English Hindi

e-Shram, External Link that opens in a new window
Swachh Bharat, External Link that opens in a new window


All training schedule are listed here:

Duration :
21/11/2016 to 25/11/2016

The programme aims at empowering the various stake-holders in the Building and Construction Sector.

Duration :
21/11/2016 to 25/11/2016

The programme aims to acquaint the participants with the dynamics of work environment, enhance the understanding about the various aspects of human resource management, human capital development and impart knowledge and skill to deal effectively.

Duration :
21/11/2016 to 25/11/2016

Generating more and better quality of employment is a common challenge faced by the countries world over. The challenge is more pronounced in case of developing countries with large informal sector and with problems of unemployment and underemployment. To face these challenges, governments are putting increasing emphasis on enhancing the skills of its people in general and that of workers in particular to increase their employability and to facilitate them to get decent employment.

Duration :
28/11/2016 to 02/12/2016

To address and strengthen the understanding of Gender Issues in Labour market.

Duration :
28/11/2016 to 30/11/2016

The programme aims at empowering the various Stake-holders in the Building and Construction Sector

Duration :
28/11/2016 to 02/12/2016

The programme aims to develop an understanding of the need for social security for workers in the unorganized sector.

Duration :
05/12/2016 to 09/12/2016

The Course provides an opportunity to go through a rigorous and interactive exercise on understanding various research methods and tools with special focus on labour research.

Duration :
05/12/2016 to 10/12/2016

The programme aims at empowering of trade union leaders by enhancing their knowledge skill base.

Duration :
12/12/2016 to 16/12/2016

To address and strengthen the understanding of Gender Issues in the labour Market and to enhance the understanding of related Laws.

Duration :
12/12/2016 to 16/12/2016

The programme aims at empowering Rural organizers from Central Trade Unions


October, 2023

Duration :
09/10/2023 to 13/10/2023

To discuss the context for labour law reforms and key features of labour codes

Duration :
09/10/2023 to 13/10/2023

GET Ahead aims to address some of the barriers women face in starting and running a business, including lack of entrepreneurial knowledge and skills, low confidence, and gendered norms and roles that increase the burden of household and care responsibilities. GET Ahead bridges the gender gap in entrepreneurship support by offering women and men both the business management and key soft skills they need to start a business.

Duration :
16/10/2023 to 20/10/2023

The course aims at capacity building of the industry, Public sector undertakings and officials from the labour department on issues pertaining to occupational safety and health. It also aims to enhance the understanding on the legal provisions and policies available at the country for working towards effective implementation of OSH policies at the workplace.

Duration :
16/10/2023 to 20/10/2023

The course aims at capacity building of the industry, Public sector undertakings and officials from the labour department on issues pertaining to occupational safety and health. It also aims to enhance the understanding on the legal provisions and policies available at the country for working towards effective implementation of OSH policies at the workplace.

Duration :
25/10/2023 to 27/10/2023

Recent years the wage code and the wage rules have introduced several aspects of reform related to the minimum wage, payment of wages and equal remuneration system of the country. Hence, it is important to understand the changes in the wage code and its implications on workers and businesses.

Duration :
30/10/2023 to 02/11/2023

The programme aims to equip the participants with knowledge and skills for effective Identification, release and immediate rehabilitation of bonded labour and child labour

Duration :
30/10/2023 to 02/11/2023

The programme aims to equip the participants with knowledge and skills for effective Identification, release and immediate rehabilitation of bonded labour and child labour

September, 2023

Duration :
04/09/2023 to 08/09/2023

The programme aims at putting increasing emphasis on enhancing the skills of workforce in general and women in particular for enhancing employability, entrepreneurship and to facilitate for decent employment.

Duration :
04/09/2023 to 06/09/2023

The programme aims at acquainting the participants with the compliance under the existing Labour Laws

Duration :
06/09/2023 to 08/09/2023

The programme aims to sensitize the participants about the changing nature of employment, the inequalities arising out of these changes and the need for social protection. It would enable participants to understand the international standards and existing legal instruments as well as some global best practices in order to promote workers’ rights, based on a model of social justice.
