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Training Program

All training schedule are listed here:

Duration :
09/09/2024 to 11/09/2024

Migration is one of the defining features of the contemporary world of work and is integral to the process of social and economic development. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development provides for a strong link between decent work and migration in Sustainable Development Goal 8 (SDG) of promoting ‘sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all’. The huge potential contribution of labour migration to an inclusive development process can be fully harnessed only if there is a nuanced understanding of the emerging forms and nature of labour flows, on the one hand, and their impacts and implications at the micro and macro levels in the sending and receiving regions, on the other. This programme aims at aims at developing the capacities of researchers and policymakers towards explicating the emerging issues in migration, especially in terms of research and policy concerns.

Duration :
17/09/2024 to 19/09/2024

The programme aims to equip the participants with skills and knowledge on various labour laws pertaining to safety and well-being of workers and to effectively prevent and address forced labour and child labour practices in the supply chains

Duration :
17/09/2024 to 20/09/2024

The programme aims at equipping managers and representatives of trade unions with positive attitudes and skills through experiential learning for organizational development.

Duration :
23/09/2024 to 27/09/2024

The programme aims at equipping the participants with the context of recent Labour reforms and labour codes.

Duration :
23/09/2024 to 25/09/2024

The programme aims to equip the participants with knowledge and skills for effective Identification, release and immediate rehabilitation of Bonded Labour (Adult and Child) and Child Labour

Duration :
30/09/2024 to 04/10/2024

The programme aims at equipping the participants with the context of recent Labour reforms and labour codes.

Duration :
30/09/2024 to 04/10/2024

To Enhance data-handling, analytical and writing skills among stakeholders engaged in planning, implementing and monitoring of the flagship programmes pertaining to the issue of labour.

Duration :
30/09/2024 to 04/10/2024

The programme aims at equipping the participants with the context of recent Labour reforms and labour codes.

Duration :
30/09/2024 to 04/10/2024

The programme aims at enhancing the understanding of the industrial relations managers and trade union leaders on the major opportunities and challenges relating to labour-management relations in a globalising economy.
