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Training Program

All training schedule are listed here:

Duration :
05/03/2018 to 09/03/2018

The programme aims at putting increasing emphasis on enhancing the skills of workers in general and women workers in particular for enhancing employability and to facilitate for decent employment

Duration :
05/03/2018 to 08/03/2018

The programme aims at enhancing the understanding of the industrial relations managers and trade union leaders on the major opportunities and challenges relating to labour-management relations in a globalising economy.

Duration :
12/03/2018 to 16/03/2018

The programme aims at equipping managers and representatives of trade unions
with positive attitudes and skills through experiential learning for organisational


• Conceptualising attitudes
• Highlighting the impact of positive attitude in personal and professional
• Developing skills to deal with negative attitudes and their impact
• Understanding the impact of positive attitude on organisational excellence
• Developing positive attitude at work

Duration :
09/04/2018 to 13/04/2018

The programme aims at empowering Rural Organizers from Central Trade Unions

Duration :
09/04/2018 to 13/04/2018

The programme aims at empowering Rural women organizers from Central Trade Unions.

Duration :
16/04/2018 to 20/04/2018

To enhance organisation building capacity of activists of transport workers’ unions


March, 2023

Duration :
06/03/2023 to 10/03/2023

The main aim of the course is to enhance the capacity building of the participants on Sustainable Development Goals related to decent work.

Duration :
06/03/2023 to 07/03/2023

The programme aims to make the participants understand linkages between Gender, Work and Development, identifying issues and sensitise them against gender discrimination related to work and enrich the knowledge of participants with gender sensitive policies, programmes and good practices towards addressing the issues.

Duration :
09/03/2023 to 10/03/2023

The programme aims to sensitize the participants about the existing inequalities and the need for universal social security.

Duration :
13/03/2023 to 17/03/2023

The programme aims at enhancing the understanding of the industrial relations managers and trade union leaders on the major opportunities and challenges relating to labour-management relations in a globalising economy.

Duration :
13/03/2023 to 17/03/2023

The programme aims at empowering the various Stake-holders in the Building and Construction Sector

Duration :
14/03/2023 to 15/03/2023

To enhance the competence of social partners and motivate them to work towards the promotion and holistic management of livelihood and Social Security measures in the North East

Duration :
20/03/2023 to 24/03/2023

To address and strengthen the understanding of gender issues in labour market. The programme would acquaint the participants with the various inequalities prevalent in the labour market and also enables them to develop an understanding about the challenges existing in the labour market scenario.

Duration :
21/03/2023 to 23/03/2023

Migration is one of the defining features of the contemporary world of work and is integral to the process of social and economic development. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development provides for a strong link between decent work and migration in Sustainable Development Goal 8 (SDG) of promoting ‘sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all’. The huge potential contribution of labour migration to an inclusive development process can be fully harnessed only if there is a nuanced understanding of the emerging forms and nature of labour flows, on the one hand, and their impacts and implications at the micro and macro levels in the sending and receiving regions, on the other. This programme aims at aims at developing the capacities of researchers and policy makers towards explicating the emerging issues in migration, especially in terms of research and policy concerns.

Duration :
21/03/2023 to 24/03/2023

The Programme aims to acquaint the participants from with the knowledge, challenges and prospects of skill and technology in the world of work and manage business, work, professional excellence holistically in the context of future of work challenges and Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Duration :
27/03/2023 to 31/03/2023

To make the Employment Officers who are working in the area of Employment and skill development, aware of the Labour Market trends, Employment opportunities and important role being played by National Career Service project in this area.
