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Training Program

All training schedule are listed here:

Duration :
15/04/2024 to 19/04/2024

To make the participants understand the interlinkage between Labour and Development, discuss various issues and familiarize with initiatives to address the issues. This programme will enhance their capacities to contribute in their academic and professional pursuits.

Duration :
15/04/2024 to 19/04/2024

The main objective of the course is to educate the candidates the importance of wage code for the conducive working environment for the development of the employees and of the company as well. More specifically this session aims to:-
Educate the background, definitions and key takeaways on four labour Codes.
Examine the difference between the code on wages and the provisions of the four central labour enactment relating to wages.
Examine the difference between the code on social security and the provisions of the nine central labour enactment relating to social security.
Examine the difference between the code on industrial relations and the provisions of the three central labour enactment relating to industrial relations.
Examine the difference between the code on occupational safety, health and working conditions and the provisions of the thirteen central labour enactment relating to occupational safety, health and working conditions.
Discuss key issues and analysis of all the four labour codes

Duration :
15/04/2024 to 19/04/2024

The programme aims at enhancing personal and collective skills needed for organisation development.

Duration :
22/04/2024 to 26/04/2024

The programme aims at equipping the participants with the broad scheme and key features of various labour codes.

Duration :
29/04/2024 to 01/05/2024

The Programme aims to empower participants with a thorough grasp of social media principles, tools & techniques, and best practices, enabling them to skilfully devise, implement, and assess effective strategies

Duration :
29/04/2024 to 03/05/2024

The aim of the programme is to enhance leadership skills of trade union representatives from North-Eastern States.

Duration :
06/05/2024 to 10/05/2024

The programme aims at equipping the participants with skill development strategies in informal sectors..

Duration :
06/05/2024 to 10/05/2024

To strengthen the stakeholders’ understanding of migration through a gender lens.

Duration :
13/05/2024 to 17/05/2024

The Programme aims at acquainting the participants with the emerging labour issues for research in an interdisciplinary framework, strengthening their knowledge with various methods used in labour research, thereby enabling them to contribute further in the field of labour research.

Duration :
13/05/2024 to 17/05/2024

To sensitize the participants about the inequalities prevalent in the world of work and the challenges faced by women in the labour market. It would also enable the participants to develop an understanding of the existing legal provisions and international labour standards for ensuring equality in the workplace The programme also aims to address the larger questions on the intersection of paid work and unpaid care work and the relevance of social reproduction in labour laws
