.pdf)
